Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Build Cloud-Native Apps with AWS App Runner, Redis, and AWS CDK

AWS App Runner allows you to deploy and run cloud-native applications in a fast, simple, and cost-effective manner. You can choose the programming language of your choice since App Runner can deploy directly from source code (in GitHub for example) or a Docker container image (from private or public repo in ECR) - all this without worrying about provisioning and managing the underlying infrastructure.

High-level architecture
This blog post showcases how to run a Go application on AWS App Runner which will further integrate with Amazon MemoryDB for Redis (a Redis compatible, durable, in-memory database service). You will deploy the application and its infrastructure using AWS CDK. This includes App Runner VPC Connector config to connect with MemoryDB as well as using CDK to package your Go application as a Docker image, upload to ECR, and seamlessly deployment to App Runner (no manual steps needed). I will close the blog with a brief walk-through of the CDK code which is written in Go, thanks to the CDK Go support (which is in Developer Preview atthe time of writing).

The code is available on GitHub

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