Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Making Your Microservices Resilient and Fault Tolerant

In a monolithic application, a single error has the potential of bringing down the entire application. This can be avoided in a microservice architecture since it contains smaller independently deployable units, which won't effect the entire system. But does that mean a microservice architecture is resilient to failures? No, not at all. Converting your monolith into microservices does not resolve the issues automatically. In fact, working with a distributed system has its own challenges!

While architecting distributed cloud applications, you should assume that failures will happen and design your applications for resiliency. A microservice ecosystem is going to fail at some point or another and hence you need to embrace failures. Don't design systems with the assumption that its going to go smoothly throughout the year. Be realistic and account for the chances of having rain, snow, thunderstorms, and other adverse conditions (if I may be metaphorical). In short, design your microservices with failure in mind. Things don't always go according plan and you need to be prepared for the worst case scenario.

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