Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Allen Institute for AI Open-Sources AI Model Inspection Tool LM-Debugger

submitted by /u/IsDaouda_Games
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Reasons Why DevOps Adoption Might Be of Help for Business

As far as this modern and tech-oriented IT domain goes, DevOps has become a standard to judge operations’ overall efficiency and smoothness. However, like it is with everything in the world, there is still a sizeable chunk of enterprises in the process of either understanding what it means or completely not being aware of it at all.

In this post, we will try to cover a few crucial points that will include a brief overview of DevOps and why DevOps adoption might be helpful for businesses.

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When to Use Each of the Git Diff Algorithms

submitted by /u/whackri
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Functional vs. Non-functional Testing: Can You Have One Without the Other?

Functional and non-functional tests are the most popular approach to categorizing the different types of software testing. These two categories refer to the very essence of the testing process and what exactly is being tested. There are two things to know about functional and non-functional testing if you’ve never dug deep into these two testing categories before. 

One, the division between non-functional and functional testing is not set in stone, and for some testing types, categorizing them is no easy feat. Two, both functional and non-functional testing are essential for the success of your software testing project, albeit in different ways. Today, we will take a closer look at the difference between functional and non-functional requirements, where these two types of testing stand in the software testing process, and how they influence the cost of testing.

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Learnings from 5 years of tech startup code audits - Ken Kantzer's Blog

submitted by /u/rap2h
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Monday, May 30, 2022

Join Supernova Hackathon today, build on IC, and win the prize!

submitted by /u/yejigom
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GitHub - xafero/JNetCall: Java VM .NET Call abstraction

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What Is the Future of Manual Testing?

Manual testing is considered the preliminary testing phase which generally evaluates the behavior of the app developed, by performing the step-by-step assessment of the requirement specification analysis record. The prime objective of manual testing is to ensure that the app works extraordinarily and fine without any sort of bugs and functional defects and also as per the requirement specification documents.

Well, the future of manual testing tends to bit closer and closer to Software Development in functioning and requirements. The modification and operational developments in manual testing prove that it is necessary for manual testers for improving their skills and daily working styles.

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PPE: A fast and provably efficient RL algorithm for exogenous noise - Microsoft Research

submitted by /u/ct_author
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GitHub - PatilShreyas/compose-report-to-html: CLI utility to convert Jetpack Compose compiler metrics and reports to beautified HTML page.

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Sunday, May 29, 2022

FBI: Russian crooks will sell stolen university credentials

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My brand-new library for inspecting requests in Android WebViews

submitted by /u/bendi_acs
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Kubernetes Ephemeral Containers

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Eight points for one team is two points for another team

submitted by /u/LloydAtkinson
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Develop a Daily Reporting System for Chaos Mesh To Improve System Resilience

Chaos Mesh is a cloud-native chaos engineering platform that orchestrates chaos experiments on Kubernetes environments. It allows you to test the resilience of your system by simulating problems such as network faults, file system faults, and Pod faults. After each chaos experiment, you can review the testing results by checking the logs.

But this approach is neither direct nor efficient. Therefore, I decided to develop a daily reporting system that would automatically analyze logs and generate reports. This way, it’s easy to examine the logs and identify the issues. 

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Casting in C++

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Saturday, May 28, 2022

Google Project Zero exposes high severity USB vulnerability in Chrome OS

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Getting a vanity phone number with 4 consecutive digits

submitted by /u/JonLuca
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Spicejet Ransomware Attack: SpiceJet faces ransomware attack, defers Q4 earnings announcement

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Researchers From Imperial College London introduce TsT-GAN: A Novel Framework For Training Time-Series Generative Models

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Linux And C In The Browser

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New GraphWorld Tool Accelerates Graph Neural-Network Benchmarking

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Friday, May 27, 2022

Once Again, Meta Buys Rather Than Builds A Supercomputer

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Building a Cloud Database from Scratch: Why We Moved from C++ to Rust

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Exploring Architectural Concepts Building a Card Game

submitted by /u/fagnerbrack
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.NET News! Port Tunneling in Visual Studio!

submitted by /u/nickproud
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How can I do something like that in py?

submitted by /u/Serious_Season_2668
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Managing Hardcoded Secrets to Shrink Your Attack Surface

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Thursday, May 26, 2022

Why Do Microcontainers Matter in Your Enterprise?

The global enterprise software market demonstrated significant growth in recent years with its global revenue projected to reach a staggering US$243.30bln in 2022.

Today, regardless of its size or industry, each organization uses enterprise software in its day-to-day routine. Moreover, this software serves various goals. Software application components carry on the different functional areas of responsibility and should deliver smooth operation to complex systems.

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Hackers Increasingly Using Browser Automation Frameworks for Malicious Activities

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In record year for vulnerabilities, Microsoft actually had fewer

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PlanetScale Insights: Advanced query monitoring

submitted by /u/jardiohead
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Learnings from 5 years of tech startup code audits

submitted by /u/speckz
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System Hardening Standards and Best Practices With Chef

If you have anything to do with IT infrastructure, operations management, or DevOps, you've certainly come across the term "system hardening." While system hardening seems like a regular everyday activity in large IT teams with diverse infrastructure, the use and benefits cover a wide range of functions that secure your systems.  

This blog explores what system hardening is, why it's needed, its benefits, and how Chef enables DevSecOps teams to harden heterogeneous systems with speed and ease. 

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Why I avoid async/await in JS

submitted by /u/fagnerbrack
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Wednesday, May 25, 2022

JVM Wednesday #1 – Spring Boot, Leyden, Structured Concurrency

submitted by /u/ArturSkowronski
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30 Common CI/CD Interview Questions (With Answers)

Acing a CI/CD interview is all about preparation. Preparation starts with collecting as much information as you can about the prospective company, and their history, product, and interviewing process.

Next in the list is to brush up your technical skills because knowing your technical stuff will make you stand out. Questions (like the ones in this article) are a great way of testing your knowledge. To help you, we’ve collected and answered 30 common CI/CD interview questions. How many can you answer?

How Many of These Questions Can You Answer?

  1. What is version control?
  2. What is Git?
  3. What is a Git repository?
  4. Which other version control tools do you know of?
  5. What is a Git branch?
  6. What is merging?
  7. What is trunk-based development?
  8. What is Gitflow, and how does it compare to trunk-based development?
  9. How long should a branch live?
  10. What is continuous integration?
  11. How do CI and version control relate to one another?
  12. What’s the difference between continuous integration, continuous delivery, and continuous deployment?
  13. Name some benefits of CI/CD.
  14. What are the most important characteristics in a CI/CD platform?
  15. What is the build stage?
  16. What’s the difference between a hosted and a cloud-based CI/CD platform?
  17. How long should a build take?
  18. Is security important in CI/CD? What mechanisms are there to secure it?
  19. Can you name some deployment strategies?
  20. How does testing fit into CI?
  21. Should testing always be automated?
  22. Name a few types of tests used in software development.
  23. How many tests should a project have?
  24. What is a flaky test?
  25. What is TDD?
  26. What is the main difference between BDD and TDD?
  27. What is test coverage?
  28. Does test coverage need to be 100%?
  29. How can you optimize tests in CI?
  30. What’s the difference between end-to-end testing and acceptance testing?

Version Control

CI/CD interview questions may include version control and Git as a topic.

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I built (for fun) a site to search & share code snippets

submitted by /u/fencingparry4
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The State of Identity at Work: What IT Leaders Need to Know

Modern businesses have access to software services and platforms that target everything from general business processes and operations to domain-specific applications and IT services. This comes at a time when security threats and data breaches continue to grow. Additionally, regulatory pressure and organizational demands are increasing on business leaders and IT departments to protect access to corporate data and resources. But despite technological advances and the promise of better, more secure business functionality, enterprises are struggling to connect the pieces.

One crucial part of ensuring technology works together is by streamlining identity security and management tasks. This refers to a collection of business processes, policies, and solutions that facilitate the management of electronic and digital identities. Identity security solutions allow IT, managers, to control user access to critical information and services within their organizations. These solutions also enable organizations to secure access across any device or application at just the right time so productivity is not affected.

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I got sick of MaNuAlLy tYpInG SaRcAsTiC TeXt so i made a javascript generator:

submitted by /u/max-bants
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Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Dialog Components: Go Native HTML or Roll Your Own? | CSS-Tricks

submitted by /u/IsDaouda_Games
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The Difference between Created and Mounted in Vue

In a previous article, I covered all the different lifecycle hooks in Vue. One of the things that most people get confused about when talking about lifecycle hooks, is the difference between created and mounted. They both have similar names, and they feel like they should do the same thing, but there are some subtle differences.

The Difference between Created and Mounted in Vue

To begin with, both created() and mounted() have access to the data and props on your prototype. For example, both hooks will console log 'My Message' below, as well as the default value for myProp, which is 'Some Prop':

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Learn Imba: Free Course on Scrimba.com

submitted by /u/trafnar
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Build Cloud-Native Apps with AWS App Runner, Redis, and AWS CDK

AWS App Runner allows you to deploy and run cloud-native applications in a fast, simple, and cost-effective manner. You can choose the programming language of your choice since App Runner can deploy directly from source code (in GitHub for example) or a Docker container image (from private or public repo in ECR) - all this without worrying about provisioning and managing the underlying infrastructure.

High-level architecture
This blog post showcases how to run a Go application on AWS App Runner which will further integrate with Amazon MemoryDB for Redis (a Redis compatible, durable, in-memory database service). You will deploy the application and its infrastructure using AWS CDK. This includes App Runner VPC Connector config to connect with MemoryDB as well as using CDK to package your Go application as a Docker image, upload to ECR, and seamlessly deployment to App Runner (no manual steps needed). I will close the blog with a brief walk-through of the CDK code which is written in Go, thanks to the CDK Go support (which is in Developer Preview atthe time of writing).

The code is available on GitHub

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How to Play Music Using Mathematics in Python

submitted by /u/c4r01in3
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Monday, May 23, 2022

Java Outsourcing, a Strong Business, and Management Approaches

Notably, outsourcing has made it possible for corporate entities all around the globe to continue existing. From information technology outsourcing to the outsourcing of tasks involving the assembly of physical parts, outsourcing has been a tremendous aid to corporate organizations in protecting them from the threat of going out of business. If you own a small company and require Java help, or if you want to outsource your solution, but you have no clue why or how things will operate, then you have come to the right spot. In almost all companies, information technology (IT) has emerged as an essential component. However, the cost of maintaining an IT staff in-house might be relatively high. This is the portion that every small company owner dreads, especially those businesses that already have a lot of costs in one area. Therefore, the number of small firms that can afford an in-house IT staff to handle their IT solutions is quite low. Therefore, the absolute best answer for small businesses is to employ or outsource IT help in Java technology. In the following paragraphs, you will discover a list of some of the most important reasons you should consider outsourcing your IT assistance.

One of the most appealing advantages of using an IT outsourcing company is the possibility of financial savings. The majority of small companies believe that all they need to do is hire one programmer, establish an internet connection, and purchase one laptop to address their information technology issues. However, they are unsuccessful and conclude that it is not as simple as it seems. The management of your information technology solutions will incur additional costs.

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Proton 7.0-2 Released For Getting More Windows Games Running On Steam Play

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Threat actors target the infoSec community with fake PoC exploits

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Snake Keylogger Spreads Through Malicious PDFs

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Radeon RADV Driver Readied For Vulkan's Upcoming Mesh Shading Extension

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7 Salesforce CRM Integration Methods You Must Know About

Salesforce users require seamless data exchange from external sources to make fast and insightful business decisions. This requires merging data and functionality of Salesforce with other platforms via integration. Since a large number of business apps are decentralized and hosted on disparate platforms, integrating systems may seem to be a daunting task. 

MuleSoft’s 2020 Connectivity Benchmark report suggests that an average business integrates only 28 percent of their work applications. This lack of connectivity between departments is a major cause of gaps in data collaboration in companies.

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GitHub - MarketingPipeline/Markdown-Tag: Add Markdown to any HTML using a

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Saturday, May 21, 2022

Big nO, How the interpreted nature of Python could skew quoted Big-O use.

submitted by /u/Paddy3118
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Simple feed forward neural net framework in pure Lua

submitted by /u/GossageDataScience
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Internal Developer Platform In Plain English

submitted by /u/bitter-cognac
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TheIdServer 6.0.0

submitted by /u/Sea_Succotash_8522
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10 Programmer Stereotypes

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Applying Kappa Architecture to Make Data Available Where It Matters


Banks are accelerating their modernization effort to rapidly develop and deliver top-notch digital experiences for their customers. To achieve the best possible customer experience, decisions need to be made at the edge where customers interact. It is critical to access associated data to make decisions. Traversing the bank’s back-end systems, such as mainframes, from the digital experience layer is not an option if the goal is to provide the customers the best digital experience. Therefore, for making decisions fast without much latency, associated data should be available closer to the customer experience layer.    

Thankfully, over the last few years, the data processing architecture has evolved from ETL-centric data processing to real-time or near real-time streaming data processing architecture. Such patterns as change data capture (CDC) and command query responsibility segregation (CQRS) have evolved with architecture styles like Lambda and Kappa. While both architecture styles have been extensively used to bring data to the edge and process, over a period of time data architects and designers have adopted Kappa architecture over Lambda architecture for real-time processing of data. Combining the architecture style with advancements in event streaming, Kappa architecture is gaining traction in consumer-centric industries. This has greatly helped them to improve customer experience, and, especially for large banks, it is helping them to remain competitive with FinTech, which has already aggressively adopted event-driven data streaming architecture to drive their digital (only) experience. 

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Friday, May 20, 2022

DeepMind Introduces Gato, A New Generalist AI Agent

submitted by /u/IsDaouda_Games
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Microsoft Warns Rise in XorDdos Malware Targeting Linux Devices

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A Machine Learning Tool For Managing Cloud Infrastructure Services - TPI Plugin For Terraform

submitted by /u/thumbsdrivesmecrazy
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📊 2022 Ruby on Rails Community Survey Results

submitted by /u/robbyrussell
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Setting Up Dark Theme in SQL Server Management Studio

submitted by /u/AnalysisParalysis93
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auto derper

submitted by /u/dcspazz
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Thursday, May 19, 2022

Concepts Error Messages for Humans (also covers compiler error quality in general)

submitted by /u/alexeyr
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The Three-body Problem in Software Development

submitted by /u/gryffindorite
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End-to-End Encrypted Livestreaming in 50 Lines of Code with jQuery + GUN p2p

submitted by /u/amarknadal
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Which JVM Version Is the Fastest?


This article will use open-source Chronicle Queue to exchange 256-byte messages between two threads whereby all messages are also stored in shared memory (/dev/shm is used to minimize the impact of the disk subsystem). 

Chronicle Queue is a persisted low-latency Java messaging framework for high-performance and critical applications. Because Chronicle Queue is operating on mapped native memory, it eliminates the need for garbage collections giving developers deterministic high performance.

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BrainChip partners with Edge Impulse for a platform that mimics the brain

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Geographic Scale With Virtual Machines and Kubernetes Nodes

In my last post, we looked at how we can deploy CockroachDB across multiple regions in Azure with the help of Cilium CNI. In this post, we evolve this architecture to allow for the use of a mix of Kubernetes pods and virtual machines. Because CockroachDB is a single binary it makes it easy to deploy as a container or just run it natively on virtual machines. This type of architecture may be required for a number of reasons. 

As businesses consider their future cloud strategy and how they can move their existing applications workloads to the Public Cloud, this type of hybrid architecture may be required. Perhaps the on-premises data centers do not have the capability to run a Kubernetes environment as this can be complex and requires additional infrastructure that may not be available. This is just one example but there are likely to be many. Now let's take a closer look at the deployment details.

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"It works on my machine" - The Motivation for Containers (Not a Docker tutorial)

submitted by /u/DesmondWillowbrook
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Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Keras launches a Computer Vision Package

submitted by /u/puppet_pals
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What Is Lean Software Development

Lean software development (LSD) is an agile framework or a set of principles and practices that emphasize delivery value and reduce software development waste. LSD limits queues and helps to eliminate unnecessary stages in the workflow. It focuses on improving quality, amplifying learning, and continuously improving by optimizing time and resources.

A Brief History of Lean

LSD originates from the manufacturing movement. It was implemented by Toyota Production System to eliminate the non-efficient use of time and resources. Back then, the term "lean" was suggested as well. Gradually, different manufacturing organizations have started implementing this approach in their industries. In 2003, lean software development appeared. It was first mentioned in relation to software creation in the world-known book by the same name written by Mary and Tom Poppendieck.

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Is there a way to create such music piano video programmatically?

submitted by /u/PopCorona
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How to Give Props Default Values in Vue

When we use components in Vue, we often use properties or props to pass custom pieces of data down to the child component. For example, we can tell our child component that for this version of the component, "name" is set to "my-component":

Vue.js Component
<Component name="my-component" />

If we try to call this component without a name prop, it returns undefined in the code, or just as no text when rendered in HTML. Let's say our Component looks like this:

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A practical guide to solving hard problems

submitted by /u/jerodsanto
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Tuesday, May 17, 2022

The Future of Java as Seen by Mark Little at Devoxx UK 22: Native Java, Adoptium and Faster Pace

submitted by /u/IsDaouda_Games
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Performing ETL with AWS Glue Interactive Sessions

If you have been using AWS Glue lately, you might have witnessed the complexity of setting up the infrastructure for building, testing and running a Glue job using Glue Dev endpoint. Setting up a Dev endpoint is no easy task as it takes a lot of effort to be done on your local machine. By using interactive sessions, you can not only author a job faster than ever but also make the whole process easier for you.

Drawbacks of Using Glue Dev Endpoint

  • Cost: When you want to author a lot of jobs, the dev endpoint can be of great help but if you want to build and run only a few jobs it will turn out to be a costly investment. Since a dev endpoint is an EC2 machine backed with the Glue libraries, cost turns out to be a major factor in using the dev endpoint for just a handful of jobs. Moreover, the minimum billing duration for each provisioned dev endpoint is 10 minutes, which does not make it a great choice for running a single job that takes about 2-3 minutes to complete.
  • Complexity: Setting up a dev endpoint is a complex task. It requires the stuff to be downloaded on your local machine which makes it difficult for the systems protected with a firewall or the systems without admin rights.
  • Time: Timing is another drawback of using the Dev endpoint for a less number of jobs. Suppose you want to author 2 PySpark ETL jobs that take a minute each to run. Now, provisioning and establishing a dev endpoint and transferring files to the dev endpoint will take a lot more time to complete than completing the jobs themselves.
  • Flexibility: Once a dev endpoint has been provisioned the billing continues until you manually delete the dev endpoint. Also note, that AWS continues to charge you till the dev endpoint is in a READY state.

Solution - Interactive Session

An interactive session allows you to leverage the simplicity of Jupyter notebooks while authoring the complex glue jobs interactively. So, let us deep dive into setting up our own interactive session.

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Build a Twitter Leaderboard App with Redis and AWS Lambda (Part 1)

Hello and welcome to this two-part blog series that uses a practical application to demonstrate how to integrate Redis with AWS Lambda. The first part (this one) covers the application - by the end of this blog, you should have the solution deployed, played around with it, and in the process, have a good overview of the solution.

The second part is about the Infrastructure (IaaC to be specific) aspects - it's mostly centered around AWS CDK along with some code walkthrough.

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Mesa's Radeon Vulkan Driver Lands Indirect Ray-Tracing Support

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Why Is SQL Knowledge Vital for Data Scientists? A Sneak Peek

Businesses succeed when making informed judgments based on current technology and market trends, rivals, and partners. Extracting data from databases using the Structured Query Language (SQL, pronounced "sequel") is one of the most common methods firms get business intelligence to assist them in making those decisions. 

According to Oracle Patches, SQL dates back to the early relational databases built in the 1970s by Dr. Edgar Codd, Donald Chamberlin, Raymond Boyce, and other IBM researchers. Data in one table in a relational database can be linked to data in any of the tables in the database's thousands or even millions of entries. As a result, SQL makes searching for and retrieving data on business-related issues and presenting the findings in a report easier and quicker than ever.

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I build a website for taking notes!

submitted by /u/Dukesman
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Monday, May 16, 2022

Hackers stole data undetected from US, European orgs since 2019

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How the TypeScript ReturnType Works

The ReturnType in TypeScript is a utility type that is quite similar to the Parameters Type. It lets you take the return output of a function, and construct a type based on it.

The ReturnType Utility Type

The ReturnType utility type is very useful in situations where the output of a specific function needs to be taken in by another function. In that scenario, you might create a new, custom type, that the output of a function constrains itself to.

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Keep Prometheus secure, and scrape anything anywhere by having it listen on an overlay network

submitted by /u/dovholuknf
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How To Create PR Review Apps With Render

Dungeon crawler demo app
Dungeon crawler demo app
Code reviews are essential before merging a pull request. It’s a common practice to have another engineer look through the code changes, and it’s even better if you have a continuous integration (CI) pipeline configured that runs linters and unit tests to catch issues automatically.

For UI changes, it’s also a great idea to visually inspect the changes in the app. Doing so may require the reviewer to check out the branch and run the app on their machine. Depending on the complexity of your app’s architecture, running the app locally may be trivial to do with a single command, or it may require several steps and a fair amount of time.

Pull request review apps help facilitate this process by deploying a version of the app with the pull request’s changes applied in a preview environment. Now the reviewer doesn’t need to pull down the code themselves!

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Why Performance Projects Fail?

Projects involving performance testing and engineering fail for a variety of reasons. The majority of performance project failures occur for various highly complex reasons from every phase of the development life cycle and performance testing life cycle. Sometimes, performance problems are uncontrollable, and it’s out of the control of a project manager, technical architects, or performance engineers. In my experience, from both business and personal levels, most the performance projects fail due to simply a lack of communication between performance engineers, developers, DBA's, business teams, and stakeholders from the beginning, and this ends up causing many other problems which will directly impact application performance and ROI. The only objective of strategic, effective performance testing for any application/product is to achieve a satisfactory return on investment. Performance testing and engineering the applications are risky and always require a lot of trial and error with rigorous testing from the early stages of development.

Failures in performance testing projects must be treated similarly to other business problems. It is essential to understand what went wrong, why it went wrong, and what can be done to prevent it. In most scenarios, the performance engineers have to run the one-man show role to make everyone educate/understand the performance challenges in the end-to-end full life cycle implementations. Working with Practice and COE teams, we continued seeing the same mistakes repeatedly from multiple teams and projects, so, based on my personal experience, I have compiled a  list of reasons Why Performance Projects Fail.

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5 tips for implementing an Internal Developer Portal in your company | Cloud Native Computing Foundation

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Sunday, May 15, 2022

GitHub - auctors/free-lunch: A curated list of free Windows software, online services and resources.

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Building Neural Network from Scratch in Python

submitted by /u/bitter-cognac
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Electronics And C++ Education With An ATTiny13

submitted by /u/IsDaouda_Games
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GitHub - flutter/pinball: Google I/O 2022 Pinball game built with Flutter and Firebase

submitted by /u/IsDaouda_Games
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GitHub - cbl/informatiCup2022: An application of tabu-enhanced genetic search to the railway optimization problem introduced in the informatiCup2022 by the German Informatics Society (:2nd_place_medal:)

submitted by /u/IsDaouda_Games
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Friday, May 13, 2022

Prematurely finishing Super Mario World levels by exploiting bugs in the game's programming

submitted by /u/ShinyHappyREM
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Building a Kotlin Mobile App with the Salesforce SDK, Part 3: Synchronizing Data

This is our final post in our three-part series demonstrating how to use the Salesforce Mobile SDK to build an Android app that works with the Salesforce platform. In our first post, we showed you how to connect to your org. Our second post showed you how to edit and add data to your org from your app. This post will show you how to synchronize data from your Salesforce org to your mobile device and handle scenarios such as network loss. Let’s get right into it!

Working With Mobile Sync

One of the hardest aspects of mobile development is dealing with data synchronization. How do you handle the situation when you need to add a new broker, but you’re offline? Or what if two agents are updating the same broker: how can you handle the merging of those two changes?

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Open-Source Schema-Driven Asset Management Tool Designed to Enhance Climate Resilience

This article is an introduction to a community-led open-source critical asset management project called CAMS. The article provides some context to the project origin as well as some examples of the application schema and queries to provide an understanding of its build. It is based on a graph database and is aimed at helping nations, cities, and communities build their climate resilience.

Hurricane Maria

Climate change is warming the temperatures of the seas. This is causing dire troubles for island nations, cities, and communities. Tropical storms are becoming more frequent and ferocious and battering these places with merciless force.

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What SREs Can Learn from the Atlassian Nightmare Outage of 2022

submitted by /u/devoopseng
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A Guide to Events in Vue

As with any framework, Vue lets us add reactivity to our applications and websites through events. The great thing about Vue events is they mimic vanilla Javascript, so all the events you're used to using in Javascript can also be used in Vue.

Vue Basics

If you are brand new to Vue, I would recommend reading my guide on making your first Vue application or creating components in Vue first.

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Overview of Mobile Testing: Tips and Tricks

submitted by /u/muthuannamalai12
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Thursday, May 12, 2022

Overview of Portainer: An easy tool to manage your Docker containers

submitted by /u/muthuannamalai12
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Getting Started With Redis on AWS the Easy Way

Like most of the services, Amazon MemoryDB for Redis is fully integrated with Amazon VPC and always launches your cluster in a VPC. It means that you cannot access it from outside your VPC. While initially exploring these services (MSK, Elasticache for Redis, etc.), I usually followed the documentation that involved setting up EC2, SSH-ing into the instance, installing/copying stuff (language, runtime, code, client, etc.), and then tried things out.

Most often, the first step is the hardest, and it's important for developers to have the least amount of friction as possible to "get going." I looked for simpler ways and found AWS Cloud9 to be super useful. It was quick, predictable, and had a bunch of useful tooling readily available.

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Judge agrees damages model in Oracle cloud class-action

submitted by /u/IsDaouda_Games
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Regular Expression Improvements in .NET 7

submitted by /u/Sir_Cxyrtyx
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How to Create Components in Svelte

In my last article, we looked at how to make your first Svelte application using SvelteKit. Today we'll look at the next step - how to make components, so you can start to build real Svelte applications.

What Are Components, and Why Do We Need Them?

Components are a common theme in all modern frontend frameworks. Essentially, as we started to build more and more complicated applications, we found that we were reusing the same types of things all the time. For example, a registration form may appear in multiple different places and use exactly the same code.

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Wednesday, May 11, 2022

How to Watch for Nested Changes in Vue

Vue is a reactive language, meaning when the data changes, we can automatically have that represent itself in the HTML. To help us with this, we can use watchers in vue to watch for a change in data, and then do something to the HTML, or send a message to the user about it.

This works fine for simple datasets, but if we start to have data that is deeper than one level, it becomes harder to watch it properly for changes.

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How to Generate Fake Test Data

Are you also often uninspired when you need to think of useful test data for your unit tests? Is ‘John Doe’ your best test friend? Do not worry, Java Faker comes to the rescue! In this blog, you will learn how to generate your test data.

1. Introduction

Making up test data is one of the hardest tasks when writing tests. Often you will see 123 when numbers are being used, or John Doe when a name is needed. But this also means that the test will always run with the same data. This is on the one hand a good thing because your tests needs to be stable, but on the other hand a pitty because you also want to find errors. And this is more likely when random test data is being used.

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A tool to help developers remember terminal commands!

submitted by /u/Gloomy-Still-4259
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Top Soft Skills to Identify a Great Software Engineer

Software developers are often thought to be people that are technically sound and have a very logical approach while dealing with any issues. However, regardless of the hard skills they acquire, it is equally important that software engineers have specific soft skills. These interpersonal attributes when corroborated to their technical skills tend to make the greatest software developers of all times. Here are some of those soft skills that one must look for in a software engineer to bring an all rounder candidate on board.

Skills of Software Engineer That You Must Look Out For


Good communicators can bring a lot of benefits to the team. Regardless of the profession, it is one skill that can lead to the effective elaboration of tasks, clear description of expectations and the requirements of the projects. An effective communicator delivers thoughts clearly and this could be figured out in the first round of the interview itself. However, besides being an effective communicator, a great software developer is a good listener too. 

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FBI, CISA, and NSA warn of hackers increasingly targeting MSPs

submitted by /u/IsDaouda_Games
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Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Tensor-flow Basic With MNIST Dataset - Classify images of clothing Using ML

submitted by /u/badassbilla
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Templates Are Indispensable for GitOps-Driven Automation

Kubernetes gained popularity as it simplifies the scalability and management of containerized applications. It enables you to deploy and manage nodes, pods, containers, services, and configuration maps across the entire application lifecycle. It was difficult to achieve such flexibility and control with scripts. But thanks to Kubernetes’ declarative approach to infrastructure, you can define precise changes at any scale. Kubernetes also empowers you to integrate multiple tools to facilitate automated scheduling, deployment, monitoring for the containers. One such tool is Helm, a CNCF-adopted automation framework that has gained popularity not just in Kubernetes circles, but in the GitOps ecosystem as well. In this post, we look at how Helm helps automate the deployment of cloud-native applications on Kubernetes the GitOps way.

What Is Helm?

Although described as a package manager, Helm is a powerful tool to automate installation, deployment, upgrade, and management of Kubernetes applications. Managing Kubernetes manifests is a task that grows in complexity as systems scale. A single deployment needs multiple YAML files with duplicated and hardcoded values. This required a better way to manage Kubernetes YAML files through a simple packaging format, which led to Helm Charts. However, Helm’s scope goes beyond templating.

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Getting Started With IaC

Infrastructure as code (IaC) means that you use code to define and manage infrastructure rather than using manual processes. More broadly, and perhaps more importantly, IaC is about bringing software engineering principles and approaches to cloud infrastructure. In this Refcard, explore the fundamentals of IaC and how to get started setting up your environment.

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Fixing the build queue bottleneck at JetBrains

submitted by /u/missingdays
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Reality of being a software engineer - Part 1

submitted by /u/w0wyxD
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COBOL Copybook Transformation to JSON in Mule4

What Is COBOL Copybook?

A COBOL copybook is a type of flat file that describes the layout of records and fields present in the file.

Example of Copybook data:

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Give me back my monolith

submitted by /u/gtobbe
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Visual Studio 2022 17.2 has been released

submitted by /u/Kissaki0
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Monday, May 9, 2022

Google AI Introduces A Method For Automating Inter- And Intra-Operator Parallelism For Distributed Deep Learning

submitted by /u/IsDaouda_Games
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Package and Deploy a Lambda Function as a Docker Container With AWS CDK

One of my previous blog posts covered how to build a Serverless backend for Slack using by using Lambda Function URL as a webhook. Since I wanted to focus on the application itself, the infrastructure setup part was simplified - using AWS CLI, the function was packaged as a zip file, configured and finally, a Function URL was created along with the required permissions.

In this blog, you will end up deploying the same solution, but this time using IaaC (Infrastructure-as-code) with AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) which is a framework for defining cloud infrastructure in code and provisioning it through AWS CloudFormation. You can choose from a list of supported programming languages (at the time of writing - TypeScript, JavaScript, Python, Java, C#/.Net, and Go (in developer preview)) to define your infrastructure components as code, just like you would with any other application!

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A Guide to Understanding Vue Lifecycle Hooks

Like other frameworks, Vue has a number of lifecycle hooks that allow us to attach code to specific events that occur while a Vue application is being created or used - for example, when the component loads, when a component is added to the DOM, or when something is deleted.

Vue has a lot of lifecycle hooks, and what can be confusing is what each one means or does. In this guide, we'll be covering what each lifecycle hook does and how to use them.

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Amazon Web Services (AWS) Becomes Technology Partner To VeCarbon, Enabling (Inter)National Scale Carbon Management Services

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The Difference Between the Composition API and Options API in Vue

Up until Vue 2, there was one way to create components in Vue. With Vue 3, a new methodology was introduced called the Composition API. Now, if we want to make a component in Vue, we have two ways to do it. You might be wondering what the difference is, exactly, so let's take a look at how the newer Composition API differs from the Vue 2 methodology, which is now known as the Options API

What Is the Difference Between the Composition and Options API in Vue?

The short answer is syntax. The Composition API lets us create components without the need for a large single exportable object, like in the Options API. For example, if we wanted to make a simple counter component with the Options API, it would look like the code below.

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Sunday, May 8, 2022

95% Programming

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How configure a Wordpress site with LightSail using CloudFront and Route 53

submitted by /u/bitter-cognac
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The History Of Spreadsheets, from VisiCalc to Causal & beyond

submitted by /u/astonfred
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from programming https://ift.tt/S6Cqpd0

I created a Website to generate Code Snippets, Regexes, Linux & Git & SQL Commands, HTML and CSS from a written description. Furthermore translate code snippets to many languages and get a regex explained in plain english. Moreover you can fix broken code snippets & more.. All with the help of AI 🤖

submitted by /u/Capital_Revolution35
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Simple Simulations for System Builders

submitted by /u/alexeyr
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Users Don't Care About Your JIRA Board

submitted by /u/ProfessorBeekums
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DALAS - driving assistant for Android

submitted by /u/suibex
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Friday, May 6, 2022

Naive Bayes for Natural Language Processing In Under 3 Minutes

submitted by /u/badassbilla
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GitHub - no-src/gofs: A cross-platform file synchronization tool out of the box based on golang

submitted by /u/mstmdev
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Open Source Software (OSS) Quality Assurance - A Milvus Case Study

Quality assurance (QA) is a systematic process of determining whether a product or service meets specific requirements. A QA system is an indispensable part of the R&D process because, as its name suggests, it ensures the quality of the product.

This post introduces the QA framework adopted in developing the Milvus vector database, providing a guideline for contributing developers and users to participate in the process. It will also cover the major test modules in Milvus and methods and tools that can be leveraged to improve the efficiency of QA testings.

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Troubleshooting the Failed to Create Pod Sandbox Error

submitted by /u/humpier
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Maven Tutorial: Nice and Easy [Video]

Ever looked for a comprehensive intro to Maven that is fun and entertaining at the same time? Then have a look at this brand-new episode of the "Marco Codes" YouTube channel: Maven Tutorial - Nice & Easy.

In this video, you'll learn how to use Maven like a professional: installations, using the mvn wrapper, using Maven together with IDEs, and of course the Maven basics. From pom.xml concepts to running commands (clean install) to understanding Maven repositories and multi-module projects, by the end of it, there won't be many questions left when it comes to Maven.

from DZone.com Feed https://ift.tt/MEXjlkJ

78% of the web powered by PHP TL;DR: 3% on PHP 8, PHP 7.4 EOL < 6 months, backporting.

submitted by /u/linux_blog
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Thursday, May 5, 2022

MySQL DB Installation and Workbench [Video]

In the video below, we take a closer look at MySQL DB installation, MySQL Workbench, how to connect to the MySQL DB, and how to get info using the Java program. Let's get started!

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Scaling Feature Flag Management for Better Progressive Delivery [Webinar]

The concept of "progressive delivery" using feature flags has rapidly grown in recent years as the "new standard" in DevOps excellence, and for good reason. The concept of using feature flags to decouple deployment from release to deliver "progressively" expands the principles of continuously improving software directly into production with real users -- in a safe, controlled way. Further, feature flags provide a wide variety of safety and speed improvements within software delivery, effectively "supercharging" CI/CD in new ways. 

However, achieving these software delivery benefits at scale doesn't come without downsides. Complexity can grow in testing, accrual of technical debt, and general visibility and governance of feature flags across CI/CD toolchains. 

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Researchers Disclose Years-Old Vulnerabilities in Avast and AVG Antivirus

submitted by /u/IsDaouda_Games
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Visual Studio Code April 2022

submitted by /u/myroon5
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Why Is Cypress the Best Automation Testing Tool?

Cypress - The Test Automation Tool

Cypress is the fastest, most reliable, and easiest-to-use automation tool for QA Testing. Cypress is a Node.js-based tool that can be integrated with any CI/CD pipeline. It offers an easy-to-use and powerful user interface, making it an ideal choice for automating the testing process. Cypress is also open-source and provides excellent support to the community. Cypress is the best option to automate QA Testing because of its speed, reliability, and ease of use. It is also open-source and offers excellent support to the community. In addition, Cypress is easy to use and install - unlike other tools that require complex configuration, Cypress can be installed quickly and easily.

Here Are Some of the Top Reasons why Cypress Is the Best Option for Automating QA Testing:

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Vue 3 Reactivity Composition API Using Reactive() And Ref()

Reactivity is a key pillar for building VueJS applications. While VueJS Reactivity using Options API is quite powerful, more and more developers are moving to Composition API for building their Vue applications. Thankfully, Vue 3 Reactivity with Composition API is equally robust.

Vue 3 Reactivity with Composition API is driven by reactive() and ref() functions. These functions turn the component model data reactive so that Vue is able to track changes. However, both reactive() and ref() have their specific use-cases. It is important to know which function should be used in which particular scenario.

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Fuzzing Framework for Typescript

submitted by /u/Mr_Stark_OS
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Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Introducing arcticDB: A database for Observability

submitted by /u/eatonphil
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Request Routing Through Service Mesh for WebSphere Liberty Profile Container on Kubernetes


I will demonstrate how to request routing from service mesh to WebSphere Liberty Profile (WLP) application server Docker container image on Kubernetes. Further providing details about Istio Ingress gateway, Gateway, and Virtual service created on istio that routing traffic to Docker image with WLP installed. In the end, we will be seeing from Istio kiali dashboard request routing through Istio ingress gateway and another way directly hitting to service on Kubernetes.

Environment Requirements

1. Refer to the following Kubernetes official website to install and configure the cluster with kubeadm,

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19 Software Development Metrics and KPI's to track today

submitted by /u/tsys_inc
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What Are the Best Ways to Protect Your CAD/CAM Data?

Computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) files are increasingly instrumental in planning and producing various products. However, you may initially overlook the possibility of cybercriminals targeting CAD and CAM files when orchestrating their attacks. A solid data security management plan can prevent data loss and unwanted outcomes. Here are some actionable suggestions.

Ensure Everyone Only Uses Authorized Software Versions

When people with limited budgets need expensive CAD/CAM software, some might turn to the internet to find “cracked” versions of the desired products. Creating a cracked version involves modifying the genuine title to remove a specific characteristic. For example, cracked software may no longer include the screen requiring a person to enter a software key to keep using the program after a free trial.

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Backdooring Rust crates for fun and profit

submitted by /u/mooreds
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You shouldn't use a lookup table

submitted by /u/i_dont_pod
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Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Quality Engineering Design for AI Platform Adoption


We are in the golden age of AI (1). AI adoption makes businesses more creative, competitive, and responsive. The software-as-a-service (SaaS) model, coupled with the advancements of the cloud, has matured the software production and consumption process. Most organizations prefer to “buy” AI capabilities than “build” their own. Hence SaaS providers, such as Salesforce, SAP, Oracle, etc., have introduced AI platform capabilities, creating AI-as-a-Service (AIaaS) model. This evolution has made AI adoption easier for enterprises (2).

For quality assurance (QA) in general, testing in particular plays a vital role in the AI platform adoption. Testing is complex in the adoption of an AI platform and the reasons are:

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How easy is it to Integrate Jetpack Compose into an app which uses View binding?

submitted by /u/MB-Coder
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DevOps Operational Benefits — How Does DevOps Sync Your Operations With Your Business Goals?

Every year DevOps market is growing at an exponential rate. Considering the current trend of DevOps adoption, the CAGR is at 24.7%, with an expected market capitalization of $10.3 billion by 2023. In laymen's terms, DevOps's goal is to make it feasible for the development and operations teams to collaborate to optimize performance, reduce errors, improve delivery speed, etc.

However, harnessing DevOps has tons of operational benefits apart from technical benefits. This blog is dedicated to explaining some of the functional benefits of DevOps and how your operations can sync with your business goals. 

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Announcing egui 0.18 - the friendly GUI library for web and native

submitted by /u/emilern
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