Monday, February 28, 2022

SSH productivity tips

submitted by /u/Bonjoura2
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from programming

Problems With Kafka Streams

Originally published December 11, 2017

Before diving straight into the main topic, let me introduce you to Kafka Streams first.

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"Programmers have way more bargaining power than they know, because there are a ton of jobs only they can do that don't even need code." Interesting conversation from a former CTO on the different career opps developers can pursue that require little-to-no coding.

submitted by /u/GrowingFrigate
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from programming

Why You Should Defer Side Effects Until the Last Possible Step

submitted by /u/usernameqwerty005
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from programming

Remote Debugging Cloud Foundry Apps


While debugging Java applications in an IDE like IntelliJ Idea is straightforward, it involves slightly more effort to debug a remotely running app. While debugging a remotely running app in production is generally not a good idea, the ability to remote debug apps in lower environments, like integration testing, may be useful.

Cloud Foundry is a platform that allows you to deploy and run your workloads easily and intuitively. IntelliJ Idea is a popular IDE, especially for Java developers.

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Python-Wordle -- Game, Solver and Helper!

submitted by /u/hrishikeshrt
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from programming

Sunday, February 27, 2022

Can you help with a survey for my PhD re US Employees’ Experience with Virtual Work Arrangements During the Pandemic Period?

submitted by /u/TDWorld
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from programming

Double-Checked Locking Design Pattern in Java

In the video tutorial below, we take a closer look at the double-checked locking design pattern in Java. This tutorial includes an introduction, implementation, and out-of-order writes. Let's get started!

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Win32 is the stable Linux userland ABI (and the consequences)

submitted by /u/localtoast
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from programming

Building a Simple Front-End for Your ArangoDB Datasource

A major pain point around building apps is designing the UI elements. Fortunately, with Appsmith, you create a custom frontend in minutes. Connecting datasources with Appsmith takes a few minutes, and you can easily build tools on top of the database of your choice. For example, you can build admin panels to manage product catalogs, read content data from your database and use that to populate your e-commerce website, and then write more data and update your existing orders in the database. The possibilities are countless.

In this blog, I will teach you how to build a frontend that can connect to ArangoDB as a datasource.

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Finding an organization for Google Summer of Code

submitted by /u/nishant_wrp
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from programming

One secret tip for first-time OSS contributors

submitted by /u/BhupeshV
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from programming

Python Selenium Tutorial #3 - Pagination & Saving Data To JSON File

submitted by /u/CopilotExperiments
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from programming

Chatbot survey

submitted by /u/juliettemnt
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from programming

Wordlexpr -- compile-time Wordle in C++20

submitted by /u/SuperV1234
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from programming

Saturday, February 26, 2022

Ukraine needs IT help

submitted by /u/avokadai
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from programming

Why I shifted my career to OutSystems, and why you should too!

submitted by /u/Serdays
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from programming

How To Use Watchers in Vue

In any web application, it's normal to have input data that alters a page. For example, a user may update their username, or submit a post. In vue, we can watch for these changes using watchers. Watchers allow us to check on a specific data element or prop and see if it's been altered in any way.

If you are brand new to Vue, get started with our guide on making your first Vue app here, before diving into watchers.

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Spring Boot Delete User Details API Test Client Using Rest Assured | API Testing Using Rest Assured

In the below video, take a closer look at Spring boot- delete user details API test client using Rest Assured. Let's get started!

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Destructive Malware Targeting Organizations in Ukraine - Advisory by CISA & FBI

submitted by /u/Gorkha56
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from programming

Python Cybersecurity 101 — Build your own tools in 10 min

submitted by /u/whackri
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from programming

Friday, February 25, 2022

Introduction to DevSecOps

With DevSecOps, you can reach higher security standards while following DevOps principles. This Refcard will show you how to get started with DevSecOps with key themes, crucial steps to begin your journey, and a guide to choosing security tools and technologies to build your DevSecOps pipeline.

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Curse Word Translater

submitted by /u/Opposite_Signature67
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from programming

Let's try to help Ukrainians together

submitted by /u/bioker
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from programming

Dashboard design in wpf Tutorial

submitted by /u/IllustrationExpo
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from programming

DataWeave Tip #8: The write Function

Originally published February 26, 2019

Recently I have been working on a really simple case. When an HTTP server returned an error and a non-empty body, I needed to embed this body into an error structure. Although this is a simple case, I got a problem with implementing it in Mule 4. In the previous Mule edition, it was a little bit simpler. So let's see what it is all about.


First, we have a look at the case that I have to implement. I have a mule application that is calling an external HTTP server via an HTTP request component. When the server responds with an error like 4xx, 5xx, and the returned body will is not empty, we would like to forward that response to the calling application.

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IonQ Aria Furthers Lead As World’s Most Powerful Quantum Computer

submitted by /u/donutloop
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from programming

Thursday, February 24, 2022

Why GitOps Is So Important to Businesses Today

Why Gitops Matters for Business Success

At a recent event, Weaveworks’ Chief Operating Officer Steve George explained exactly why GitOps is so important to businesses. It’s an important point to make because, as a fast-growing technological approach, GitOps is usually discussed from the perspective of the technologist. As a  result, most practitioners are now familiar with the concept of GitOps, if not the practical details. In the boardroom, however, knowledge levels remain low – despite the fact that a significant body of data now suggests that GitOps delivers measurable business value.

In the video, Steve explains three things:

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A CLI & utility functions for manipulating SQLite databases from Python

submitted by /u/feross
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from programming

How To Reuse Your Ansible Roles To Build Docker Images With Packer

In this article, I will show you how to reuse your Ansible roles to build Docker images using Packer.
If you are like me, you have probably used Ansible for a while. You probably have Ansible roles that you use to install and manage software on-premise and VM. Now you want to reuse those roles to build your own custom Docker images to use for development, testing, or production.

This is possible and very useful with minor changes to the Ansible roles. In fact, with Docker, you start with a very minimalistic environment and you can't take for granted some components that you will find preinstalled on major Linux distros.

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Why Should you Learn Rust?

submitted by /u/Beautiful-Credit-868
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from programming

How to Code in under 2 minutes

submitted by /u/SamE_Strats
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from programming

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Growing with Kubernetes: Why We Chose to Migrate our Apps to EKS

submitted by /u/thymedan
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from programming

My company is hosting a webinar next Wednesday (2pm EST). If you're curious about what ephemeral environments are or what they can do, be sure to check it out. Use link below to register and reserve your spot.

submitted by /u/EphemeralEnvs
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from programming

Python Selenium Tutorial #2 - Grabbing Elements From HTML

submitted by /u/CopilotExperiments
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from programming

Coding Interview - Longest Palindromic Substring - Pass

submitted by /u/ItsTheWeeBabySeamus
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from programming

How is this Interactive Data Visualization done? D3? React?

submitted by /u/Mr_Duado
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from programming

3 Common Mistakes Junior Engineers Make

submitted by /u/k2h66p26
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from programming

6 Software Development Principles: do you know what all 6 acronyms stand for?

submitted by /u/CodacyOfficial
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from programming

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Auto Generating Post Thumbnails With Node.JS

Every time I post an article, I create a thumbnail to go along with it. Often this part is the most tedious. I usually do it in Photoshop or another image editor. To try and make this easier, I've recently automated the generation of post thumbnails of this image with Javascript and Node.JS. In this tutorial we'll be looking at how you can generate your own article images automatically, using Node.JS and Canvas. The final code can be found in this Git Gist.

Here is an example of an image I generated using this method:

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Martin Kleppmann - CRDTs and the Quest for Distributed Consistency

submitted by /u/binaryfor
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from programming

Building a Multi-Feature Pipeline With OpenShift Pipelines

Hi, all! Some Development/Agile/Git workflows make use of multiple feature branches to coordinate their Sprints/Development cycles.

One thing that I saw while working with certain clients is that for every feature, they created a pipeline. This process (although automated in most places) generated a ton of useless and repetitive pipelines.

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So I love bowling so I programmed a bowling game in Unity (C#) and then published it to Android :D let me know what you guys think / if you have any tips

submitted by /u/stonebison75
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from programming

Take The Haskell Beginners 2022 Course (For Free)

submitted by /u/pmz
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from programming

Monday, February 21, 2022

What Is New In .NET 6.0

submitted by /u/IsDaouda_Games
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from programming

Alpha Omega-New Initiative For Taking Open Source Software Security Seriously

submitted by /u/pmz
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from programming

Artificial Nightmares : Don't Look Under The Bed 2 || DD PYTTI VQGAN AI Art Video [4K 60 FPS]

submitted by /u/Thenamessd
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from programming

Fomir – a schema-first library for building forms

submitted by /u/feross
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from programming

Multiple Inheritance in Java

Ever since Java 8 introduced default interface methods, I felt there had to be a way to use it for multiple inheritance. I have never needed it, but I was bored for a bit today, so decided to try the following idea:

  • Create a non-public class XData to hold the fields the interface needs to work with, and a public interface X in the same source file
  • The interface has one virtual method getXData() that returns the XData instance
  • The remaining interface methods are default methods that call getXData() to read and write the fields as necessary to perform some useful operations.
  • Create another interface Y and class YDatain the same pattern
  • Create a class XY that implements both interfaces X and Y
  • The class XY has XData and YData fields, which are returned by getXData() and getYData(). These are the only two interface methods XY is required to implement.
  • I didn't bother in my example, but XY would have to decide how to implement the Object methods hashCode, equals, and toString. These methods cannot be implemented by interfaces (but they could be implemented in XData and YData classes if desired)

The end result is the XY class is an instance of both X and Y interfaces, and inherits the encapsulated behaviors of both X and Y default methods - multiple inheritance by any reasonable measure.

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Physically-based GPU Raytracer from Scratch in C++/CUDA

submitted by /u/Due_Werewolf_1406
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from programming

Sunday, February 20, 2022

Supervising in C++: how to make your programs reliable

submitted by /u/basiliscos
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from programming

a simple online tetris game with a source code of a mess i guess

submitted by /u/Calmbroo
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from programming

I created financial market analyzer tool using neural links. It can be used to create custom AI trackers. Free to use. Share feedback, if any.

submitted by /u/guytk_
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from programming

7 Tips on Writing Good Technical Content

Technical writing fills the gap between the technology experts and general users of the technologies. Writing a good piece of content is an art that can affect the market presence of the product/service as well.

Usually, any piece of technical content has the following target.

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DevUtils - Offline Toolbox for Developers

submitted by /u/binaryfor
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from programming

Distribution Design Patterns in Java - Data Transfer Object (DTO) And Remote Facade Design Patterns

In the video below, we take a closer look at distribution design patterns in Java - Data Transfer Objects (DTO) and remote facade design patterns. Let's get started!

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The Art of Image Processing in CSS

submitted by /u/yangzhou1993
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from programming

Saturday, February 19, 2022

It's better to be (type)safe than sorry

submitted by /u/skwee357
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from programming

Pyrite- Open source video conferencing

submitted by /u/microface
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from programming

Announcing Entity Framework 7 Preview 1

submitted by /u/IsDaouda_Games
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from programming

New sub for folks building network software (e.g. TCP/IP implementations)

submitted by /u/eatonphil
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from programming

Experimental WebAssembly port of LibreOffice released

submitted by /u/IsDaouda_Games
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from programming

Time management Linux python program. Hi everyone! I am new to programming and decided to make useful linux tool for your time management. Check it out and leave some feedback please.

submitted by /u/Aitehs_new
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from programming

An attempt to answer the age old interview question: What happens when you type into your browser and press enter?

submitted by /u/binaryfor
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from programming

How could the conflict between Russia and Ukraine hit global markets?... Here illustration

submitted by /u/magdy-abdelsalam-67
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from programming

Simple Made Easy

submitted by /u/VodkaHaze
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from programming

Friday, February 18, 2022

How to Use Postman to Build a Mock Server That Mimics the Marqeta Core API?

The Marqeta Core API lets you build web applications for custom payment card programs with the Marqeta platform. While SDKs for the Core API are available for Python and Ruby, you can always use the developer sandbox and the Core API Explorer to work with the API, regardless of the language you use to develop your application.

For faster prototype development, however, you might find it useful to build an API mock server. In this post, we'll work through how to use Postman to build a mock server that mimics the Marqeta Core API. We'll demonstrate how to create a new collection in Postman, save responses from live requests to the sandbox, and then create a mock server and send our test requests.

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Getting Started: Creating and Running a Runbook

submitted by /u/aspleenic
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from programming

How to handle input on Windows in C

submitted by /u/UltimaN3rd
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from programming

Why 4 Bloomberg engineers wrote another C++ book

submitted by /u/SuperV1234
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from programming

Object-relational Structural Design Patterns in Java

In the below video, we take a closer look at Object-relational structural design patterns in Java. Let's get started!

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How To Ensure Data Transparency and Why It’s Important

Data transparency is more important than ever before, with more people going online amid surging cyberthreats. Consumers are becoming more aware and critical of how software and websites use their data. More than a few companies have gotten bad publicity due to a lack of transparency about user data. 

How can developers ensure they are providing good data transparency? A few key tactics will help.

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How to create QR codes in Java

submitted by /u/somewhat-funny
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from programming

The Top SIEM Challenges Modern Security Practitioners Face Today

In many ways, the tools security professionals have at their disposal have not kept up with the seismic changes in IT infrastructure and workloads brought about by the cloud. For example, most Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) platforms are still based on decades-old technology and architectures.

The deficiencies in traditional SIEM solutions are common knowledge throughout the industry, at least anecdotally, but I wanted to see actual data. To explore the firsthand experiences of security practitioners, my company, Panther Labs, commissioned an independent study to understand how well legacy SIEMs meet the needs of security teams today. 

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Thursday, February 17, 2022

Kubernetes and Apache Cassandra: What Works (and What Doesn’t)

“I need it now and I need it reliable”


If you’re on the receiving end of this statement, we understand you here in the K8ssandra community. Although we do have reason for hope. Recent surveys have shown that Kubernetes (K8s) is growing in popularity, not only because it’s powerful technology, but because it actually delivers on reducing the toil of deployment.

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Error Handler for Express Body Parser

submitted by /u/hash_t
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from programming

Kubernetes auditing: which IAM user deleted a namespace?

As a cluster administrator, by following the simple steps in this blog post, you should be able to answer questions about Kubernetes audit logs, like who initiated a request to delete a Kubernetes resource? When did it happen? On what did it happen?

Architecture diagram

What are audit logs?

Audit logs allow you to better understand the operations that are initiated by users in your cluster, which can help you troubleshoot issues or report compliance to industry and internal standards.

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🌱💻 Join the Sustainability & Computing Community 💻🌱 I am a Computer Scientist with a big heart for sustainability. Are there like-minded peers out there looking for a safe place to discuss related innovations? 💚

submitted by /u/sovyvos
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from programming

MyMobileSpecs is a Mobiles research destination where we help users to find the best devices at the best price on the bases of their specifications like mobiles, storage capacity, Performance, Display, Camera Capacity, Battery Capacity etc.

submitted by /u/thekingmm66
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from programming

Is DevOps Good Or Bad?

submitted by /u/6769626a6f62
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from programming – an open source toolbox for colors

submitted by /u/feross
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from programming

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Recursive Queries in PostgreSQL for Hierarchical Data

submitted by /u/Outrageous_Bee1412
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from programming

Constant references are not always your friends

submitted by /u/IsDaouda_Games
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from programming

Preparing for technical interviews part 2— During the interview

submitted by /u/TheWebUiGuy
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from programming

Common vs. separated dependency versions — How to manage dependency versioning across various builds and projects?

submitted by /u/mchl-reddit
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from programming

Animated what coding interviews have been like

submitted by /u/DizzyMajor5
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from programming

Win Your War Against Hackers and Secure Your Network

"Security is always going to be a cat and mouse game because there'll be people out there that are hunting for the zero day award, you have people that don't have configuration management, don't have vulnerability management, don't have patch management." - Kevin Mitnick (American Businessman)

Work culture has changed a lot recently. The ability to work from anywhere and at any time has become comfortable for employees, which in turn has brightened up things for hackers too. These days, sites are being bombarded by hack attacks from groups of hackers who later claim responsibility for the incident and make demands. There are a few pain points where hackers start their games.

Let's look into those vulnerable spots one by one.

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Laravel Validation Guide: Methods, Rules & Custom Messages - Flatlogic

submitted by /u/ZestycloseChocolate
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from programming

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Generate Server Code Using OpenAPI Generator

In this blog, you will learn how to generate server code using the OpenAPI Generator based on an OpenAPI specification. The code will be generated for a Spring Boot Application, but OpenAPI supports many other languages which can be used.

1. Introduction

In November I attended JFall, the largest one day Java conference in the Netherlands organized by NLJUG. You can read here my impressions of that day. One of the talks I attended described how to design your API first and how to generate code by using the OpenAPI Generator. The talk is ‘API-First: from design to development’ from Vasco Veloso. You can watch it on YouTube.

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8 Types of Functional Testing

Functional and non-functional testing are the two types of software testing. There are various types of functional testing, that are as below:

  1. Unit Testing
  2. Integration Testing
  3. System Testing
  4. Regression Testing
  5. Smoke Testing
  6. Sanity Testing
  7. Acceptance Testing
  8. User Acceptance Testing

Brief Description of Functional Testing Types

Unit Testing

Unit testing ensures that every piece of code written in a segment produces the best results. Developers just look at the interface and the determination for a part during unit testing. It provides documentation of code progression because each unit of code is thoroughly tested before moving on to the next.

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Extra Micrometer Practices With Quarkus

Metrics emitted from applications might contain parameters (i.e., tags or labels) for measuring a specific metric. Micrometer provides a facade over the instrumentation clients for many widespread monitoring systems like Atlas, Datadog, Graphite, Ganglia, Influx, JMX, and Prometheus. This article's scope explores some extra practices when combining Micrometer and Quarkus to tailor those metrics or give you some ideas of what you could extra measure.

For simplicity and given Prometheus popularity, the Micrometer Prometheus registry will be used as an example to demonstrate most of the use cases.

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Why Is Node.js a Perfect Choice for Product Development?

Node.js is a game-changer technology. It is a library that offers next-level JavaScript-based functionalities to developers. Moreover, Node.js also allows programmers to automatically send and synchronize data between server and client-side. With the adoption of Node.js, coders can build high-performance, fast, and scalable network applications.

According to SimilarTech, 225,078 websites are powered by Node.js technology. Top reputed companies including Amazon, Uber, Microsoft, Yahoo, PayPal, and LinkedIn have also opted for it. With Node.js development services, programmers can build different types of products such as proxy apps, web apps, single-page websites, and much more.

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Mocking Time in Async Rust

submitted by /u/rratner
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from programming

The Database Connection as a Leverage Point

Most databases are accessed over a network connection. We tend to think of these connections as an opaque tube between the database client and the database server: whatever happens in these tubes is mysterious, and there is nothing we can do about it. I'd like to show you how these connections can in fact be used to augment and improve your information systems.

By routing these database connections through a smart database proxy, we can observe, control and potentially modify the requests and responses going back and forth. This gives us a powerful leverage point:

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What are ethical analytics? Here's why it affects you.

submitted by /u/joeyclover
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from programming

Monday, February 14, 2022

Node2Vec Explained

submitted by /u/spidermon97
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from programming

The 2021 DORA Report Gives a Veiled Nod to GitOps

The 2021 DORA report is out, and it continues its focus on the characteristics of top-performing DevOps teams. It's becoming an essential read for anyone interested in how companies are using DevOps. The findings show that GitOps principles are integral to top-performing teams. Here are the highlights from the report.

SRE and DevOps Are Complementary

SRE (site reliability engineering) started to gain traction around the same time as DevOps, and it has its origins in companies like Google and Facebook. 

from Feed

Is 180 million lookups per second performance ok for an asynchronous cache written in C++ running on FX8150? (has cache-coherence and runs only 1 consumer thread as back-end)

submitted by /u/tugrul_ddr
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from programming

Wazawaka Goes Waka Waka

submitted by /u/feross
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from programming

Most Big Tech companies let you re-take an interview a year after you fail an interview.

submitted by /u/ItsTheWeeBabySeamus
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from programming

Programmer tip: You can now host developmental database data at for free. Here is my cruddb demo using their platform!

submitted by /u/balcopc
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from programming

The File System Access API with Origin Private File System

submitted by /u/feross
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from programming

Sunday, February 13, 2022

Saturday, February 12, 2022

Writing Morse code games in JavaScript using the Web Audio API

submitted by /u/0101110010110
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from programming

Discord is a black hole for information. - Knockout Forums

submitted by /u/Straight_Finding_756
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from programming

Discussing how terraria renders and manages it's tiles

submitted by /u/jarreed0
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from programming

Easily handle day to day CLI operation via Python instead of regular Bash programs.

submitted by /u/binaryfor
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from programming

sec-python: A Python package for parsing data from the SEC REST API

submitted by /u/EconGnome
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from programming

All you should know about Flutter development

submitted by /u/binaryfor
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from programming

Cloud Systems (Part 3): Deploying to Amazon ECS

Cloud engineering is taking over software development. In a lot of ways, this is great; it allows us to build and deploy more complicated applications with less difficulty, and maintaining those applications becomes less troublesome too. We can release smaller updates more quickly than ever, ensuring that we can stay on top of feature requests and security issues. That said, the rise of cloud engineering has also introduced a lot of complexity in the form of dozens of services even within just one cloud provider. Figuring out where to start can be tough, so let’s take a practical tour! In this series, I’ll walk you through building a personal website and deploying it using modern cloud engineering practices.

Elastic Container Service

In the previous tutorial, we extended our personal website to use the Flask web framework, add server-side routing, and package everything up into a Docker container. It’s still only running locally, though, and we want to deploy it. To do that, today we’ll be learning to use Pulumi to deploy to Amazon’s Elastic Container Service. If you completed part two of this series, we’ll be picking up right where we left off. If you’re just now joining me, you can get the completed code by forking and cloning this repository.

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What are sparse files and how to tell if a file is stored sparsely

submitted by /u/pimterry
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from programming

Friday, February 11, 2022

Schedule and build versioned, shareable and queryable dbt models from raw data

submitted by /u/chatmasta
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from programming

How to Master Your Software Engineering Journey, Part 1

Software engineering is one of the most talked-about and sought-after career paths in the current world.

During my journey as a software engineer, I have worked with some wonderful people, the latest technologies, and great projects. As I reflect on my humble beginnings and the gradual progression to my current role as an engineering manager, I wish I knew some key aspects of the craft of software engineering back then.

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Inside the Hidden Git Folder - Computerphile

submitted by /u/RobIII
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from programming

Just built my Portfolio (✿◡‿◡)

submitted by /u/ComprehensivePuppy
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from programming

Is the programming language benchmark game rigged because the time complexities are different for the different languages?

submitted by /u/EquinoxOV
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from programming

Boop, a Scriptable Scratchpad for Developers

submitted by /u/binaryfor
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from programming

A decade of major cache incidents at Twitter

submitted by /u/alexeyr
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from programming

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Docker Security

This Refcard will lay out the basics of container security, provide core practices for successful implementation, and also spell out some more advanced workflows. We split container security into three sections, covering what to do at each stage in your container security lifecycle.

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Help! Having such a hard time trying to do something so simple! Im relatively new to programming and having a really hard time understanding how to do the simple things, as some may describe this. I want to try and mess around with a tool called aws nuke but having a hard time understanding the ext

submitted by /u/crippin-wit-crypto
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from programming

Jig: Coding tool for business-side developers

submitted by /u/edbedbedbedb
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from programming

Low-Code: Aging Like Wine

A couple of weeks ago someone roughly commented on my YouTube channel, writing: "No-Code is a hoax and Low-Code a lie." I deleted the comment, not as much because I wanted to censor him, but more so because I was, quite frankly, a bit embarrassed for the commenter. I didn't want to put him into a position where he'd be forced to defend his incorrect assessment of something of such importance to the future.

Five years ago, the commenter might have been correct. However, today almost 50% of all companies developing software have already delivered projects using low-code and no-code frameworks and platforms, and roughly half of them have good experiences with such platforms. So either 50% of the world is wrong, or the commenter was wrong.

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EdgeDB 1.0

submitted by /u/vriad
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from programming

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

7 Alternatives to Using Segment

What Is a CDP (Customer Data Platform)?

CDPs have risen up as one of the best solutions to tackle the challenge of data accessibility. Strictly speaking, CDPs collect and consolidate data from various sources and send that information to different target destinations (i.e. marketing tools and sales tools). The purpose of a CDP is to aggregate the information from various data sources and combine it together to create a single 360-degree view of the customer. 

In addition to this, they also provide an additional activation layer to enable marketing automation. This is because CDPs were created to analyze user behavior and personalize their experiences. Every company has data, so CDPs are useful for both B2C companies and B2B companies.

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My part 2 of 3 video tutorial for building custom embedded OS's for Xilinx Zynq SoC (or any modern SoC that has an FPGA in it)

submitted by /u/AustinTronics
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from programming

Postgres Constraints for Newbies

submitted by /u/craig081785
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from programming

I was on a large project with the person that came up with Onion architecture.... Fast forward 4 months and we realized that Onion in fact cant scale with complexity or size

submitted by /u/grauenwolf
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from programming

AI Biometric Authentication for Enterprise Security


Biometric authentication technology has been an important industry trend for years, especially in 2021 due to the latest AI innovations available on the market. According to IBM, 20% of breaches are caused by compromised credentials. Worse, it can take an average of 287 days to identify and respond to a data breach.

AI-based security is increasing in usage and will be necessary to remain competitive in any industry. IBM reports that as of 2021, 25% of businesses have completed deployment of AI-based security, while 40% are partially deployed. The remaining 35% have not begun this process, and if your business falls into this category you may be placing your clients at great risk for dangerous data breaches. Investing in AI-based security can save a business up to $3.81 million in 2021.

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Building an adaptive favicon

submitted by /u/feross
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from programming

Stylo - A new interactive rich text editor for the web

submitted by /u/bobbeamon
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Golang: How to implement concurrency with Goroutines & Channels

submitted by /u/copitodenieve07
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from programming

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

The world of PostgreSQL wire compatibility

submitted by /u/eatonphil
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from programming

Beat Smartphone Addiction Using Apple Shortcuts/DataJar Programming

submitted by /u/No_Kaleidoscope553
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from programming

Convert coloured image to ASCII art in python

submitted by /u/SkillupGenie
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from programming

Chimera Linux Pushes Ahead For FreeBSD User-Space Atop Linux, Built Using LLVM

submitted by /u/IsDaouda_Games
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Java's Options for Options

submitted by /u/bowbahdoe
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A Non-Technical Guide To Adopting Agile Methodology for Your Non-Software Team

It often surprises me that, sometimes, tweaking "how" certain things are done, can totally revolutionize "why" they're being done. Methodology, in itself, seeks to re-imagine the meaning.

I have seen so many passion-driven people constantly hit dead ends, whereas, method-driven people kept on finding the way forward while trying to achieve similar objectives. I firmly believe that the Agile methodology (introduced in the early 2000s) is one such example that helps software teams stay highly productive. 

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Improving the Storage Access API in Firefox

submitted by /u/feross
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from programming

How we could have listened to anyone’s call recordings.

submitted by /u/PhotojournalistHuge3
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from programming

five different paths to methods

submitted by /u/technomancy
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from programming

Monday, February 7, 2022

Introducing the Dialog Element

submitted by /u/feross
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from programming

On finding the average of two unsigned integers without overflow

submitted by /u/unaligned_access
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Keep calm and S.O.L.I.D

submitted by /u/n1m_n1
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COBOL Language Still in Demand as Application Modernization Efforts Take Hold

submitted by /u/CrankyBear
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from programming

MuleSoft: Connect PostgreSQL Database and Call PostgreSQL Function

What Is PostgreSQL?

PostgreSQL is an open source object-relational database system that uses and extends the SQL language to store and scale complicated data workloads.

A prerequisite to start with this walkthrough is to have a database connector added in Anypoint Studio. You can add these connectors from the Add modules option. Also, you need to have an ElephantSQL account, as we are going to use the PostgreSQL database hosted on the ElephantSQL platform. You can use any other PostgreSQL service provider platform or self-managed PostgreSQL server.

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Sha256 Algorithm Explained

submitted by /u/GenilsonDosTrombone
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from programming

Improve security and privacy by updating HTTP Cache

submitted by /u/feross
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I made a game in a programming language that I also made!

submitted by /u/ChadderboxDev
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from programming

I created a free online stretch and break reminder to prevent carpal tunnel

submitted by /u/DoPeT
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from programming

Sunday, February 6, 2022


submitted by /u/Kirstenskorner
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Buffering Videos in the Browser as in the Year 2000s

submitted by /u/yetanotherblackcat
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Can You Own a Color? A New NFT Marketplace Is Trying To Find Out

submitted by /u/ColorMuseum
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from programming

Memento Design Pattern in Java

In the video below, we take a closer look at Memento Design Pattern in Java.  This tutorial includes an introduction, real-time example, and implementation. Let's get started!

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CNotes - Combining Notetaking and Programming

submitted by /u/VaalConvocation
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from programming

OOP Python - Intermediate

submitted by /u/here-i-am-people
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construct-json: Easily construct JSON in Bash.

submitted by /u/itsjohncs
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HTMX - You might not need a frontend framework - DjangoCon 2021

submitted by /u/GenilsonDosTrombone
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Quick tips on how to best use the Algorithm Design Manual for interview prep

submitted by /u/ItsTheWeeBabySeamus
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from programming

Saturday, February 5, 2022

Best Laptop Stand for Desk & Bed - iSwift Pi Review - Paper Thin Durable Laptop Desk

submitted by /u/LobsterOne1942
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from programming

Building Micronaut applications with Micronaut Mongo Reative

submitted by /u/bitter-cognac
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from programming

AI: The Future of HealthTech

Being bolstered by AI, both automation and hyper-automation have remained leading IT trends for several years in a row while amplifying numerous industries. However, there is one area tech scions never took seriously before the pandemic: the potential of AI in HealthTech. 

In 2022, HealthTech has made it into common flagship services and a fast lane across global tech companies. With that said, let's see how AI can be used in healthcare software, its current stand on the market, and related technologies you might want to look into further. I’ll also go over one of the technicalities of intelligent drug discovery and gene-sequencing, based on real cases from some of my clients.

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I built a real-time blog view counter with NextJs and Firebase for my blog 👨‍💻

submitted by /u/the2ndfloorguy
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from programming

Strengthen Your Team Relationships and Take Your Team to the Next Level


In our day-to-day, and mainly, in the positions of full remote work, the dedicated time to achieve our tasks and objectives is covered with squalls of meetings (clients, troubleshooting, at a company or team level, dependencies with other people, etc.), and we forget some important factors such as:

  • Communication and relationship: Of every monthly and weekly meeting; What percentage do I dedicate to strengthening my relationship with the team to get to know them better and know how they are doing, what motivates them, what concerns them, their hobbies, etc?
  •  Target: What is the purpose of the meeting? Personal to connect and build relationships with my colleagues or for work purposes? I have a 30-minute meeting to agree on estimates and 15 minutes have been for off-topic discussions.
  • Time value: Is the meeting necessary or can the goal of collaborating asynchronously be met? I attended the meeting but, did I have something to contribute or did I learn something that will help me in the future?

In this article, we will focus on the communication side, in which, besides strengthening, we will get feedback that will allow us to improve personally and as a team to also offer a better service and a better quality.

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Friday, February 4, 2022

How to define specific commands for each each pane of a PanedWindow?

submitted by /u/MohammadRezaSharif
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from programming

Change Column in Syncfusion TreeGrid Angular

Syncfusion Angular can help develop angular applications faster with many featured components that look like TreeGrid.

According to the documentation, "Syncfusion Angular UI (Essential JS 2) is a collection of modern TypeScript based true Angular Components. It has support for Ahead Of Time (AOT) compilation and Tree-Shaking. All the components are developed from the ground up to be lightweight, responsive, modular, and touch-friendly". 

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Finding Deadlocks in a Golang Database

submitted by /u/SpareWatercress
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from programming

Why Are There Still Data Silos In 2022?

This article will look at what data silos are, how they can be bad for business, and how you can move away from using them.

The good news is that more and more data is available to businesses than ever before. From customers registering for online accounts to giving you their details in exchange for lead magnets, information is invaluable for helping to make critical business decisions.

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Create native JavaFX applications using GraalVM 22 builds from Gluon - Gluon

submitted by /u/Persism
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from programming

Start off your coding journey with the right links.

submitted by /u/Dannie-Dannie
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from programming

Thursday, February 3, 2022

Role of Artificial Intelligence for Government


For the last 20 years, the research on artificial intelligence has been very aggressive, which has resulted in great innovations. Big data, robotics, medical research, and autonomous vehicles are some of the applications that emerged from AI development.

Government interest in AI has picked up in recent years as many government departments started to invest in AI in the form of pilot programs for various AI-based applications. AI adoption acts as a lever for transformational change in the way government services are conceived, designed, delivered, and consumed. It helps the government to provide integrated services to its citizens through the seamless flow of information across government departments. In addition, the adoption of AI helps in redesigning government processes, frees up staff, increases productivity, and improves citizen interactions.   

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Testing Serverless Functions

Serverless computing, or functions-as-a-service, has picked up a lot of attention and speed due to its cost-effective pay-as-you-go price offering, multi-language/runtime support, as well as its easy learning curve without any need to provide the infrastructure layer. All the major cloud providers now have a serverless computing offer as part of their services portfolio: Amazon Web Services has Lambda, Microsoft Azure has Azure Functions, and Google Cloud has Cloud Functions. Furthermore, there are on-prem/on-Kubernetes options for running serverless functions on OpenWhisk or OpenFaaS. For the sake of consistency, I will refer to all of these services as serverless functions throughout the rest of this post. 

In a microservices (or even nanoservices, as serverless functions are sometimes known) architecture, there are inherently lots of components, modules, and services that form part of an application or platform. This can make testing a chore, and sometimes a neglected part of the SDLC for these platforms. This article will explore some options and techniques for testing these types of platforms to help make this aspect of your projects easier. Testing should always be a first-class citizen, regardless of the infrastructure. Irrespective of the language, framework, or tools we use, testing is vital to ensure both sustained development velocity and the quality of our deliveries to production. 

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Visual Studio Code January 2022

submitted by /u/unaligned_access
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from programming

WG - Command Line Wordle-like game. Multiple dictionaries, 4 to 9 word length, learn definitions for the words you do not guess

submitted by /u/ludovicianul
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from programming

How To Boost Staff Retention and Empower Employees Using NodeJS, React, and Redis

Employees are the lifeblood of every business, making it absolutely crucial to align the right personnel with the right job. Doing so will transform a business into a well-oiled machine where every cog performs with maximum efficiency. Those who don’t will experience the rust that comes from a job mismatch, which usually translates to less productivity, high staff turnover rates, and blighted profits.  

Having a poor employee retention rate is expensive, but trying to find the right candidate is a time-consuming process. What’s quite often the case is that businesses already have these skills available to them in their workforce, and only require a system that can transfer employees to positions that correspond with their talents. 

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Create Vue JS Dependency Wheel 2/10

submitted by /u/101samovar
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from programming

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Custom Hash Functions for C++ Unordered Containers

submitted by /u/yep808
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from programming

AWS DynamoDB Table Design in 10 Minutes

AWS DynamoDB is a serverless key and value pair NOSQL database. The schema design concept is different from traditional relational database. You can understand the DynamoDB table design within 10 minutes in this video.

Thank you for watching!

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SQLite .NET, OneDrive & Uno Platform

submitted by /u/Unoplatform
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from programming

How To Persist and Query Data With SQLite in Flutter App Development

Persisting and querying a large amount of data on the local device is important to make a highly performant Flutter application. This data must remain intact in each app session. Hence, you need to have an advanced database management system to locally store your more complex and interdependent data. SQLite should be your pick in this scenario as it emphasizes concurrency, scalability, reliability, centralization, simplicity, and control.

When it comes to Flutter app development, you can use the SQLite database the right way via the sqflite package available on You can have complete control over your queries, database, relationships, or everything you desire to improve the performance of your Flutter apps. 

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Integrate API's as easily as npm install. We're already doing this with WunderHub.

submitted by /u/Free-Brush644
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from programming

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Functional Programming on Top of SQL Engines

submitted by /u/mttd
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from programming

Type Wars: The TypeScript Saga; Which Type Keywords to use and when?

submitted by /u/nicotsou
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Porting USB applications to the web. Part 2: gPhoto2

submitted by /u/feross
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Northflank – a modern Heroku alternative

submitted by /u/ricklamers
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from programming

Adapter Design Pattern - Real-time Examples (Translator, Mobile Charger, Universal Adaptor, and More)

In the video below, we take a closer look at Adapter Design patterns with Real-Time examples (translator, mobile charger, universal adaptor, etc.). Let's get started!

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Customizing Aggregations With Window Frames

submitted by /u/max-dolthub
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from programming