Tuesday, June 28, 2022

To Shift Right, You Need Observability

In a world of shifting left, there is a growing movement: to shift right.  I recently attended a panel discussion where the panelists (from tech companies in this space) debated and even insisted – that shifting right will actually allow you to deliver more value to your customers.  Then, as they laid out their arguments, one thing became clear:  In order to shift right without significant risk, you need extensive observability of your entire application stack.

Shifting Left vs. Shifting Right

First, what does it mean to shift left or right?  Well, the shift-left movement came out of something we've known for many years: if you find a problem earlier, it costs less to fix it. The idea is to encourage your developers to do extensive testing, verify functionality in multiple levels of pre-production environments, and catch every issue you possibly can before it goes out to production.

from DZone.com Feed https://ift.tt/3kNGHnE

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