Sunday, September 30, 2018

90 New Features and APIs in JDK 11 (Part 2)

The new six-month release cadence of the JDK means that before we’ve even really figured out what the new features are in JDK 10 along comes JDK 11. I posted an earlier blog where I listed all 109 new features and APIs I could find in JDK 10, so it seemed obvious to do the same thing for JDK 11. I’m going to use a different format from the previous post. In this series, I have divided everything into two sections: features that are visible to developers and everything else. This second installment focuses on everything else — from nest-based access control to garbage collectors and more.

Non-Developer Features

JEP 181: Nest-Based Access Control

Java (and other languages) supports nested classes through inner classes. To make this work correctly, it requires the compiler to perform some tricks. Here’s an example:

from Feed

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