Saturday, May 21, 2022

Applying Kappa Architecture to Make Data Available Where It Matters


Banks are accelerating their modernization effort to rapidly develop and deliver top-notch digital experiences for their customers. To achieve the best possible customer experience, decisions need to be made at the edge where customers interact. It is critical to access associated data to make decisions. Traversing the bank’s back-end systems, such as mainframes, from the digital experience layer is not an option if the goal is to provide the customers the best digital experience. Therefore, for making decisions fast without much latency, associated data should be available closer to the customer experience layer.    

Thankfully, over the last few years, the data processing architecture has evolved from ETL-centric data processing to real-time or near real-time streaming data processing architecture. Such patterns as change data capture (CDC) and command query responsibility segregation (CQRS) have evolved with architecture styles like Lambda and Kappa. While both architecture styles have been extensively used to bring data to the edge and process, over a period of time data architects and designers have adopted Kappa architecture over Lambda architecture for real-time processing of data. Combining the architecture style with advancements in event streaming, Kappa architecture is gaining traction in consumer-centric industries. This has greatly helped them to improve customer experience, and, especially for large banks, it is helping them to remain competitive with FinTech, which has already aggressively adopted event-driven data streaming architecture to drive their digital (only) experience. 

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