Wednesday, August 31, 2022

A Jetbrains IDE plugin to make beautiful screenshot of your code : ScreenCode

submitted by /u/Real_Ad6331
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from programming

Is LinkedIn still good place to find work?

submitted by /u/Equivalent_Song_2918
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from programming

Git’s Database Internals III: File History Queries

submitted by /u/iamkeyur
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Some ways to get better at debugging

submitted by /u/feross
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from programming

Slim your aggregates with Event Sourcing!

submitted by /u/Adventurous-Salt8514
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from programming

Open Source Bait and Switch

I was reading this article and wanted to post a comment but I felt this warrants a response article. First, if you don’t know me I've written a ton of Open Source code. Whole platform and then some. I think the general view is expressed in that article and a lot of the fluff I see online is over simplistic and dangerous.

We Need To Get Paid

Who will pay your salary?

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Deprecating and removing Web SQL

submitted by /u/feross
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from programming

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Xcode Cloud Subscriptions Now Available for Developers

submitted by /u/NateJTB
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from programming

Engineer SHORT feedback loops

submitted by /u/twitchard
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from programming

Microservices with Serverless Framework

submitted by /u/bitter-cognac
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from programming

Understanding stock options

submitted by /u/mrbogle
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from programming

API Analytics Across the Developer Journey

Every API product manager wants as many developers as possible adopting and using their APIs. They want them to get to Hello World quickly and have a great developer experience (DX) along the way. Of course, the bigger goal is to be able to tie API success into the larger objectives of the company. For many, despite the best intentions, their metrics are too simplistic, narrow, and based on outdated models of engagement.

With complete API analytics, you can guide API users throughout the entire journey—from signup and education to Hello World and app deployment. Often, it’s not enough for someone to get started with your API. Instead, you want them to make complete use of it. And raw usage of the API does not tell the full story of your collective customer experience. You can use analytics to carefully plan the design of every API, improve the experience for every developer, and maximize the outcomes for your product.

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dman – Read Manual Pages as PDFs From dmenu

submitted by /u/SaltyMaybe7887
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from programming

Monday, August 29, 2022

Design Your Codebase with Low Fan-out, High Fan-in Classes

submitted by /u/calthomp
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from programming

A technical analysis of Pegasus for Android – Part 1

submitted by /u/CyberMasterV
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from programming

Understanding Consistency Level in the Milvus Vector Database

Have you ever wondered why sometimes the data you have deleted from the Milvus vector database still appear in the search results?

A very likely reason is that you have not set the appropriate consistency level for your application. Consistency level in a distributed vector database is critical as it determines at which point a particular data write can be read by the system.

Therefore, this article aims to demystify the concept of consistency and delve into the levels of consistency supported by the Milvus vector database.

What Is Consistency?

Before getting started, we need to first clarify the connotation of consistency in this article, as the word "consistency" is an overloaded term in the computing industry. Consistency in a distributed database specifically refers to the property that ensures every node or replica has the same view of data when writing or reading data at a given time. Therefore, here we are talking about consistency as in the CAP theorem.

For serving massive online businesses in the modern world, multiple replicas are commonly adopted. For instance, online e-commerce giant Amazon replicates its orders or SKU data across multiple data centers, zones, or even countries to ensure high system availability in the event of a system crash or failure. This poses a challenge to the system - data consistency across multiple replicas. Without consistency, it is very likely that the deleted item in your Amazon cart reappears, causing a very bad user experience.

Hence, we need different data consistency levels for different applications. And luckily, Milvus, a database for AI, offers flexibility in consistency level, and you can set the consistency level that best suits your application.

Consistency in the Milvus Vector Database

The concept of consistency level was first introduced with the release of Milvus 2.0. The 1.0 version of Milvus was not a distributed vector database, so we did not involve tunable levels of consistency then. Milvus 1.0 flushes data every second, meaning that new data are almost immediately visible upon their insertion and Milvus reads the most updated data view at the exact time point when a vector similarity search or query request comes.

However, Milvus was refactored in its 2.0 version, and Milvus 2.0 is a distributed vector database based on a pub-sub mechanism. The PACELC theorem points out that a distributed system must trade off between consistency, availability, and latency. Furthermore, different levels of consistency serve different scenarios. Therefore, the concept of consistency was introduced in Milvus 2.0, and it supports tuning levels of consistency.

Four Levels of Consistency in the Milvus Vector Database

Milvus supports four levels of consistency:  strong, bounded staleness, session, and eventualAnd a Milvus user can specify the consistency level when creating a collection or conducting a vector similarity search or query. This section will continue to explain how these four levels of consistency are different and which scenario they are best suited for.

1. Strong

Strong is the highest and the most strict level of consistency. It ensures that users can read the latest version of data.


An illustration of strong consistency.

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submillisecond – A Rust Web Framework

submitted by /u/bkolobara
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from programming

How to Make a Chart in JavaScript With Chart.js?

There are many JavaScript libraries for drawing different charts, from line charts, bars, graphs, and much more. 

If you're trying to learn how to show data dynamically on your website using JavaScript, Chart.js is one of the libraries you can test.

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Why mocking is a bad idea

submitted by /u/fagnerbrack
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from programming

Saturday, August 27, 2022

OpenTelemetry: A Quarkus Superheroes Demo of Observability

Are you building microservices? Do you struggle with observability and with capturing telemetry data between distributed services? This article shows how to quickly and easily introduce OpenTelemetry into a distributed system built on Java with Quarkus. This combination allows you to visualize the interactions between all the microservices within an overall system.

The article introduces the official Quarkus sample application, Quarkus Superheroes, deploys it on the free Developer Sandbox for Red Hat OpenShift, and demonstrates how to collect and visualize telemetry data in order to observe microservices' behavior.

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MATE: Interactive Program Analysis with Code Property Graphs

submitted by /u/p4bl0
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from programming

What Are Source Maps and How to Properly Use Them

You are debugging a web app for a client but the minified version of the JavaScript and CSS code makes it impossible to understand what statements the browser is actually executing.

You could break down the original code line by line in your editor putting some console.log() statements here and there, or try debugging it from its transformed state.

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Python Recommender Systems In 1 Hour 🔥

submitted by /u/Best_Fold_2554
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from programming

I though long and hard about how to do loops across a region of cells in spreadsheets in a functional way, without duplicating cell formulas, and this is what I came up with: extending Python's list comprehension to 2 dimensions. What do you think?

submitted by /u/drplanar
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from programming

Discord Bot that will display memes and pics that you and your friends upload instead of some random APIs. Upload the pictures on a different site (shufflepik), the bot "shuffles" the pics and displays. Last post had terrible vid, with no info apologies.

submitted by /u/shufflepikjesse
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from programming

Serverless is the New Timeshare

We have shared amnesia. When I speak to younger developers about past technologies, I often get blank stares. To be fair, some of that is because I’m a bit “intense” or “weird” but some of that is because. Huh? Really? Did we have that?

Case in point XA transactions and 2PC (Two Phase Commit). We have a young generation that’s completely ignorant of that capability and the fact that this was “a thing”. Did the requirement for transaction management somehow vanish?

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Search nested data with Python, DocArray and subindices

submitted by /u/pmz
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from programming

Friday, August 26, 2022

Kind (Kubernetes in Docker) with Docker Compose

submitted by /u/skhaz
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from programming

Engineer distributes resume via IPv6 traceroute

submitted by /u/iamkeyur
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from programming

Here Is How To Develop UIs Faster in ReactJS

It’s 2022, and React has a huge ecosystem to help developers bring complex UIs to life faster. Furthermore, with the extensive support of ReactJS libraries, there is hardly any case when a developer has to build a component from scratch.

However, not every ReactJS UI developer is aware of the best practices to build UIs faster in ReactJS. Therefore, I’ll be discussing the top five approaches (which I personally use) for building UIs quicker in a ReactJS project. So without further ado, let’s get started:

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World’s Most Popular Password Manager Admits to Being Hacked — How to Protect Your Personal Info

submitted by /u/stronghup
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from programming

Optimizing Images with the Angular Image Directive

submitted by /u/feross
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from programming

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Build a WebAssembly Language for Fun and Profit Part 2: Parsing

submitted by /u/UberAtlas
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from programming

RxJS Programming - An Introduction to Reactive Extensions for JavaScript

submitted by /u/AllSortsOfProducts
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A compromised developer account led to a security incident at LastPass

submitted by /u/ConsistentComment919
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from programming

Advanced Cloud Security

Cyber threats have become more sophisticated. Hence, it is a good idea to utilize the expertise of public cloud providers to better manage assets against security threats. Cloud security is a collection of proactive measures to protect your cloud assets from internal and external threats. In this Refcard, we will walk through common cloud security challenges, continuous security for cloud infrastructure, and advanced strategies for securing cloud workloads.

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PostgreSQL 14 Internals book – Part II

submitted by /u/iamkeyur
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from programming

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Template-based PDF Document Generation in Javascript

Document generation is a very common requirement in the life of a developer. Whether it is an e-commerce site, Management app, or anything. It can be invoice generation, insurance document preparation, doctors prescription, HR Offer generation, Payslip generation and you could think of tons of use cases.  There always will be a need for document generation.

From a developer's perspective, there are a few common approaches to getting this job done. 

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Should you learn Data Structures when learning Programming?

submitted by /u/low-effort-music
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from programming

Maintenance of a Multi-Database Citus Cluster

This guide is designated for database administrators (DBA) who manages an on-premise cluster of PostgreSQL nodes with Citus, an extension for PostgreSQL for horizontal scalability and columnar storage.

Every DBA at some point reaches a threshold when manual maintenance of a cluster becomes an arduous chore, and the necessity of some automated solution becomes more and more apparent. Here will be discussed an example of such an automated solution.

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Why do arrays start at 0?

submitted by /u/sixthsheik
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from programming

Taking Github Copilot for a Spin

submitted by /u/dm13450
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Shakespeare Semantic Search

submitted by /u/davidmezzetti
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from programming

FLEDGE services for Chrome and Android

submitted by /u/feross
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Eclipse: python-fire inspired library to simplify creating CLIs in Go

submitted by /u/avamsi
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from programming

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Dagger vs. bob: Comparing two build systems aiming for parity between dev and CI environments

submitted by /u/Equianox
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from programming

How Does Bolin Compile? (It's faster than Go)

submitted by /u/levodelellis
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from programming

Valet Key Design Pattern in 30 Seconds

submitted by /u/ablx0000
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from programming

how can i learn lua programming language for free

submitted by /u/Unlucky_Jackfruit_33
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from programming

How To Create a Spring Boot Kubernetes Controller

In this article, we will look at creating a Kubernetes Controller using Spring Boot that will handle requests when a CRD instance is created, updated, or deleted.

Project Setup

Let’s go to and create a new project with the following dependencies.

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Increase Your Vector Database Read Throughput with In-Memory Replicas

With its official release, Milvus 2.1 comes with many new features such as in-memory replicas, support for string data type, embedded Milvus, tunable consistency, user authentication, and encryption in transit to provide convenience and a better user experience. Though the concept of the in-memory replica is nothing new to the world of distributed databases, it is a critical feature that can help you boost system performance, increase database read throughput, and enhance the utilization of hardware resources in an effortless way. 

Therefore, this post sets out to explain what in-memory replica is and why it is important, and then introduces how to enable this new feature in Milvus, a vector database for AI.

Concepts Related to In-Memory Replica

Before getting to know what in-memory replica is and why it is important, we need to first understand a few relevant concepts, including replica group, shard replica, streaming replica, historical replica, and shard leader. The image below is an illustration of these concepts.

Replica concepts.

Replica concepts

Replica Group

A replica group consists of multiple query nodes that are responsible for handling historical data and replicas. More specifically, the query nodes in the Milvus vector database retrieve incremental log data and turn them into growing segments by subscribing to the log broker, loading historical data from the object storage, and running hybrid searches between vector and scalar data.

Shard Replica

A shard replica consists of a streaming replica and a historical replica, both belonging to the same shard (i.e., Data manipulation language channel, abbreviated as DML channel in Milvus). Multiple shard replicas make up a replica group. And the exact number of shard replicas in a replica group is determined by the number of shards in a specified collection.

Streaming Replica

A streaming replica contains all the growing segments from the same DML channel. A growing segment keeps receiving the newly inserted data till it is sealed. Technically speaking, a streaming replica should be served by only one query node in one replica.

Historical Replica

A historical replica contains all the sealed segments from the same DML channel. A sealed segment no longer receives any new data and will be flushed to the object storage, leaving new data to be inserted into a freshly created growing segment. The sealed segments of one historical replica can be distributed on several query nodes within the same replica group.

Shard Leader

A shard leader is the query node serving the streaming replica in a shard replica.

from Feed

"The No. 1 undiagnosed problem keeping developers from actually building & shipping things are pull requests. Over 50% come back with just a LGTM after lingering over 4+ days waiting for a dev to review." A data team reviewed 1,000,000 pull requests & found out they're the top blocker of workflow

submitted by /u/defenseless_flask
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from programming

Monday, August 22, 2022

Feature Store - Why Do You Need One?

A feature store is a storage system for features. Features are properties of data calculated through an ETL process or feature pipeline. This pipeline takes raw data and calculates a property from it. This property - usually a numeric value - will be useful to a machine learning model. It is important to find adequate, correct, and quality features. The quality of those features is the most important contributor to a model's success. The model will use the features either to train itself or to make predictions. A feature store will help to organize and use those features.

At its core, a feature store is only a database. More specifically, there are usually two databases. There is an offline store equipped to store large sums of data, like an HBase or S3. There is also an online store equipped for fast data serving, like Cassandra. Features are organized in feature groups, which can be thought of as tables. Features that are used together are stored in the same feature group so access to them is faster and without joins. There are many ETL processes (think Spark) that write to the offline store. Data from the offline store replicates to the online store to keep them consistent. Data streams can also write both to the online and offline stores, for fast real-time data access.

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React JS Programming - React Javascript - Learn How To Build Production-Ready Apps

submitted by /u/AllSortsOfProducts
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Postman pre-request script to avoid accidents in production

submitted by /u/chiffelhal
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from programming

Top Alternatives to Django for Web Development

One of the steadily growing popularity frameworks is Django. It has proven to be among the best web development means for developers. And in our development team, it is also a common part of many cases’ tech stacks. Thus, I’ve decided to overview what are the top alternatives to Django on the market and which of them could bring more productivity. 

Let’s have a look at Statista research. They made a sum-up to conclude how the rank for most popular backend frameworks changed throughout the 10 years gap. And as we can see, Django was in the top 5 all the time, aside from 2018. Currently, in 2022 it is recognized as almost the best one among competitors, and I think Django’s worth it. Here are a few reasons why:

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What Is Iterative and Incremental Development

Different types of projects have different management styles, organizational structures, and life cycles. There is no perfect one for each. Every project has its place, optimal balance, and development process, which can be either iterative, or with a high degree of change in the requirements and environment, or incremental, the one that delivers results on a regular basis. What does that mean?

Let’s have a look at what is iterative software development first.

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Rclex: A Library for Robotics to meet Elixir | Hideki Takase | Code BEAM America 2021

submitted by /u/erlangsolutions
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from programming

Sunday, August 21, 2022

Concentration for Software Engineers

submitted by /u/wineandcode
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from programming

Setup Jira With MySQL Docker.

Hello Everyone,

I am here again after a long gap. I have something new and interesting. In this article, we are going to set up a Jira DataCenter/Server-based instance on our host machine.

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I wrote some code to help improve my speaking skills

submitted by /u/james-r-90
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from programming

Backend-for-Frontend: The Demo

In one of my earlier posts, I described the Backend-for-Frontend pattern. In short, it offers a single facade over multiple backend parts. Moreover, it provides each client type, e.g. desktop, mobile, exactly the data that it needs and not more in the format required by this client type.

The Use-case

Imagine the following use case. In an e-commerce shop, the home page should display multiple unrelated data at once.

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John Carmack: Best programming setup and IDE | Lex Fridman Podcast Clips

submitted by /u/Iuse_arch_btw
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from programming

Saturday, August 20, 2022

Network Tracking using Wireshark and Google Maps

submitted by /u/Best_Fold_2554
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from programming

Supabase and Svelte Quickstart Guide

This example provides the steps to build a simple user management app (from scratch!) using Supabase and Svelte. It includes:

  • Supabase Database: a Postgres database for storing your usage data.
  • Supabase Auth: users can sign in with magic links (no passwords, only email).
  • Supabase Storage: users can upload a photo.
  • Row Level Security: data is protected so that individuals can only access their own data.
  • Instant APIs: APIs will be automatically generated when you create your database tables.

By the end of this guide you'll have an app that allows users to log in and update some basic profile details:

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For new learners, Thonny is a python IDE for beginners that I found extremely useful.

submitted by /u/Lonely-Ninja
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from programming

Level up Your Engineering Management Skills: Why You Should View Your Mistakes as ‘Misses’

As an engineer, you might have learned the basics from textbooks or watched a series of tutorials. 

Managing engineers is different and isn’t something that can be mastered by simply reading a book. 

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I recreated famous album covers with DALL-E

submitted by /u/lucytalksdata
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from programming

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Using Embedded Milvus to Instantly Install and Run Milvus With Python

Milvus is an open-source vector database for AI applications. It provides a variety of installation methods, including building from source code and installing Milvus with Docker Compose/Helm/APT/YUM/Ansible. Users can choose one of the installation methods depending on their operating systems and preferences. However, there are many data scientists and AI engineers in the Milvus community who work with Python and yearn for a much simpler installation method than the currently available ones.

Therefore, we released embedded Milvus, a user-friendly Python version, along with Milvus 2.1 to empower more Python developers in our community. This article introduces what embedded Milvus is and provides instructions on how to install and use it.

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Scheduled Tasks With Hyperlambda and Retry

Scheduled tasks imply repeatedly executing some piece of code according to some interval. Adding retry implies retrying execution until it succeeds. Creating scheduled tasks with Hyperlambda is extremely easy. Making sure your tasks execute using retry logic is slightly more complex, but it's quite easy once you understand the flow of things, and you learn some basic Hyperlambda. To understand our code, we'll need to analyze some of the core Hyperlambda slots first.

Hyperlambda Is Async to the Bone

The above implies that Hyperlambda consumes tiny amounts of operating system resources while it's waiting for tasks. If you invoke [http.get] to retrieve some data from another server, the thread your Hyperlambda is scheduled to run on is actually suspended and released back to the operating system. This allows your operating system to "reuse" threads for different tasks, resulting in your app as a whole can accept a lot more throughput. Your app scales much better as a result.

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Lossy Image Compression with Dithering (in Python)

submitted by /u/strikingLoo
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from programming

7 Practical Reasons Why Software Testing Is Imperative to the Development Cycle

Thorough testing is critical to the development of any software product. It can cost companies order of magnitude much more to fix a bug in the wild than if they’d caught it early in development.

These bugs cost money, lose customers, and tarnish your brand. Trust in your brand is critically important in B2B software; users depend on you to pay their employees. This is one reason software testing is necessary before your business app launch.

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CAP or no CAP? Understanding when the CAP theorem applies and what it means.

submitted by /u/fagnerbrack
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from programming

Android - Material & Custom theming using Jetpack Compose

submitted by /u/daniyaljavaid95
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from programming

Wednesday, August 17, 2022


submitted by /u/fagnerbrack
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from programming

How Are Smart Technologies Changing the Translation Industry?

We are currently at a point in language and technological development when a collision is inevitable – some may even argue that it has already occurred. We are simply waiting for the dust to settle. Digitalization, the Internet of Things, AI and machine learning, and – going back even farther – the smartphone, voice recognition, and the introduction of the internet and social media; all those technologies have contributed to the world we live in now. 

Of all technologies, Artificial Intelligence is the most spoken one that is already used in every industry. Today, we will talk about the translation industry undergoing dramatic changes. Businesses and communications not limited to physical borders are now working on erasing language barriers. While Machine Translation (MT) has been around for a long time, the current usage of Artificial Intelligence has dramatically enhanced the availability of real-time, at-your-fingertips translation to the general public like never before. AI provides various benefits, including the capacity to incorporate context and language specifics with improved accuracy. 

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Microsoft Brings Native .NET 6 Support to Ubuntu 22.04

submitted by /u/IT_PRO_21
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from programming

How to Use String Data to Empower Your Similarity Search Applications

Milvus 2.1 comes with some significant updates, which make working with Milvus a lot easier. One of them is the support of string data type. Right now, Milvus supports data types including strings, vectors, Boolean, integers, floating-point numbers, and more.

This article presents an introduction to the support of string data type. Read and learn what you can do with it and how to use it.

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Word Counter in JavaScript | Word Counter Website Code.

submitted by /u/codewithnepal
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from programming

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Integrate Oracle Database With Apache Kafka Using Debezium

Oracle Databases are used for traditional enterprise applications, cloud-native use cases, and departmental systems in large enterprises. Debezium connector for Oracle is a great way to capture data changes from the transactional system of record and make them available for use cases such as replication, data warehousing, and real-time analytics.  

What Is Debezium?

Debezium is an open source distributed streaming platform for change data capture (CDC) that provides Apache Kafka Connect connectors for several databases, including Oracle.

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Raft Consensus Animated

submitted by /u/iamkeyur
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from programming

Step by Step Guide to Create Mule Custom Connection Using Java SDK

Connectors in Mule are also called Extensions or Module. Every connector in Mule has the following important elements,

  • Components - Given a set of parameters, Components can be executed to produce or alter messages in a flow. Sources and Operations are the most common components of a module.

    from Feed

Apple tells employees to work at the office three times per week starting in September

submitted by /u/rand_user1
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from programming

Coffee with Brian Kernighan - Computerphile

submitted by /u/fredoverflow
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from programming

JavaScript of Halftone Printing

submitted by /u/fagnerbrack
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from programming

How To Create Facebook Post Box Clone Using HTML & CSS.

submitted by /u/codewithnepal
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from programming

Monday, August 15, 2022

Type-safe reflection

submitted by /u/manifoldjava
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from programming

CDI Introduction and Exploring Polymorphism [Video]

As software architects and designers, we have a common goal: simplicity. We want to archive success, mainly because the clarity in the code guarantees a readable and maintainable code. We seek several articles, books, videos, and literature to archive this, such as "Effective Java," "Clean Code," "Design Pattern" by GoF, and so on. Doing it bare-handed is pretty hard: we explore tools to make our life easier, mainly when discussing enterprise design architecture. To help, we're lucky to have CDI to make our life easier.

CDI is a Jakarta EE specification that works as glue in the platform. As defined in the specification

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8 Uses of sed in Linux

submitted by /u/yangzhou1993
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from programming

IoT + Cloud Growth = Greatest Cybersecurity Risk

The Internet of Things (IoT) has seemingly endless potential. From smart homes to connected cars2014 to sensors monitoring traffic and natural disasters, IoT is set to make our world a safer and more convenient place. But with this new wave of technology comes new risks. As the number of devices connected to the cloud increases, so do opportunities for hackers.

Research conducted by IoT Analytics projects IoT active connections to grow 18%, with 14.4 billion active endpoints, in 2022. This follows an 8% increase in 2021 with 12.2 billion active endpoints. As significant as this growth is, it's being hampered by the persistent chip shortage. 

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TypeScript 4.8: Better Intersections Union Types

submitted by /u/TravenDev
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from programming

Sunday, August 14, 2022

A continuous process for improving programming productivity

submitted by /u/rohitpaulk
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from programming

Memory Management in Python: 3 Popular Interview Questions

submitted by /u/yangzhou1993
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from programming

Sysmon- System tray info monitor

submitted by /u/blmayer
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from programming

reparsec — typed parser combinators library for Python

submitted by /u/ethframe
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from programming

Maths for Computer Science - Primer Course

submitted by /u/AllSortsOfProducts
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from programming

How to avoid landing impossible clients

submitted by /u/bajcmartinez
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from programming

Friday, August 12, 2022

Factors to take into account when using bidirectional data sync in active-active multi-site systems

submitted by /u/fahimfarookme
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from programming

Docker Deployment using docker swarm

submitted by /u/lazy_coder123
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from programming

Sounding the Alarm on Emergency Alert System Flaws

submitted by /u/feross
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from programming

Sebastian Lague Created a Neural Network and Tried Teaching it to Recognize Doodles

submitted by /u/fredoverflow
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Docker & Docker Compose Cheat Sheet (Summary of ~30 hrs of tutorials, articles, and my work)

submitted by /u/abduvik
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Django and OpenAPI: Front end the better way.

submitted by /u/czue13
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What's New In DevTools (Chrome 105)

submitted by /u/feross
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from programming

Thursday, August 11, 2022

4 Reasons MSPs Should Monitor Their GitHub Footprint

In recent years, resorting to MSPs has become very popular for companies wanting to accelerate the digitization of their businesses. With this surge in popularity, MSPs are broadening their range of responsibilities and now face the question: how to ensure we can meet our cybersecurity responsibilities?

In this article, we will see why monitoring in real-time code-sharing platforms such as GitHub should be a top priority for any MSP.

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How to Choose the Right Digital Experience Monitoring Solution

Today’s business landscape is increasingly competitive, demanding that companies maintain an agile mindset when differentiating their products and services from competing brands. For many organizations, this differentiation comes in the form of better user engagement strategies designed to improve the availability and reliability of web services and applications.

But while most businesses understand the basic concept of managing the “digital experience” of their customers, many do not recognize the key ingredients to its long-term success—performance monitoring and optimization.

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Forscape: what features are in your ideal scientific language?

submitted by /u/YouNeedDoughnuts
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from programming

Five Steps to Building a Tier 1 Service that Is Resilient to Outages

Tier 1 services are critical to a company’s profitability. They address the primary use cases for the organization’s products or support its underlying vital infrastructures, such as a product search service for an e-commerce site, a content posting service for a social media app, or a payment processing framework. Building a robust Tier 1 service, either a front-facing platform that powers customers' experience or the backend services behind that platform, is crucial to driving a positive customer journey. 

Tier 1 services should be resilient to outages because availability issues can lead to mistrust and dissatisfied customers. A bad encounter with a website or an app that locks up or is painfully slow (latency), especially when there are other options in the same business sector, can spell disaster for the company behind the service. That is why it is important to build these services right the first time.

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Announcing TypeScript 4.8 RC

submitted by /u/DanielRosenwasser
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from programming

Redis Explained

submitted by /u/myusuf3
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Programmers art, perfect for any developers office!

submitted by /u/MershadesBenz
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What is Euler's method?

submitted by /u/lucesh1
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from programming

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Cloud rationalization in 5 steps: how to get the best out of the cloud!

submitted by /u/bitter-cognac
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from programming

Modern Strategy Pattern in Functional Java

There's a way to think about design patterns that stuck with me. Like Venkat said at the beginning of his 2019 Devoxx talk, they are a lot like grandma's recipes. We all love when our grandmas cook for us. But try to ask for the recipes —the amount of flour or sugar to use is never precise. And when you prepare the food yourself, it comes out completely different.

In our biggest Java project at Evojam right now, we have tweaked the recipe for strategy pattern. We added our personal touch with a pinch of enums and functional syntactic sugar. As always, the easiest way to explain it is with an example. Let's jump right into it.

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10 Best Infrastructure-as-Code Tools for Automating Deployments in 2022

IT technologies continue to evolve at an unprecedented pace. From cloud computing to DevOps and artificial intelligence (AI) to internet of things (IoT), the technology landscape has unlocked potential opportunities for IT businesses to generate value.

The enterprise IT infrastructure has become crucial for modern-day digital business. It is because it facilitates the compute, network and data capabilities required to run business-critical software applications. The key role of infrastructure goes beyond production environs. It spreads across the complete development process. The infrastructure includes a host of components including servers, load balancers, firewalls, and databases. They also include DevOps tools, CI/CD platforms, staging environments, and testing tools. But there’s a catch here.

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iOS Privacy: Instagram and Facebook can track anything you do on any website in their in-app browser

submitted by /u/TimvdLippe
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from programming

Continuous Load Testing at Slack

submitted by /u/fagnerbrack
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from programming

What's the difference between C, C++, Objective-C, and C#? I'm trying to learn one of these, but I'm getting confused since I can't seem to find the difference between them all. Can someone explain the main advantages of each? Thanks. I didn't have any URL to specify, so I just put a link to Reddit.

submitted by /u/XoneSogie720
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from programming

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

C# Video Reference - Learn C# Programming

submitted by /u/AllSortsOfProducts
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from programming

Delivering the Future of Uber-Like Apps With AI and ML

Uber is, so far, the most popular ride-sharing application, with over 93 million users globally. The application was a revolutionary solution back in 2009; for over 13 years, it has kept increasing revenue. In 2015 Uber was one of the first to adopt machine learning for processing big data. Within the next 3 years, the application reached AI at scale, becoming one of the handfuls of companies that have successfully integrated ML strategy within a short period.

Let’s dig deeper to understand Uber’s value proposition and the success formula.

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Snake-Based REST API (Python, Mamba, Hydra, and Fast API)

Today, I would like to try something new and start exploring the world of Python. In this article, I will present a step-by-step tutorial on how to implement a simple REST API using Python, Fast API, Hydra, and Mamba. Moreover, I will provide you with a short description on how to pack all these snakes into a single Docker image and make them work together. The whole code presented below is available on my GitHub.

Let’s start with a short paragraph on why I decided to choose this topic. 

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It's been a year since I showcased it last so I thought I'd show it again for any new people. Flying a drone with mind control in JS

This is also the project that got me an internship at Microsoft this summer

submitted by /u/Betapig
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from programming

How to Write RFCs for Open Source Projects

About RFCs

The importance of RFCs has been emphasized by many people. As @tison said in How to Participate in the Apache project community:

A description is certainly needed for any non-trivial change to explain the motivation. For major changes, design documentation becomes even more necessary since no one has a permanent memory, and people always forget why they did something in the first place. The precipitation of design documentation plays a vital role in freeing the community from the uncertain evolution of human activities.

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Why do programmers in a programming subreddit complain about paywalls?

submitted by /u/VariationDistinct330
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from programming

Monday, August 8, 2022

Amazon’s Byron Cook, Daniel Kröning, and Marijn Heule discussed automated reasoning’s prospects

submitted by /u/amazonscience
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from programmingöning_and_marijn/

I developed VS Reddit - a VS Code extension for searching/browsing Reddit

submitted by /u/quasar-galaxy
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from programming

When programming blogs are designed to be harmful [YouTube]

submitted by /u/Rocketsx12
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from programming

Exploring a Paradigm Shift for Relational Database Schema Changes

The relational database model was first proposed by English computer scientist Edgar Frank Codd in 1070 while working at IBM and has been commercially deployed for over forty years. It’s a rare accomplishment in software development that continues to evolve today. Relational databases generally serve as backends for the smallest to the largest apps and products in the world today. While relational databases have optimized for speed, concurrency, latency, and overall performance, they have not adapted to manage metadata changes at scale. Specifically, many organizations struggle to keep development velocity, agility, and confidence when deploying schema changes.


In the past, developers would plan a schema change months in advance and collaborate with database administrators to approve and coordinate the transition to the new model. To apply the changes, systems would be taken down for maintenance for hours or days. Given the complexity and time it took, teams would only deliver a handful of changes per year.

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Generate Mock Data Using the Python Faker Package

submitted by /u/AnalysisParalysis93
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from programming

Saturday, August 6, 2022

I made a game on a 43 year old console.

submitted by /u/Geak-and-Gamer
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from programming

Original source of `(seed * 9301 and 49297) % 233280` random algorithm? (2014)

submitted by /u/iamkeyur
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from programming

Can Github Copilot pass a coding interview?

submitted by /u/sepherian
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from programming

How I use MacBook without a mouse

submitted by /u/hammerha
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Distributed Systems Are a UX Problem (2015)

submitted by /u/mooreds
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How to Configure Remote Access for MongoDB on Ubuntu and Windows

submitted by /u/siif00
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Abusing For Loops In C# For Job Security

submitted by /u/Atulin
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from programming

Friday, August 5, 2022

Chrome 105 Beta: Custom Highlighting, Fetch Upload Streaming, and More

submitted by /u/myroon5
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from programming

Blender Tutorial - Learn Blender for Intermediate Level

submitted by /u/AllSortsOfProducts
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from programming

When Microservices Are a Bad Idea

On paper, microservices sound wonderful. They are modular, scalable, and fault tolerant. A lot of companies have had great success using this model, so microservices might naturally seem to be the superior architecture and the best way to start new applications.

However, most firms that have succeeded with microservices did not begin with them. Consider the examples of Airbnb and Twitter, which went the microservice route after outgrowing their monoliths and are now battling its complexities. Even successful companies that use microservices appear to still be figuring out the best way to make them work. It is evident that microservices come with their share of tradeoffs.

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Nix – taming Unix with functional programming

submitted by /u/Alexander_Selkirk
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from programming

The Rogers Outage of 2022 - Leaving Millions of Canadians Offline

submitted by /u/devoopseng
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from programming

Thursday, August 4, 2022

Event Sourcing: Removing UD from CRUD

submitted by /u/varunu28
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from programming

Make Your Integration Seamless By Using Ballerina Client Connectors

Connectors and SDKs

This is the era where we can see the face of the rapid growth in the integration space. There several dynamic entities have been added to the space, such as cloud networking, mobile network, IoT, system API, and so on. To use those dynamics, there should be any medium to communicate with each other. 

Connectors and SDKs are the medium for connecting integration entities to each other. 

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Offloading Work to GitHub Actions

submitted by /u/cdmicro
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from programming

Solving issues in medical domain for medical domain data collection with a pubmed website scraping API

submitted by /u/metalvendetta
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from programming

Onboarding New Users With Coinbase Wallet

Web3 represents an exciting chapter in the development of the internet. The primitives that the blockchain provides will lead to an infinite number of applications and use cases. We’ve seen the explosion of ICOs, DeFi, NFTs, and peer-to-peer payment systems. However, we still have a long way to go before reaching the mass adoption of this new technology. User experience is one area where things still lack.

As Web3 developers, how are we supposed to onboard the next wave of users when the average person doesn’t understand concepts such as non-custodial crypto wallets or signed transactions? This article will explore the issue, and offer a solution to help create a better user experience. We’ll look at a real-world example of how we can use the Coinbase Wallet SDK to create a seamless onboarding experience for new users.

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Different Types of Software Containers

submitted by /u/sublimefunk
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from programming

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Android live video object recognition?

Is there such an animal? I'm not a versed programmer, but I can clunk together my ideas and make a somewhat working prototype, makes it easier for me to articulate what I want to real programmers. Any and all advice appreciated. Thanks

submitted by /u/Emergency-Spring4752
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from programming

Getting Started With Nose in Python

A challenge that many developers face in Selenium test automation is choosing the right test framework that can help them come up with automated tests with minimal (or no) requirement of boilerplate code. Like me, most of you would have come across test code where a huge chunk of code is written to perform a simple test.

The selection of the right test automation framework can greatly simplify the job of the developer working on the test code. The framework features can be exploited to write tests that perform the job with minimal implementation. As far as Selenium Python testing is concerned, there are several test automation frameworks such as PyUnit, Pytest, Robot, Cucumber, etc. to choose from.

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Do It Right, Do It With Pride: Advice for Developers

submitted by /u/gryffindorite
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from programming

No Sprint Goal, No Cohesion, No Collaboration

There are plenty of failure possibilities with Scrum. Given that Scrum is a framework with a reasonable yet short “manual,” this effect should not surprise anyone. For example, what if there is no Sprint Goal — Sprint after Sprint? What if the Scrum team is always only working on a random assortment of work items that seem to be the most pressing at the moment of the Sprint Planning?

Join me and delve into the importance of the Sprint Goal for meaningful work as a Scrum team in less than two minutes.

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IntelliJ Integration for Mockito

Mockitools is an IntelliJ plugin that provides integration for Mockito.

In this article, I’d like to show you the major features of the plugin (and some of the minor ones, too) and how they can be useful when working with Mockito test code.

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tipsy - tiny playstationy renderer (in ~500 lines of C)

submitted by /u/tytodelicatula
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from programming

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Developing a Cloud Adoption Strategy

The value of technology in businesses and organisations cannot be underestimated, and there was nothing like the COVID-19 pandemic for us to see its value first-hand. 

Overnight, the way we interact with and operate businesses was forcefully changed forever, effectively accelerating our journey towards digitally transforming our organisations. According to a 2020 McKinsey report, companies were able to adopt digital changes 20-25 times faster than they would have anticipated.

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A RESTful API Template in Go - fork to build APIs with best practices baked in

submitted by /u/ndimares
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from programming

Trending Programming Language to Learn

It wasn't that long ago when computer programming was an almost unknown and secluded field. Back then, there used to be only a few people who had the advanced coding skill set to be considered computer programmers. 

But today, information technology is evolving at a faster pace than ever before. In parallel with the rapid development of the IT sector, there is a rapid growth in the market demand for specialists.

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Go 1.19 Release

submitted by /u/donutloop
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from programming

Monday, August 1, 2022

API Security Weekly: Issue 173

This week, we have news of the eye-opening vulnerability on the Coinbase platform which netted $250,000 in bug bounty. There’s also an excellent guide on best practices for authentication and authorization for REST APIs, an article on the growth of bad bots and how to mitigate against them, and a fun read from APIHandyman on how to hack the Elgato Key light API.

Vulnerability: Coinbase API Bug Allowed Unlimited Cryptocurrency Trading

This week’s major news story has been the disclosure of a major vulnerability in an API on Coinbase, a cryptocurrency trading platform. This vulnerability potentially allowed an attacker to make unlimited cryptocurrency trades between different currency accounts.

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