Sunday, June 30, 2019

4 Spring Annotations Every Java Developer Should Know

The complexity of modern applications never ceases to grow, with more and more features being packed into single applications or groups of applications. Although this growth brings with it some fantastic benefits, such as rich functionality and impressive versatility, it requires that developers utilize an ever-increasing number of paradigms and libraries. To reduce the workload of developers — and the amount of information that developers must memorize — many Java frameworks have turned to annotations.

Spring, in particular, is renowned for its use of annotations, allowing developers to create entire Representational State Transfer (REST) Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) with only a handful of annotations. These annotations reduce the amount of boilerplate code that is required to perform essential functions, but it also can obscure what is happening behind the scenes. For example, how does applying a Dependency Injection (DI) annotation to a field result in a specific bean being injected at runtime? Or, how does a REST annotation know which URL path to bind to?

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