Sunday, September 30, 2018

Digital Identity's Unlikely Cure for Improving Patient Experiences

Competition is heating up as cost pressures and value-based care models drive a continuous stream of consolidation through M&A in healthcare. A once-distributed landscape of local and regionally owned providers and insurers has become an industry defined by economies of scale, standardization, and competition across state lines:

  • The top 12 health insurance companies make up just over 50 percent of revenue in the American health insurance market. (1)
  • By 2024, "Only 50 percent of current health systems will likely remain," predicts a Deloitte analysis. (2)

To differentiate themselves from the competition, market leaders among payers and providers are turning to improved experiences. And here's another key stat for you: a whopping 91% of consumers say patient experience is either an extremely (55%) or a somewhat (36%) significant factor in health care decision making, according to the recent Consumer Perspectives on Patient Experience study. (3)

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