Thursday, June 30, 2022

How to Solve Context Propagation Challenges in Distributed Tracing

Distributed tracing allows tracking of a specific flow as it progresses throughout microservices systems. With distributed tracing, developers can connect the dots and gain visibility and understanding of a certain flow. This saves time when building and operating modern applications.

However, not all workflows and architectures support distributed tracing mechanisms. This is the case especially when these mechanisms were built as creative and customized solutions to unique situations. In such cases, it can be challenging to implement the context propagation mechanism, which is responsible for gathering the metadata that enables building the distributed tracing flow.

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Developer Day 2022

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3 Reasons Why You Should Centralize Developer Tools, Processes, and People

Have you ever worked for an organization that uses 15 overlapping tools, all with different requirements, inputs, and administrators? Pretty hectic, right? Every development team has its unique blend of tools that help it ship code, but it’s hard to keep all those tools seamlessly working together. We recently surveyed developer teams, and they cited fragmented tools as the most common challenge, with 39% of respondents calling it a significant challenge. 

The decentralization of developer tools, processes, and people creates friction in software development workflows and frustration across teams. If you feel like you’re constantly shifting between tools or searching for information and wasting time to ineffective tools, you’re not alone — but you also don’t have to suffer any longer. Here’s a closer look at some common issues and potential solutions:

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5 Benefits of Electronic Data Interchange

The world of corporations can be difficult if you are not moving with the pace of the industry. Having a solid communication channel while aligning with other organizations is one of the crucial aspects of the business today. While there was a time when maintaining accurate records and keeping the communication fast was a challenge for many organizations, today, EDI solutions have made it super easy for them.

Electronic data interchange has been one of the most required technologies that have simplified the basic data transfer and communication among two partnered organizations. You see, companies can't handle everything on their own. There are operations that companies prefer to keep in-house, while there are tasks that need to be outsourced. Partnering with other niche organizations is a great way to maintain quality in the operations. However, the basics of such collaborations depend majorly on the quality of communication that these two have. 

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OpenBSD has two new C compilers: chibicc and kefir

submitted by /u/iamkeyur
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from programming

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

This Robot Keeps You on Task with a Combination of Computer Vision and Pain

submitted by /u/_ayushp_
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Data Mesh — Graduating Your Data to Next Level

Data Mesh is fast emerging as a serious architecture pattern to look for in the field of data. I will stop after saying 'field of data' rather than extending the 'data' to data science, data engineering, data warehouse, and all such kinds of buzz words. We in IT have the habit of creating buzzwords and then following them. I just want to focus on something other than just the buzzword. The reason for this is Data Mesh has the potential to completely change the way we handle and look at our data. This will have an impact on all areas where data is the critical element.

Report Card For Current Level of Data

Before we graduate our data to the next level, here is a quick summary of progress or a report card of the current level of data. The diagram below shows how data is normally handled in today's IT systems.

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Full Text Search UDR for Firebird 3 and 4 based on Lucene++

submitted by /u/mariuz
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from programming

Tutorial: Build a Simple Rust App and Connect It to ScyllaDB NoSQL

ScyllaDB, an open-source database for data-intensive applications that require high performance and low latency, is an excellent match for Rust. Similar to the Rust programming language and the Tokio framework, ScyllaDB is built on an asynchronous, non-blocking runtime that works well for building highly-reliable low-latency distributed applications.

The ScyllaDB team has developed the scylla-rust-driver, an open-source ScyllaDB (and Apache Cassandra) driver for Rust. It’s written in pure Rust with a fully async API using Tokio. You can read more regarding its benchmark results, plus how our developers solved a performance regression.

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Java’s Encapsulation - When the Getter and Setter Became Your Enemy

Encapsulation is the key to a good code design, but how to archive it? Java developers automatically think about putting getter and setter in a private attribute. 

The encapsulation is a wrapping up of data under a single unit. It is the way to protect the data with OOP and avoid any security issues. The main idea around encapsulation is the data's guardian or a shield from being accessed by the code outside this shield when it makes sense. 

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Tuesday, June 28, 2022

GitHub - viraptor/reverse-interview: Questions to ask the company during your interview

submitted by /u/omko
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avalonia UI framework mvvm

submitted by /u/IllustrationExpo
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The Link Between AWM Proxy & the Glupteba Botnet

submitted by /u/feross
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To Shift Right, You Need Observability

In a world of shifting left, there is a growing movement: to shift right.  I recently attended a panel discussion where the panelists (from tech companies in this space) debated and even insisted – that shifting right will actually allow you to deliver more value to your customers.  Then, as they laid out their arguments, one thing became clear:  In order to shift right without significant risk, you need extensive observability of your entire application stack.

Shifting Left vs. Shifting Right

First, what does it mean to shift left or right?  Well, the shift-left movement came out of something we've known for many years: if you find a problem earlier, it costs less to fix it. The idea is to encourage your developers to do extensive testing, verify functionality in multiple levels of pre-production environments, and catch every issue you possibly can before it goes out to production.

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An Alternative Approach to State Management with Redux

submitted by /u/_query
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from programming

Don’t ask lazy questions, always prepare questions for your interviews.

submitted by /u/Madawg10067
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Monday, June 27, 2022

Modern C++ Won't Save Us · Alex Gaynor

submitted by /u/Alexander_Selkirk
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Internal Developer Platform in Plain English

Pros and Cons of Using Internal Development Platforms in the Cloud Computing World

Internal Development Platform (IDP) is a brand new word in DevOps and product development. In this article, I’m explaining:

  • What exactly IDP is
  • How to involve it in your organization
  • An overview of the existing IDP platforms on the market, their pros, and cons
  • An example of IDP Architecture based on the Azure Cloud

IDPWhat Is an Internal Developer Platform?

As a software architect, I design the DevOps processes and spend much time selecting the DevOps toolset, building pipelines, and communicating with the DevOps team to implement some procedures for the development team. We can solve this with the internal development platform (IDP).

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Extreme Explorations of TypeScript's Type System | Learning TypeScript

submitted by /u/HurpaDurpDeeDurp
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What makes a good/bad commit (message)

submitted by /u/gajus0
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Applying Domain-Driven Design Principles to Microservice Architectures

Microservices are the most scalable way of developing software. But you need a good design that lets developer teams work autonomously and deploy without stepping on each other's toes; otherwise, you lose most of the scalability benefits.

Domain-Driven Development allows us to plan a microservice architecture by decomposing the larger system into self-contained units, understanding the responsibilities of each, and identifying their relationships. In this article, we'll learn the basics of Domain-Driven Design and how to apply it to microservices.

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Laravel Tutorial From Beginner To Expert

submitted by /u/ezsou
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from programming

Sunday, June 26, 2022

The Other Kind of Staff Software Engineer

submitted by /u/fagnerbrack
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Idle animation - Tutorial 5 of making a game in Go with Raylib

submitted by /u/jarreed0
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Django Tailwind CSS Tutorial

submitted by /u/pmz
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about the life logically

submitted by /u/my-small-life
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avalonia UI framework

submitted by /u/IllustrationExpo
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DevOps is a failure

submitted by /u/jaxxstorm
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Saturday, June 25, 2022

What is `Box

submitted by /u/iamkeyur
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Kotlin Coroutines vs Java Virtual Threads

submitted by /u/bitter-cognac
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Learn Unity Game Development - Unity Fundamentals for Beginners

submitted by /u/AllSortsOfProducts
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Low Code and No Code: The Security Challenge

This is an article from DZone's 2022 Low Code and No Code Trend Report.

For more:

Read the Report

Many companies are looking to low-code and no-code platforms to build apps in the visual environment. They provide the opportunity for faster app development and reduce the dependence on highly skilled developers. Companies may hire less experienced or only minimally trained staff (I’ll call them citizen developers) to meet service gaps and to respond to skills shortages, ensuring their larger dev team can focus on more advanced projects. 

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1. Once more into the breach: a new Common Lisp 3D graphics project

submitted by /u/Kaveh808
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Python vs Perl

submitted by /u/_sumit_rana
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Friday, June 24, 2022

Demystifying Cloud-Native Data Management: Layers of Operation

As containerized applications go through an accelerated pace of adoption, Day 2 services have become a here-and-now problem. These Day 2 services include data management functions such as backup and disaster recovery along with application mobility. In this new world of containerized cloud-native applications, microservices use multiple data services (MongoDB, Redis, Kafka, etc.) and storage technologies to store state and are typically deployed in multiple locations (regions, clouds, on-premises).

In this environment, where legacy infrastructure or hypervisor-based solutions don’t work, what are the right constructs for designing and implementing these data management functions for cloud-native applications? How should you reason about the various data management options provided by storage vendors, data services vendors, and cloud vendors to decide the right approach for your environment and needs? This piece dives under the covers and addresses the pros and cons of various data management approaches across several attributes including consistency, storage requirements, and performance.

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How to Build a Simple CLI With Oclif

Salesforce developers have contributed much to the open-source community. Among their many contributions is an important, but perhaps lesser-known, project named oclif. The Open CLI Framework was announced in early 2018 and has since grown to become the foundation for the Salesforce CLI and the Heroku CLI.

In this post, we will provide a brief overview of oclif, and then we’ll walk through how to build a simple CLI with oclif.

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Creating Bins for Values in SQL- The Simple Way

submitted by /u/AnalysisParalysis93
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Modern Software Development

submitted by /u/speckz
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How To Use Open Source Cadence for Polling

This guide is for developers and engineers of all levels looking to understand how polling works in Cadence, the relatively new (and fully open source) fault-tolerant stateful code platform originally developed by Uber (and now supported by others, including us at Instaclustr). This guide provides “Hello, World!” type examples based on simple scenarios and use cases.  

What You Will Learn

How to set up a simple Cadence polling application on Instaclustr’s Managed Service platform.  

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Finding good practice systems design questions

submitted by /u/Madawg10067
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Thursday, June 23, 2022

searching web3 sucks

submitted by /u/Hopeful_Hovercraft
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Secure Your WSO2 Micro Integrator Deployment

WSO2 Micro Integrator (for short, let's use MI) is an integration solution that is widely used in enterprise integration. You can use MI  to implement mediation policies, message transformation, security, and more. In this article, we are going to focus on how you can securely place MI on your deployment.

First Things First

WSO2 MI comes with a default keystore that is used in many cryptography-related features including SSL, mutual SSL, and password encryption. Since this is a public one, you should make sure that you have generated a new keystore and truststore for the MI.

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Because cross-compiling binaries for Windows is easier than building natively

submitted by /u/skeeto
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Monolith vs Microservices architecture: Split or Not to Split?

What Is a Microservice Architecture and Why It Is Often Chosen

Currently, the software paradigm is represented by two types of solutions: microservices and monolithic architecture. In general, microservices architecture represents an application as a collection of small, loosely coupled services. In this kind of solution, the complexity is moved to the level of coordination of services. Each service represents one business capability that makes it easier to locate the code.

Whereas monolithic architecture assumes several discrete functions composed into a single unit that is tested, deployed, and scaled as a whole. All components are interdependent and often cannot run separately. That also means a bug in a module can slow down or break the entire application.

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What Is Edge Compute? It’s Kind of Like Knitting Dog Hats

I’ve been trying to come up with a good explanation of what exactly “edge compute” is and for reasons I don’t need to justify to you, I’ve landed on the analogy: it’s like selling knitted hats for dogs.

Why knitted dog hats? Because they’re hilarious!

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Verbum - Flexible Text Editor for React

submitted by /u/beyang
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from programming

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Apache Kafka Patterns and Anti-Patterns

Apache Kafka offers the operational simplicity of data engineers' dreams. A message broker that allows clients to publish and read streams of data — Kafka has an ecosystem of open-source components that, when combined together, help store, process, and integrate data streams with other parts of your system in a secure, reliable, and scalable manner. This Refcard dives into select patterns and anti-patterns spanning across Kafka Client APIs, Kafka Connect, and Kafka Streams, covering topics such as reliable messaging, scalability, error handling, and more.

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booking-modular-monolith-sample: This Sample is an application for showing Modular Monolith in .Net

submitted by /u/Spare-Spray6508
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New in SwiftUI 4: Gauge View

submitted by /u/devtechie
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A Brief History of the DMCA

What Is the DMCA?

The DMCA is short for the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.

On Oct 12, 1998, the US Congress passed the DMCA, which amended U.S. copyright law to address important issues of the relationship between copyright and the internet.

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Storing UTC is not a silver bullet

submitted by /u/yawnston
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from programming

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Making Your Own Express Middleware

Express is a common way to display static routes to a user. It is even more commonly used to create APIs for Node.JS. In Express, it's easy to define a URL and what will happen at that URL. We can also define middleware, which runs before the final request is returned. This can let us to alter the request and do it in a standard way across many routes.

If you've used Express, you may have already used pre-built middleware like bodyParser or jsonParser. In this guide, let's look at how you can create your own custom middleware.

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Build a Spell Checker and Corrector using Python

submitted by /u/misha_sv
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Announcing DoltLab v0.5.0

submitted by /u/liquidcoffeee
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Build a Data Pipeline on AWS With Kafka, Kafka Connect, and DynamoDB

There are many ways to stitch data pipelines: open source components, managed services, ETL tools, etc. In the Kafka world, Kafka Connect is the tool of choice for "streaming data between Apache Kafka and other systems." It has an extensive set of pre-built source and sink connectors as well as a common framework for Kafka connectors, which standardizes integration of other data systems with Kafka and makes it simpler to develop your own connectors, should there be a need to do so.

This is a two-part blog series that provides a step-by-step walkthrough of data pipelines with Kafka and Kafka Connect. I will be using AWS for demonstration purposes, but the concepts apply to any equivalent options (e.g., running these locally using Docker). Here are some of the key AWS services I will be using:

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10 Programming Habits a Web Developer Should Embrace

Technology evolves. And programmers who don’t grow professionally get left behind.

Naturally, they must have the hard technical skills required of a programmer, such as the languages involved. But having a firm grasp of data structures and algorithms and web development is just the minimum.

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Data tokenization and encryption using Go

submitted by /u/nloding
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from programming

Monday, June 20, 2022

Is the Low-Code Development Hype Cycle Heading for A Crash

submitted by /u/DynamicsHosk
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SSH Tutorial: Nice and Easy [Video]

Ever looked for a practical crash course on SSH that is fun and entertaining at the same time? Then have a look at this brand-new episode of "Marco Codes: SSH Tutorial - Nice & Easy." In this video, you'll learn how to use:

  • SSH on the command line, which includes creating keypairs with various algorithms
  • SCP to copy/download files
  • SSH-agents to improve keyfile handling
  • SSH config files to properly manage your SSH target hosts
  • SSH keys to checkout repositories from GitHub 

You will also explore advanced topics like SSH agent forwarding, SSH tunneling, and using password managers for maximum comfort.  

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Get started writing cryptographic cyphers!

submitted by /u/accidental_walrus
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from programming

How Template Literal Types Work in TypeScript

Template Literals are common in JavaScript: they let us easily combine variables and strings in JavaScript. TypeScript also introduces the concept of Template Literal Types, where we can enforce types on the inputs for Template literals. That gives us controls to ensure that text is in a certain format. Let's look at how they work.

Template Literal Types in TypeScript

A perfect example of when a template literal type might be useful is for creating IDs of certain formats. For example, let's say we have an ID that starts with 'ga-' or 'ua-', followed by a string or number. We can define a new type using type literals for that like so:

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Want to make a good Nextjs project but no relevant tutorials in Hindi? Here's the solution:

submitted by /u/Ayush_Bohra_7
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Sunday, June 19, 2022

In A Latest Speech Processing Research, Meta AI Researchers Explain Their Study On Similarities Between Deep Learning Models And The Human Brain

submitted by /u/IsDaouda_Games
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from programming

How to Translate Value to Executives Using an Outcome-Driven Mindset

An IT project is never an end in itself, but a means to attain a business objective. In this day and age, when leaders and decision-makers are exposed to buzzwords, frameworks, and tech trends constantly, it is more important than ever to take a step back and reflect on the business goal before deciding on the technological way to get there.

Decades after the advent of information technology, the challenge remains the same: to successfully apply IT practices that improve revenue streams and unlock new DevOps opportunities. Organizations urgently need to establish frameworks to manage information systems and apply them to daily operations, contributing to delivering business value and improving economic performance.

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DX exits stealth mode – TechCrunch

submitted by /u/IsDaouda_Games
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Next.js - Full Context Review

submitted by /u/IsDaouda_Games
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Cpython To Step Over Javascript In Developing Web Applications

submitted by /u/IsDaouda_Games
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Taking VSCodium for a spin

submitted by /u/nfrankel
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I used OpenAI to write a python script that opens YouTube urls as if they were in a playlist. It required using the YouTube API, which OpenAI knew how to work with. It didn't know some nuances, for example: that Python's webbrowser blocks.

submitted by /u/kuberlog
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from programming

Saturday, June 18, 2022

[Video] Programmable 2-dimensional Turing machine in Minecraft

submitted by /u/commander_nice
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Multiplayer game i am building, about infinite universes

submitted by /u/CyberSoulWriter
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Retrospective meeting guidelines for an engineering team

submitted by /u/palebt
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C++ Build Benchmarks

submitted by /u/IsDaouda_Games
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What is Data-Oriented Programming?

submitted by /u/viebel
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Is Google’s AI Sentient Enough To Be A Web Developer? /s

submitted by /u/Prestigious_Sea7879
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Linux 5.20 To Support The XP-PEN Deco L Drawing Tablet

submitted by /u/IsDaouda_Games
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Friday, June 17, 2022

The Soul of a New Machine Learning System

submitted by /u/IsDaouda_Games
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Critical Flaw in Cisco Secure Email and Web Manager Lets Attackers Bypass Authentication

submitted by /u/IsDaouda_Games
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If you're using older, vulnerable Cisco small biz routers, throw them out

submitted by /u/IsDaouda_Games
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Cisco execs pledge simpler, more integrated networks

submitted by /u/IsDaouda_Games
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Getting Started Building on the NEAR Network with Infura

Web3 and smart contracts are growing in popularity. In fact, a recent analysis of public code repositories has shown that over 18,000 developers are regularly contributing to open source crypto and Web3 projects on a monthly basis. Some of the keys to this growth are blockchains like NEAR and developer platforms like Infura.

This article will look at the NEAR blockchain, its benefits, and how to build on NEAR using Infura. Then we’ll use the NEAR Rust SDK to mint in three steps and then interact using Infura. You’ll need a NEAR account, an Infura account, and some Rust skills and tools to get up and running quickly.

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Why Chrome’s New Recorder Isn’t that Big a Feature

submitted by /u/onig90
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Biometric Authentication: Best Practices

Today, the usage of biometric authentication in a corporate environment is discussed quite often. However, at the same time, it is still can be considered new since it is just starting to really gain momentum. As a result, those organizations that are going to explore and use such an authentication system face many incomprehensible nuances, to which various myths are added.

First, let us define the terms and also discuss the advantages and disadvantages of biometric authentication in a corporate environment. 

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How to Master Programming Interview Concepts

submitted by /u/Madawg10067
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from programming

Thursday, June 16, 2022

We couldn't deal with Earth-sized software, let alone galaxy-sized

submitted by /u/tmewett
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What Is Data Analytics? Understanding Data Analytics Techniques

Data is becoming increasingly crucial for success in the digital economy. You might ask, why do organizations rely so much on data? Well, a majority of organizations rely on data for multiple processes, from product management and fraud detection to HR, finance, and manufacturing. Data analytics allow users to use pre-made reports to track performance metrics on demand. Research shows that 94% of organizations believe that data and analytics solutions are critical for growth. Not a surprising statistic since it offers several benefits, including an increase in productivity and efficiency, faster and more effective decision making, and financial gains!  

Before we dive into the ins and outs of data analytics, it is important to understand the two terms, namely ‘data science’ and ‘data analytics. Data science lays emphasis on finding meaningful correlations between large datasets, while data analytics is a branch of data science designed to uncover specifics of extracted insights 

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5 Levels of Handling Date and Time in Python

submitted by /u/yangzhou1993
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GetGoing: Introduction to Golang

submitted by /u/ezsou
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Some tips to optimize your Github for FAANG interviews

submitted by /u/Madawg10067
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Type Checking in Whiley goes Both Ways!

submitted by /u/redjamjar
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Cross-Functional Team Management

Managing a cross-functional team is an optimal way to overcome fragmentation and organize effective teamwork for the best project results. But this is not a group of people with similar jobs, such as a marketing team, IT department, or sales department. A cross-functional team rather includes people with different expertise from different departments within one unit.

What Is a Cross-Functional Team?

It is a group of people with diverse backgrounds who come together to achieve one common goal. It usually includes employees from all or any levels of the organization.

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Future of Software Development With Low Code Platform

Nowadays, business organizations are driven by the sole objective of gaining a competitive edge in a dynamic business ecosystem. They simply need inventive and futuristic workflow processes, products, and services, leveraging the latest technological developments. Now, every organization demands skilled professionals to complement its digital transformation needs. When it comes to making software products and processes more agile, low code platforms matter the most to the software development process. Low code platforms help business enterprises reap the benefits of their data optimally over traditional development methods. 

Low-code platforms can:

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Securing Privileged User Accounts with Rotated Secrets

submitted by /u/Pale-Cobbler-4895
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from programming

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Realtime Postgres with Row Level Security

submitted by /u/awalias
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from programming

5 Myths of Kubernetes

The December 2021 report from the CNCF showed that 5.6 million developers use Kubernetes today. We adopted Kubernetes a little over three years ago and felt this is a good time to reflect on what we thought we were getting into and what we have actually experienced. Here are five areas where the prevailing wisdom did not match our expectations.

1.  Kubernetes Is Hard to Learn

Alvin Toffler, the well-known futurist, made one of the more prescient observations: “The illiterate of the 21st century,” Toffler wrote, “will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.”

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Microsoft announces new roadmap for VSCode C# extension: Plans to move to closed-source "LSP Tools Host"

submitted by /u/Pjb3005
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A Git Origin Story (2018)

submitted by /u/iamkeyur
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Software Development Doesn’t Need To Be Perfect

submitted by /u/DynamicsHosk
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How did the giants rise? Episode II

submitted by /u/Mselimmozen
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Key Design Elements for IoT Sensors

Internet of Things (IoT) sensors are now common in numerous industries. However, when decision-makers invest in those technologies, they want the assurance of well-designed products that meet their expectations. The people designing IoT sensors are primarily responsible for creating functional, safe, cost-effective products. Here are some vital things to remember as a sensor designer or someone trying to select the most appropriate products to buy.

Power Sources

Many IoT sensors receive power from wall outlets or have built-in rechargeable batteries. However, those solutions aren’t feasible for some connected sensors applications.

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The Great Decentralization? Geographic shifts and where tech talent is moving next

submitted by /u/fullctxdev
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from programming

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

The web is for everyone: Our vision for the evolution of the web

submitted by /u/IsDaouda_Games
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The race condition that led to Flexcoin bankruptcy

submitted by /u/vladmihalceacom
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Chinese Hackers Distribute Backdoored Web3 Wallets for iOS and Android Users

submitted by /u/IsDaouda_Games
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Oracle’s Database Dominance Eroded by Rise of Cloud-First Rivals

submitted by /u/IsDaouda_Games
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Announcing .NET 7 Preview 5

submitted by /u/Atulin
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Java News Roundup: JDK 19 in Rampdown, JDK 20 Expert Group, Eclipse Mojarra 4.0

submitted by /u/IsDaouda_Games
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Useful Tools for Visualizing Databases on a Budget | CSS-Tricks

submitted by /u/IsDaouda_Games
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Monday, June 13, 2022

Time to update: Google patches seven Chrome browser bugs, four rated 'high' risk

submitted by /u/IsDaouda_Games
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Prophet row: International hackers launch series of cyber attacks on India against Nupur Sharma’s statement

submitted by /u/IsDaouda_Games
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Working with Salesforce APIs? Of CORS!

The fundamental capabilities of the internet can be boiled down to one simple interaction: a call and a response. One machine (the client) sends requests to another machine (the server), which responds with a reply. This back-and-forth request-and-response cycle is how every phone, television, smart fridge, or computer sends and receives data.

However, there are several security risks inherent in this model, from application vulnerabilities to DDoS attacks. In this post, we’ll take a closer look at how Cross-Origin Resource Sharing, or CORS, mitigates these risks and how it operates. By working with a small Node.js app that interacts with several Salesforce APIs, we will see the differences in responses when CORS is enabled and disabled, as well as what effect it has on our client.

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Hello guys, i am looking for a place where i can directly hire a dev for my small company.

submitted by /u/BillyBouncee
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8 Reasons the Consequences of Bad Data Are More Severe

You may not have heard the term data downtime, but I’m willing to bet you’ve experienced it and the cost of bad data firsthand.

Urgent ping from your CEO about “missing data” in a critical report? Duplicate tables wreaking havoc in your Snowflake warehouse, all titled some variation of “Mikes_Table_GOOD-V3.”? Or, perhaps you’ve unintentionally made a decision based on bad data from last year’s forecasts?  

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What's new in Supabase

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from programming

Sunday, June 12, 2022

What Is Pair Programming?

When it comes to software development, writing high-quality and defect-free source code is imperative. In order to ensure or improve the quality of the source code developers write, they carry out a variety of tasks, including code reviews, error checking, iterative loops, linting, and fast feedback. 

However, developers perform all these activities once they write code. What if you get all these activities done simultaneously while writing the source code line by line? Wondering how it is possible? Yes, it is possible with the help of pair programming. 

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How Does the Internet Speed Test Work?

Everyone deserves the right internet speed and everyone wants the best bang for a buck. To ensure our internet bandwidth, we all run speed tests from our Internet Speed Provider or public speed test tools like or and more. But do we know how the speed got measured under the hood? In this blog post, we will see how the Internet Speed Test works?

What Is an Internet Speed Test?

The Internet Speed Test helps us to understand how fast our internet connection is. It is primarily based on Download and Upload speed, usually measured in megabits per second (Mbps), but varies based on which tool you are using. One megabit is equal to 1,024 kilobits.

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Top 10 Amazing Python Projects On Github Aspirants Should Try

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How to Reduce Cloud Cost by 99% for EDA Kafka Applications

While the cloud offers great convenience and flexibility, the operational cost for applications deployed in the cloud can sometimes be significant. This article shows a way to substantially reduce operating costs in latency-sensitive Event-Driven Architecture (EDA) Java applications by migrating from Kafka to Chronicle Queue open-source, a more resource-efficient and lower-latency queue implementation.

What Is EDA?

An EDA application is a distributed application where events (in the form of messages or DTOs) are produced, detected, consumed, and reacted to. Distributed means it might run on different machines or the same machine but in separate processes or threads. The latter concept is used in this article whereby messages are persisted in queues.

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Introducing Entitlements: GitHub's open source Identity and Access Management solution | The GitHub Blog

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from programming

To Favor Microsoft VS Code, Microsoft's GitHub is Killing GitHub's Atom Editor - It's FOSS News

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from programming

Friday, June 10, 2022

Can This Ownership Exercise Improve How You Work with Others?

When you’re working in a group, you need to know how to coordinate. Coordination requires a shared understanding of how everyone will work together. Most human groups define Roles. Roles help clarify boundaries and expectations for people working together.

For example, in sports, these roles are called Positions. To play well, you need all the positions to understand how to work with each other. And you need everyone to focus on their position. It would be ridiculous in football (aka soccer) to have everyone try and be the goalkeeper. 

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Your ultimate AI/ML decision tree

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Researchers From China Introduce Vision GNN (ViG): A Graph Neural Network For Computer Vision Systems

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Deploying Java Applications to AWS Elastic Beanstalk

I have been studying Amazon Web Services, and I realized deploying Java applications on Amazon Elastic Beanstalk (EB) is a little different from deploying apps that do not require compilation to run. So this took a lot of my time and I decided to share a simple example of deploying a Java application to Elastic Beanstalk by using Amazon CDK. We can also do this in lots of different ways such as using EB CLI, but I am going to talk about deploying by using CDK CLI.

Create Your Application

Before starting, you can check the repository that includes completed SpringBoot and CDK projects on GitHub.

First, we need to create a simple Spring boot app, you should add the Spring Web package while you are creating this. You can initialize a spring boot project from here if you do not have IntelliJ Idea Ultimate. After initializing the project, you should build your application to a jar:

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the hard problem: naming functions and other gizmos

submitted by /u/AbathurSchmabathur
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from programming

What is Rust Programming Language? Know Everything

submitted by /u/infoatone
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Thursday, June 9, 2022

.NET 7 Preview 5 – Generic Math

submitted by /u/Atulin
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Delegating JWT Validation for Greater Flexibility

In my opinion, the purpose of all software applications that have been created so far, are being and will be developed should primarily be to make humans' day-to-day activities easier to fulfill. Humans are the most valuable creations, and software applications are great tools that at least could be used by them.

Nowadays, almost every software product exchanges data with at least one other peer software product, which results in huge amounts of data flowing among them. Usually, a request from one product to another needs to pass a set of preconditions before it is considered acceptable and trustworthy.

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Visual Studio Code May 2022

submitted by /u/myroon5
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On the short life expectancy of technical blogs

submitted by /u/avataw
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SQL CTE: How to Master It in One Sitting With Easy Examples

What’s the Big Deal With SQL CTE?

CTE is short for common table expressions. And for one thing, it was first introduced in SQL:1999 specifications. So, it’s pretty standard. Even more, subqueries and temporary tables are its closed relatives.

But What Is SQL CTE? And How Do You Use It?

This article will help you with that. Along with easy examples, you can master this in no time. It’s a painless experience to learn this today.

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A human-in-the-loop workflow for creating HD images from text

submitted by /u/feross
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from programming

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Security in Laravel: How to Protect Your App

submitted by /u/whackri
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10 Things I Would Have Liked To Know When I Started Working as a Software Engineer

submitted by /u/copitodenieve07
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SCIP - a better code indexing format than LSIF

submitted by /u/jdorfman
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Implementing Microservices Architectures

This article aims to give you an overview of the concepts surrounding microservices and event-driven architecture, which should help you make informed decisions about whether you should go for a microservices architecture or not.

What Are Microservices?

Besides being a buzzword, microservices represent an application that is divided into multiple smaller applications. Each application, or microservice, interacts with the others to create a scalable system. Usually, microservices are deployed to the cloud as containerized or serverless applications.

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Should you throw an exception when rebuilding the state from events in Event Sourcing?

submitted by /u/Adventurous-Salt8514
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Easy to use Template Library Available in Many Programming Languages

submitted by /u/martionfjohansen
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Guide to install xhprof (profiling) in wordpress to debug slow php

submitted by /u/maltfield
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from programming

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Top-down, bottom-up, and everything in-between

submitted by /u/puemos
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Event-Driven Microservices?

When Vikas Anand, Product Director of Google’s Apigee API Management offering, gave the presentation "The Case for a Unified API and Event Strategy" during the recent EDA Summit of 2022, I was again shocked by a gleaming error in what was presented: “Microservices, while they’re providing a great deal of advantages, they also bring in complexity which you need to manage. We can basically manage this better by providing a solution which is called event-driven architecture. This produces a solution for this problem, of microservices and a solution at scale, where it provides the ability to reduce dependencies and complexities in your application, whilst still allowing the creation of more and more microservices.”

Although I genuinely have no idea what any of that means, an error was nonetheless evident in the associated slide:Event driven architecture slide from Vikas Anand presentation

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Postgres Constraints for Newbies

submitted by /u/craig081785
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Kubernetes as Sustainability Tool

A wise man once said “We used the cloud for our digital transformation. Why not use it for a sustainability transformation as well?” (Adrian Cockcroft, VP Amazon Sustainability Architecture 2021). 

All major cloud providers have undertaken significant efforts to improve the sustainability of the cloud but the ultimate responsibility for sustainable use in the cloud is on us as a tech community. Theoretically, Kubernetes allows for highly precise resource utilization and minimal cloud waste. But in reality, there are many good reasons why we have not yet reached this goal.

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Constraint Programming: Solving Hard Problems with Intelligent brute-force search

submitted by /u/Zetagone
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from programming

Monday, June 6, 2022

Build a Quarkus Reactive Application Using Kubernetes Secrets

Many organizations have security policies in place that dictate how to store sensitive information. When you're developing applications for the cloud, you're probably expected to follow those policies, and to do that, you often have to externalize your data storage. Kubernetes has a built-in system to access external secrets, and learning to use that is key to a safe cloud-native app.

In this article, I'm going to demonstrate how to build a Quarkus reactive application with externalized sensitive information—for instance, a password or token—using Kubernetes Secrets. A secret is a good example of how cloud platforms can secure applications by removing sensitive data from your static code. Note that you can find a solution to this tutorial in this GitHub repository.

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[video] Learn C++ Programming - C++ for Intermediate Level

submitted by /u/AllSortsOfProducts
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Scalable Writes to Postgres With Spring

Every engineering organization that strikes a chord with customers eventually runs into scaling issues. Scaling a product and an organization puts new demands on both your processes and your infrastructure. In this post, we highlight how our company tackled one of many infrastructure scaling challenges: Scalable writes to the (Postgres) database using Spring & Spring Data.

As we grew our userbase, we began to run into some performance issues, primarily bottlenecked by our upstream Postgres database. Our RPS went over 180 (from < 50) in just a few months, and we started running into problems like SQL connection timeouts, dropped connections, and significantly increased latency. This led to a degraded customer experience, which was unacceptable.

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Product Shouldn't Be Left to Product Managers

submitted by /u/adroit-panda
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Async destructors, async genericity and completion futures

submitted by /u/old-man-of-the-cpp
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from programming

Saturday, June 4, 2022

Toshiba considering 11 possible futures

submitted by /u/IsDaouda_Games
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Looking for someone to complete a quick, easy coding job that I need to acquire data for my psychology project. Willing to pay and negotiate compensation. Dm me!

submitted by /u/First_Interview_6047
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Creating a React Js app on windows 11.

submitted by /u/lalitnath
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adhoc remote execution in aws lambda

submitted by /u/nathants
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Spice up Your Slack Workspace With Custom Command Using AWS Lambda Function

We have decided to make our Slack channel more attractive. On our team, most of the IM work-related correspondence is done on other channels (WhatsApp, Jabber), while our goal was to migrate these interactions to Slack. How were we to foster this change?

Slack allows the creation of external applications, which is a huge benefit. We harnessed the feature of custom commands to make Slack more amusing, and a bit of humor always gives motivation.

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A new Distributed Fault-Tolerant Execution Architecture for Trinodb

submitted by /u/cpardl
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from programming

Friday, June 3, 2022

Microsoft Search-ms Zero day – Detection and Response - Security Investigation

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Creating a Simple API Stub With API Gateway and S3

A while ago my team was looking to create a stub for an internal JSON HTTP-based API. The to-be stubbed service was quite simple. The service exposed a REST API endpoint for listing resources of a specific type. The API supported paging and some specific request/query parameters.

GET requests to the service looked something like this:

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Top 10 Android banking trojans target apps with 1 billion downloads

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Continuous Delivery: Create Products Faster with Lower Risks

DevOps methodology continues to strengthen its position in programming. So-called “continuous” tools are among the most commonly used in the field. Such practices as Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery allow you to constantly keep your code delivered into production as soon as any changes are made. This makes it possible to add new features in progress and fix the bugs on the go, as you work with small chunks of code, which are easy to operate. CI/CD methodology of software development brings reliability and speed to product creation, allowing it to hit the market faster. 

CI is the first stage of the CI/CD technique. There are a lot of benefits of Continuous Integration implementation in your project. It is an essential process of a software update, and its primary function is to integrate code changes from various developers into a single information repository. 

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Creating self documenting, interactive make files

submitted by /u/austinwiltshire
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from programming

Thursday, June 2, 2022

Netscape 0.91 Beta (1994) still runs on 64-bit Windows

submitted by /u/doctorstyles
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The problem with Elixir’s `with`

submitted by /u/feross
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Agile for Web Development: Is It Really What Your Team Needs?

Have you been considering using another approach to your web development process? If you have been an avid user of the waterfall method, you must be aware of agile procedures. Changing from waterfall to agile can sound a little scary because no one can predict if it will work for you. However, see it as something that must be implemented and tested a few times until your team finds how to make it work perfectly. 

But how to know if a change to agile is genuinely what your company needs? Sadly, there is no short guide that you can answer to discover if you’re ready to follow the three laws of agile. Nevertheless, we want to explain the difference between agile and waterfall methods, the benefits of using agile, and how to succeed if you use this methodology in your business. 

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Build a Twitter Leaderboard App With Redis and AWS Lambda (Part 2)

This is the second blog post of a two-part series that uses a practical application to demonstrate how to integrate Redis with AWS Lambda. The first post was about the solution overview and deployment. Hopefully, you were able to try it out end to end. As promised, part two will cover the infrastructure aspects (IaC to be specific) which are comprised of three (CDK) stacks (in the context of a single CDK App).

I will provide a walk-through of the CDK code which is written in Go, thanks to the CDK Go support. AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) is all about IaC (Infrastructure-as-code).

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Who needs modern Emacs?

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DevOps vs. SRE — Their Differential Impact on Building Efficiency and Reliability

The software development life cycle has come a long way - from a non-overlapping development model - the Waterfall Model, to an iterative development model like Agile and DevOps. It’s interesting to notice that before the beginning of the DevOps movement (~2007-2008), SRE was born at Google (2003) to build the reliability and resiliency of the entire Google Infrastructure. In its SRE book, Google described how the collaborative efforts of DevOps engineers, SRE, and other engineers like Application Security engineers are vital for maintaining a product like Gmail.

Looking at the above example, it is safe to say that our growing dependency on applications has propelled the widescale adoption of DevOps and SRE. Whether it’s to streamline our business functionalities or launch an app that simplifies our life, we need reliable and scalable systems at every step.

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Researchers Demonstrate Ransomware for IoT Devices That Targets IT and OT Networks

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Red Hat Experimenting With "NVK" Nouveau Open-Source Vulkan Driver

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Wednesday, June 1, 2022

What is Software Supply Chain Security?

We want to make the Dev Interrupted podcast a vital, enjoyable part of your week. Please take 2 minutes and answer our new Listener Survey. It lets us know a bit about you, what you want from Dev Interrupted and what you want from podcasts in general!

This article was written exclusively for Dev Interrupted by Lewis Dowling

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Microsoft Azure has had a string of ‘nightmare’ vulnerabilities

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from programming

Join us tomorrow, Jun 2nd, 7:00 pm EST time for our Podcast interview series with Steve Iuliano ! We will be talking about the educational side of hyperPad and how he has been using hyperPad as a teaching tool to empower kids to become developers. Join us live at

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Upgrading Ubuntu 22.04's Kernel & Mesa For Better AMD RDNA2 Performance

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Unpatched Microsoft zero-day vulnerabilities are being exploited by Chinese-backed hackers.

submitted by /u/BadExtension1309
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