Sunday, September 30, 2018

Open Source Messaging Queue for Lightning-Fast Client Server Comms

In the recent past, I’ve been working on a big IoT project that has taught me an invaluable lesson about transferring data from client to server. And how to do it fast. Extremely fast. I thought I’d share what I’ve learned with you good people and maybe you can benefit, too.

I will give you some context first without revealing any trade secrets. All you need to know is that we were working with a device (Client) that gathered a lot of data. The device wasn’t stationary, so access to the internet couldn’t be taken for granted. An important requirement was that we needed the data to be transferred to the Server as quickly as possible. Ideally, it would have been instant, but we don’t live in an ideal world and we had to settle for the second best thing. Obviously, the transfer was to be performed in a safe and secure manner.

from Feed

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