Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Proximity Marketing – An IoT Based Approach for Improved Results


IoT has penetrated many domains and areas and has been successful. It has revolutionized the industry altogether, and this article will reveal the capabilities of IoT for Proximity Marketing. The reader would be able to connect and understand the problem statement and realize the importance of this innovation.

The Problem Statement

With the advent of technologies and smartphones, brick-and-mortar store owners have increasingly seen consumers migrate away from brick-and-mortar retail stores in favor of convenient digital outlets over the last few years. With the ease of smartphones and “one-click” shopping, many shoppers feel that browsing for products in a physical store is almost obsolete. On researching to go over the issue, it is found that BLE Beacons are a great way to guide customers their way through a large store and find the intended product. Also, for owners, it helps in targeted product recommendations. The proposed solution consists of Proximity sensing and a Product recommender system.

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