Friday, April 29, 2022

How the TypeScript Pick Type works

The TypeScript Pick type is a utility type that is used to create a new custom Type, based on an already existing one. It is the opposite of the Omit Type. Let's look at how it works.

Custom Types

We are using custom types in this guide. If you're new to custom types, check out my guide on custom types here.

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Added to Vale 0.2 Beta: Concept Functions

submitted by /u/verdagon
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from programming

What Is HttpSession in Servlets?

In the video below, we take a closer look at HttpSession in Servlets and HttpSession Attribute example. Let's get started!

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You Can Now Ask Google to Remove Your Phone Number, Email or Address from Search

submitted by /u/feross
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from programming

QB64 Phoenix Edition Wiki, now we have a new Wiki to learn QB64 commands from!

submitted by /u/SupremoZanne
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from programming

How to Tune Graph Neural Networks

submitted by /u/aidev2040
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from programming

Wireit upgrades your npm scripts to make them smarter and more efficient

submitted by /u/feross
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from programming

Hey guys, I just coded an auction website: Auctionaire. You can add a listing, and bid/comment on others. Give it a try and have fun!! Tech stack: Django, HTML, CSS.- only server-side rendered. [NOTE: please don't post naughty pictures!]

submitted by /u/Sky-Organic
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from programming

Thursday, April 28, 2022

ConanEx - Conan Extended C/C++ Package Manager that fully decentralized

submitted by /u/redradist
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from programming

A major TeamCity update with automated paralel testing for Gradle/Maven/.NET is here

submitted by /u/kir
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from programming

Researching how to make a program for turning articles into podcasts

submitted by /u/zino3000
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from programming

Socket: New tool takes a proactive approach to prevent OSS supply chain attacks

submitted by /u/feross
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from programming

Take Microsoft's Java For Beginners

submitted by /u/pmz
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from programming

4 Types of JDBC Drivers [video]

In the video below, we take a closer look at JDBC-ODBC Bridge, Native-API, Network Protocol, and Thin Drivers. Let's get started!

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Chrome 102: Window Controls Overlay, a Host of Finished Origin Trials, PWAs as File Handlers and More

submitted by /u/myroon5
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from programming

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

ACM Article : The Go Programming Language and Environment (Rob Pike, Ken Thompson et al)

submitted by /u/arjunnath
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from programming

gq - jq but using go instead

submitted by /u/binaryfor
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from programming

SparForte 2.5 Released - SparForte is an Ada-based shell, scripting language and template engine.

submitted by /u/brain_code
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from programming

The worst bug I've ever worked on -- randomly losing our best players

submitted by /u/RonAtSony
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from programming

Proximity Marketing – An IoT Based Approach for Improved Results


IoT has penetrated many domains and areas and has been successful. It has revolutionized the industry altogether, and this article will reveal the capabilities of IoT for Proximity Marketing. The reader would be able to connect and understand the problem statement and realize the importance of this innovation.

The Problem Statement

With the advent of technologies and smartphones, brick-and-mortar store owners have increasingly seen consumers migrate away from brick-and-mortar retail stores in favor of convenient digital outlets over the last few years. With the ease of smartphones and “one-click” shopping, many shoppers feel that browsing for products in a physical store is almost obsolete. On researching to go over the issue, it is found that BLE Beacons are a great way to guide customers their way through a large store and find the intended product. Also, for owners, it helps in targeted product recommendations. The proposed solution consists of Proximity sensing and a Product recommender system.

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The Gosu Programming Language

submitted by /u/pmz
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from programming

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Deep dive into top web developer pain points

submitted by /u/feross
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from programming

What is Business Intelligence? | What Do BI Professionals Actually Do?

submitted by /u/AnalysisParalysis93
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from programming

6 Helpful Hacks to Accelerate Your Mobile App Development Timeline

There are some clear priorities when it comes to developing any digital product. 

The development speed and how quickly you can get it to your customers will always be the most important. When developing a mobile app, speed is critical. That will mean using the correct methodology, the best tech, the most suitable platform, and a robust development strategy.

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Google AI Introduces Learning to Prompt (L2P): A Machine Learning Model Training Method That Uses Learnable Task-Relevant Prompts To Guide Pre-Trained Models Through Training On Sequential Tasks

submitted by /u/IsDaouda_Games
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from programming

How To Rename Files in Linux and macOS Terminal

Renaming files is something that occurs frequently, and in Linux on the terminal, there are many ways to rename files. Let's look at some of the main ways you can rename your files on Linux and other Unix-based systems like MacOS.

Renaming Files With the MV Command

The mv command moves a file to another place. It can also be used to move a file to the same location, and simply change its name. For example, if you wanted to rename a file called file-1.txt to file-2.txt, you would first cd into that directory, and run the following:

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Java News Roundup: Vector API, Spring Updates and CVE, Payara Platform, Groovy and TomEE Updates

submitted by /u/IsDaouda_Games
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from programming

Node v18.0.0 (Current)

submitted by /u/feross
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from programming

Monday, April 25, 2022

6 Ways to Beautify Your GitHub Repository

Whether you like it or not, GitHub has become the primary provider to host one's code. You or your company is probably using GitHub. I want to highlight some files to beautify your GitHub repository in this post.

Read Mes

I hope that by now, everybody is familiar with READMES. If one places a README file at the root of one's repo, GitHub will display its content on the repo's homepage.

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How the TypeScript Readonly Type Works

TypeScript has a number of utility types, which are types specifically created by TypeScript to solve a problem. In this article, let's look at the Readonly type.

TypeScript Readonly Type

As the name suggests, the Readonly type in TypeScript suggests that a particular type is read-only.

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what do you think of the book "Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship"?

submitted by /u/Easy_Alps_3095
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from programming

The Complete React Developer Salary Guide for 2022

Data from a Statista study shows that React JS is the most in-demand web framework in 2022, with 40.41% of software developers globally indicating they use it to develop web applications. This does not come as a surprise, since the demand for React developers has been growing steadily in recent years. Speed, scalability, and SEO-friendliness are the few reasons some big companies such as Uber and Netflix run on this library. If you are looking to develop this skill or you are a working professional already, being up-to-date about the React developer salary rates in the U.S. can come in handy when negotiating compensation with employers. 

What Is a React Developer?

A React developer is a software engineering professional that designs and implements consumer-facing features for websites and applications using either React JS or React Native frameworks.

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Citrix: Understanding Architecture and How User Gets Citrix VDI

As we all are used to working from home, we know how our organization restricts their employee to work in a secure manner irrespective of where are they. Citrix plays a major role to make life easy for organizations and keep its show running in any situation. Citrix is a popular tool that provides VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure) to work from anywhere. They are experts in application and desktop virtualization, dedicated and shared VDI offering, and accessing through a thick and thin client. You can install workload on-premise, and Azure/GCP cloud. 

Today we are going to discuss the major components in Citrix architecture and the role of individual components. Additionally, we will learn about User VDI access flow.

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The Backbone Of Digital Supply Chains

submitted by /u/diegolujan1
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from programming

Sunday, April 24, 2022

Point Caching with Triangular Prisms

submitted by /u/Jameslroll
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from programming

Chopping the monolith

submitted by /u/nfrankel
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from programming

AppleMusicRP - Discord Rich Presence for Apple Music w/ Album Artwork!

submitted by /u/ppmilksocks
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from programming

The Miserable Lives of Cyborg Truck Drivers: How AI and automation can make a job worse than before

submitted by /u/self
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from programming

Changelog Podcast: Securing the open source supply chain. Related to NPM and the recent supply chain attacks.

submitted by /u/fagnerbrack
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from programming

Schedule / Timeline for React with Planby 2.0 🚀

submitted by /u/karol207
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from programming

Saturday, April 23, 2022

Building a distributed Key-Value store to power S3

submitted by /u/hanaa42
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from programming

Some Engineering Tough Sells

submitted by /u/yawaramin
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from programming

GitLab kicking off all Free accounts with more than 5 users starting June 22nd

submitted by /u/hachque
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from programming

Infinity Mega Mall in Moulvibazar, Sylhet, Bangladesh ❤️

submitted by /u/utahmid
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from programming

6 .NET Myths Dispelled — Celebrating 21 Years of .NET

submitted by /u/duckducklo
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from programming

Are you using Java 15/16/17 or 18 in production? Patch them now!

submitted by /u/jpc4stro
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from programming

Flutter Github Actions - CI/CD

submitted by /u/mheshm
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from programming

Selling my own GPL software part 3, prior art (existing GPL software for sale)

submitted by /u/raymii
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from programming

Friday, April 22, 2022


submitted by /u/IsDaouda_Games
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from programming

Have You ever heard about Quines in Commodore Basic?

submitted by /u/Retro-Investigator
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from programming

Where Does GraphQL Fit In the Stack?

GraphQL is a popular language, and it’s getting more popular by the day. We hear front-end developers, mobile developers, and back-end developers talking about GraphQL. So it’s clear that developers use GraphQL across the stack. But where exactly does GraphQL fit in the stack, and what benefits do you gain by using it?

In this article, we’ll first do a quick recap of what “the stack” looks like without GraphQL, and then we’ll dive into how adding GraphQL changes it and what that means for building applications.

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MasterWrok free and open source tool for managing tasks

submitted by /u/hamlet-style
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from programming

Speeding Up Large Collections Processing in Java

According to The Britannica Dictionary, the term collection designates 

a group of interesting or beautiful objects brought together in order to show or study them.

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Introduction to Linked Lists in Python - Tutorial

submitted by /u/misha_sv
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from programming

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Gradient Decent for multiple features by a young programmer

submitted by /u/foad26
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from programming

How the MV Command Works on Linux

The mv command, short for the move, lets us move files and directories between two locations on Linux and other Unix-like systems (i.e. MacOS).

The syntax for mv can be found below, where [OPTIONS] are optional settings you can use, SOURCE is the single or multiple files/directories you want to move, and LOCATION is the location the file or directory should be moved to:

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Kernel Development Youtube Series!

submitted by /u/dragonzapedu
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from programming

How To Move From Manual to Automation Testing

With software requirements changing at lightning speed in an agile environment, more and more organizations look to inculcate more atomic development cycles for accelerating their Time To Market (TTM). A 2021 study by has discovered that 86% of software development teams have adopted agile, up from 37%, a year ago. This shift to more agile software development methods has led to a simultaneous demand for more efficient means of software testing during the software is developed. Companies run the risk of suboptimal software delivery due to costly manual test case maintenance cycles as well as the lack of visibility these legacy processes bring to the table.

A Statista study highlights that 32% of all Software projects fail due to the simple lack of time to test the product thoroughly.

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Let's talk about supply chain attacks and backdoored dependencies

submitted by /u/z0mbie42_
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from programming

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

LeetCode Easy Problem Set Answer in PHP

submitted by /u/Lost-Bite4900
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from programming

Building an AutoML Application

Machine learning (ML) has been developed and growing fast. It also depends on an expert in ML to develop the ML model, i.e. pre-processing, building model, feature engineering, tuning of hyper-parameters, etc. Data scientists have many demanding responsibilities, and challenges. These challenges include the selection of the best algorithm, modification of this algorithm over many iterations, and identification and tuning of the hyper-parameters many times. Despite going through difficult processes, it is worth noting to watch the ML model beat expected accuracy. There is the myth that the developers love to overdo the coding. Many steps that are performed by data scientists are repeatable and time-consuming which makes these steps ideal candidates for automation [1].

Figure 1

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Ergo Framework 2.1 has been released! 🎉

submitted by /u/taras-halturin
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from programming

Boids: An artificial life simulation of the flock of birds

submitted by /u/Seitoh
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from programming

Are Temporal Tables an alternative to Event Sourcing?

submitted by /u/Adventurous-Salt8514
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from programming

The Four Innovation Phases of Netflix’s Trillions Scale Real-time Data Infrastructure

submitted by /u/fagnerbrack
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from programming

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Should You Skip Code Reviews?

submitted by /u/DarkPlayer2
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from programming

When To Use Apache Camel vs. Apache Kafka?

Should I use Apache Camel or Apache Kafka for my next integration project? The question is very valid and comes up regularly. This blog post explores both open-source frameworks and explains the difference between application integration and event streaming. The comparison discusses when to use Kafka or Camel when to combine them, and when not to use them at all. A decision tree shows how you can quickly qualify one for the other.

The History of Application Integration and Event Streaming

My personal history and experience in application integration and event streaming are the following. It shows my background and how I see the integration and data streaming markets.

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How To Save HTML Canvas as an Image

Canvas gives us a lot of flexibility to create great, code generated graphics, and sometimes we need to download them as images. Fortunately, this is quite easy with HTML canvas. Here is an example, where clicking the button downloads the canvas as an image:

Let's look at how this works.

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I wrote a chrome extension that opens finviz, twitter $tags, and highlighted text in trading view to save time while charting.

submitted by /u/mark_of_magik
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from programming

Keys to a Great API Security Solution

So, do you think your APIs are secure?

You might want to take another look at your security.

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How we upgraded our 4 TB main application Postgres database

submitted by /u/swizec
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from programming

Monday, April 18, 2022

Vuenique — an open-source library for low-level visualization to VueJS

submitted by /u/bitter-cognac
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from programming

Read a paper: Machine Learning for Systems Problems

submitted by /u/ggvh
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from programming

Gradio: simple web GUI in python

submitted by /u/Illustrious_Row_9971
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from programming

Tech Community Events Week Commencing 18th April 2022

submitted by /u/DevStarship
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Build a Twitter Bot with Python, Tweepy and the Twitter API

submitted by /u/Technology342
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from programming

How recursive insertion sort works!

submitted by /u/moeinxyz
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from programming

9 Best C Projects For Beginners

submitted by /u/muthuannamalai12
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from programming

Sunday, April 17, 2022

Laravel Validation and Custom Rules

Hi, I’m Valerio Barbera, software engineer, founder, and CTO at Inspector.

Data validation is one of the fundamental features of any application and it is something developers manipulate almost every day. The value a software provides to users is often a function of the quality of data it is able to manage. Laravel ships with a lot of predefined validation rules you can immediately use in your controllers. 

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AWS Serverless Lambda Resiliency: Part 1

In this series of articles, we address the patterns for the resilience of cloud-native serverless systems.

This article covers an introduction to cloud-native and serverless resiliency and different scenario approach patterns, and part 2 will cover further scenario patterns.

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The Most Popular Technologies for Java Microservices Right Now

My name is Viacheslav Aksenov, I am a backend developer and in recent years I have been writing web applications in Java/Kotlin. Throughout my practice, I have met with various systems both in production and in pet projects. Some systems had their own "bicycles," but most were based on very similar technical solutions.

The main idea of this article is to describe the main technical challenges facing modern web applications. And also list those frameworks and libraries that are most often used to solve these problems. We'll grab some infrastructure as a bonus.

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Quickly create online forms for your python scripts

submitted by /u/brunovcosta
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from programming

I made an online Steganography service for image data hiding

submitted by /u/JensD-OF
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from programming


submitted by /u/Joeyak10
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Provisioning Freeform Configuration via AWS AppConfig & CloudFormation

submitted by /u/bitter-cognac
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from programming

Leverage Docker to Produce Classic Deployment Artifacts

Traditionally, deployment artifacts were types of archives that were transferred to the target environment and installed there. They could be simple .zip archives with binaries, Java's .jar or .war files, or simply .exe executables, among others. It is worth saying that this approach implied preliminary preparation, like installing and configuring all software dependencies.

The situation changed when Docker appeared. Moreover, the principle changed: now we operate Docker images like some self-sufficient sealed units containing everything the app needs to work. But we have to admit that both principle and technology are relatively new to the industry. Many companies still rely on a VM-based approach and classic deployment artifacts. And it's quite clear why they do this: infrastructure is already bought; Ops teams are trained on how to deploy, manage and monitor applications; and so forth. In two words, this journey seems to be very long and tough. To mitigate this, we can use the well-known step-by-step method with gradual adjustments to the existing delivery pipeline.

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Python for beginners 2 | Inputs , Making decisions in python

submitted by /u/4rkal
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from programming

Saturday, April 16, 2022

Merge to main = deploy to prod

submitted by /u/brunoliveira1
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from programming

Differences Between Laravel and Yii

Ask any seasoned web app developer about their choice of programming language, and they are sure to mention PHP. PHP is a widely-used general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for Web development and can be embedded into HTML. As per Builtwith, 3,090,319 live websites are still using PHP. However, when it comes to developing massive projects without lag or stability issues, developers tend to use frameworks, and PHP has two remarkable frameworks: 1) Laravel and 2) Yii. Both frameworks have a lot of followers in terms of full-grown communities globally, and there may be questions arising about which to choose.

What Are Laravel and Yii?

Laravel is a simple PHP framework frequently used for web-based or web application development initially created as a better alternative to Codeigniter. It is known for MVC Support, articulated ORM systems, reliability, modularity, and uncomplicated coding rules. Some of the key features of Laravel Framework are:

from Feed

Everyone is wrong about ORMs

submitted by /u/vriad
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from programming

GitHub - mini-rose/mleak: Library for catching memory leaks, double-frees along with invalid pointers to free() and realloc()

submitted by /u/throwbly
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from programming

Podman Desktop Companion GUI – Parity on All Major Operating Systems

submitted by /u/iongion
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Golang dev with Kubernetes, Helm and Skaffold

submitted by /u/priortd
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from programming

Friday, April 15, 2022

How the TypeScript Exclude Type Works

In TypeScript, the Exclude utility type lets us exclude certain members from an already defined union type. That means we can take an existing type, and remove items from it for specific situations.

Let's look at how the exclude utility type works in TypeScript.

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A full subscription management system is now available on the Skeleton boilerplate

submitted by /u/gadelkareem
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from programming

Smallest Minecraft Redstone TicTacToe AI (on the internet dont want to generalise) (Not a serious video at all)

submitted by /u/FloofFloofs
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from programming

The top Esperanto GitHub repo is just complete nonsense. Why?

submitted by /u/Gryioup
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from programming

Scrape All URLs Of Website Using Python - Simple web scraper with source code

submitted by /u/xalg0rd
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from programming

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Just released a new eBook "iOS Development Tips For Junior Developers" 🚀👩‍💻👨‍💻

submitted by /u/Enid91
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from programming

Demystifying How 'this' Works in JavaScript

It's something used in JavaScript, but it is often a mystery. In JavaScript, this works quite differently from other programming languages - and it works differently depending on if you are using strict mode or not.

If you find it hard, you aren't alone. Let's look at exactly how this works and remove any confusion about its meaning in various contexts.

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NoSQL Migration Essentials

Need help with your NoSQL migration? Look no further than our "NoSQL Migration Essentials" Refcard. We walk through the primary steps for moving out of a relational database, plus important design principles to understand and consider in your migration process.

Readers will review key concepts that range from denormalizing and modeling data to defining access patterns, designing primary keys and indexes, and creating an entity relationship diagram — all demonstrated with a simple site application example. As a bonus, readers can use the included JSON structure at the end to interact with a NoSQL playground.

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Top Automation Practices to Avoid During Testing


The quality of software solutions delivered to consumers determines the success of every software development company. The hard work of the QA team, which frequently tests and updates the software product to keep it up to date, is one of the most significant factors in ensuring the product’s quality. Automation testing best practices and appropriate test automation technologies can help a company achieve this, but what if your tests fail despite your best efforts? Automation testers make mistakes in their eagerness to do their best, which costs them time and money. It also raises questions about their competency and trustworthiness. It may sound like a nightmare for the company but breathe a relief because you can prevent these blunders.

Automation Testing Practices That Testers Need to Take a Break From

When executing various types of automation testing in the automation testing life cycle. Many novice testers and developers make automation testing blunders. It’s more vital to avoid some of the automation testing practices than it is to get the testing right. Many automation testing tools, automation frameworks, and some AI-based automation tools in the market claim to be a one-stop-shop for all automation testing issues. You can resolve the problem to some extent, but half of it remains, leaving behind the costly impact of the consequences.

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How To Build an Evil Compiler

submitted by /u/azhenley
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from programming

Making OpenGL 3D Game in C++ from scratch - Part 6: The Matrix | Source Code on GitHub

submitted by /u/PardDev
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from programming

ContextKeeper 1.71 with search dialog | I made a Visual Studio plugin which lets you switch between different programming session - last opened files, pinned tabs and documents state&position. All contexts are saved in simple JSON files. I'd love to know what you think!

submitted by /u/piotrkarczmarz
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from programming

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

How to Manage Your JDKs With SDKMAN

In this blog, you will learn how to manage several Java Development Kits (JDKs) on your Linux system using SDKMAN. Besides JDKs, several other SDKs can be managed by means of SDKMAN. Enjoy!

1. Introduction

Some time ago, a colleague of mine showed me how he used SDKMAN and how easy he could maintain different versions of JDKs, Maven, etc. on his Linux system. I had heard of SDKMAN before but did not yet take the time to take a closer look at it. But now I did :-).

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Best Practices for Apache Ranger-Based Authorization for Your Data Platform


Alluxio enables data orchestration for compute in any cloud. It unifies data silos on-premise and across cloud environments to provide the data locality, accessibility, and elasticity needed to reduce the complexities associated with orchestrating data for today’s big data and AI/ML workloads.

Alluxio is designed to help any framework access any data, from any storage at high performance regardless of the environment, which enables an organization to remain agile and competitive in adopting and experimenting with new and existing technologies.

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Anatomy of code reviews at day job

submitted by /u/brunoliveira1
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from programming

Verification and Validation in Testing


You are at the right place! This is not a free vocabulary-building class but a critical evaluation of a much sought-after debate around verification and validation in the software testing world. Why do we need to know the difference between Verification and Validation? Even though they sound just about the same, they carry different meanings depending on what you intend to do as a tester/developer in the software development and testing process. They both go hand in hand while solving a problem. However, there is a lot of confusion around the meaning of these two words concerning software testing. While there may be many definitions of these terms in various fields on the internet, here we will look at these terms in the testing space and analyze both of these terms in detail.

Verification vs Validation

Software testing is a vast field. It involves various methods and processes proposed to solve different software testing issues. Verification and Validation are also a part of the same group in software testing. It is also known as a V-Model (Verification and Validation model) in the context of software development and testing.

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The smallest Docker image to serve static websites

submitted by /u/feross
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from programming

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

New milestone, new look, new release, same Testcontainers! - AtomicJar, Inc.

submitted by /u/PurpleLabradoodle
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from programming

Top Python Coding Best Practices for Beginners

In March 2022, Python made headlines in the programming world by becoming the most popular programming language. After years of hovering in the top ranks, it finally surpassed Java and C to reach the number one spot on the TIOBE index.

And why not? After all, it is such a fun and powerful language to work with. It is fast, user-friendly, open-source, and has a community comprising millions of programmers across the globe.

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Surveying 10+ SQL parser libraries in a few high-level languages

submitted by /u/eatonphil
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from programming

10 Funny Commands of Linux or Linux is Fun in Terminal

submitted by /u/ArifSagar
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from programming

Understanding Cross Browser Testing and Responsive Testing


The Internet is inevitable in the current time. It is everywhere, and the entire world depends on it to function, perform day-to-day activities and stay connected with people from different corners. Gone are the days when testers only chose to create websites for selected browsers and hardly faced issues maintaining a website on a few browsers. As the technology matured, many significant players entered the browser market. Even the users evolved, became tech-savvy, and improved their browsing habits. Now was a time when businesses were in critical need of cross-browser testing and responsive testing to stay ahead of the competition. Cross-browser testing focuses on the website's overall functionality; responsive web testing verifies the look and feel of the web application. Cross-browser testing deals with the analysis of the web browsers that their users use, and responsive testing deals with the devices where the company's user base visits the websites. Let us shed some light and understand cross-browser and responsive testing in detail.

What Is Cross Browser Testing?

We all know that testing cross-browser compatibility of websites "is of utmost importance. It helps understand how stable your web application is across various technologies, browsers, operating systems, and devices. The adoption of cross-browser testing is to provide a better user experience irrespective of which browser-OS-device combination your users use to access your website. In cross-browser testing, the testers generally validate the web application's functionality and ensure its user-friendliness and performance are up to the mark across the web browsers. Businesses can also take the help of cloud-based automated cross-browser testing tools to have access to a wide range of real devices to test their web and mobile applications. Different browser engines render websites differently; even the version of each browser causes the code uniquely. It means the code behind the websites is read differently by every browser. So, various cross-browser testing strategies are critical for website accessibility. It is how different browsers render a web page:

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XML to JSON Converter

submitted by /u/rahulitblog
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from programming

Monday, April 11, 2022

Predicting Prime Numbers Using Cartesian Genetic Programming

submitted by /u/EducationalCicada
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from programming

I created a CLI and VSCode extension Tidier: It allows you to configure file & folder name conventions, and actively helps you follow them!

submitted by /u/die-maus
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from programming

Puppeteer - An Introduction

submitted by /u/missakation
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VkFFT now supports Intel Level Zero API

submitted by /u/xdtolm
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Multiplayer Demo Built with Elixir

submitted by /u/Comfortable_Depth630
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OpenCV - Understanding Low Pass And High Pass Filter using C++

submitted by /u/hatim112
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Assumptions Are Deadly to Development Teams and Software Projects

submitted by /u/DynamicsHosk
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Sunday, April 10, 2022

Making Harder drives, or how to store data using ICMP ECHO.

submitted by /u/murlock1000
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from programming

GambiConf - The upcoming tech conference that features out-of-the-box projects and crazy ideas

submitted by /u/bmacabeus
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from programming

The Joy of Small Projects

submitted by /u/Fudg40
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C# code quality tooling with Roslyn, Resharper and NDepend

submitted by /u/congolomera
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Automate LinkedIn with Python and Selenium | Step by Step Automation

submitted by /u/AnalysisParalysis93
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Hiring Developers: How to avoid the best

submitted by /u/whackri
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Improving as a junior SWE

submitted by /u/brunoliveira1
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From Partitions to Wordle - Type Safety with Phantom Types

submitted by /u/mooreds
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from programming

Saturday, April 9, 2022

Translating (localizing) my web app in 107 languages - insights

submitted by /u/henk53
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from programming

Who Are We Helping?

It’s hard to deny the truth that for a lot of us “difficult” means “good,” and “more difficult” is “even better.” From video games to exercise to music to cooking, if someone accomplishes something perceived as hard to do, it’s a clear indication of their skill. Conversely, saying something is easy or simple is often a veiled insult, an insinuation that anyone could do it and therefore the thing is therefore barely worth acknowledging.

And, while I don’t want to discount the system upon which so much of our leisure activities are based, I think this is a lesson we in IT have taken too much to heart. I’m writing today to ask us to all consider shifting our thinking in the direction of “easy can also be good.” In fact, things which are easy are often better overall than things that require a greater level of individual virtuosity.

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(r/careerguidance crosspost) How to Break into Games Industry?

submitted by /u/unstablerabbit00
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The Difference Between Dependency Inversion and Dependency Injection

submitted by /u/philliptjohnson
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Using PDFs With the Jamstack: Adding Search With Text Extraction

A few weeks ago, I shared a couple of blog posts describing how to add PDFs to your Jamstack site. The first talked about using the Adobe PDF Embed API to give you more control over viewing PDFs on an Eleventy site. The second example took it a bit further by using Adobe's PDF Services API to generate thumbnails of the PDFs when the Eleventy site was developed. Since I wrote those posts, we released a new service, the PDF Extraction API.

This API extracts information from your PDF, including:

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ACM@UIUC SIGPLAN - Type Theory - 2 (Lambda Calculus Extensions, Proofs)

submitted by /u/xieyuheng
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from programming

Friday, April 8, 2022

2020 and Top Codeless Testing Tools You'd Better Know

This article was originally published in May 2020.

Coding may take years to practice to master. Having testers program a bunch of codes, fix errors in applications, and finish backlogs in weeks are challenging, time-consuming, and cost rising. The World Quality Report 2019–2020 has pointed out that lacking advanced programming expertise is one of the top challenges when applying test automation to Agile projects. We could say, the development of codeless automation testing tools is an emerging solution to the challenge.

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Solving the Problem of Working Remotely With Resource-Intensive Applications Using Moonlight

For a number of reasons, you cannot transfer high-throughput equipment and resource-intensive software home, but you can still organize high-quality remote access from anywhere at no extra cost. We are going to tell you about the first way we have tested for maintaining convenient remote management from almost any device.

What’s Up, Doc?

The average employee just needs to connect to the remote desktop using the RDP protocol in order to access corporate resources from a laptop, and herein lies the problem for IT specialists: ensuring security. If a specialist needs resource-intensive applications that use 3D acceleration, this is a problem of a completely different kind.

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Announcing TypeScript 4.7

submitted by /u/myroon5
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from programming

8 Types of Functional Testing

Functional and non-functional testing are the two types of software testing. There are various types of functional testing, that are as below:

  1. Unit Testing
  2. Integration Testing
  3. System Testing
  4. Regression Testing
  5. Smoke Testing
  6. Sanity Testing
  7. Acceptance Testing
  8. User Acceptance Testing

Brief Description of Functional Testing Types

Unit Testing

Unit testing ensures that every piece of code written in a segment produces the best results. Developers just look at the interface and the determination for a part during unit testing. It provides documentation of code progression because each unit of code is thoroughly tested before moving on to the next.

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GitOps Best Practices for DevOps Teams

GitOps is a relatively new approach to managing production environments with the help of automation, containerization, and orchestration technologies. The idea behind GitOps is to have all the necessary infrastructure components up and running before pushing code to production. With such an automated deployment technique, every change is deployed in a predictable manner. However, not everyone has experience with this new approach – or even understands how it works. To assist you, we have compiled six actionable GitOps best practices you can use to get started in this new direction for better outcomes and more productive collaboration.

The Importance of GitOps

GitOps is a new way of managing and deploying software. It’s not just about Git, but the entire workflow. GitOps is a set of practices that help you deploy software that is more reliable, repeatable, and efficient. GitOps is relatively new, and it can be tough to understand how it works and how it could help your team. It basically involves Git to store all your manifest files and Kubernetes to deploy the application. Companies must look beyond DevOps to deploy their applications in a highly predictable manner. Instead of reinventing the wheel, GitOps is basically using simple tools like Git to manage your deployments.

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How To Enable JetPack In WordPress

submitted by /u/muthuannamalai12
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from programming

What is npm?

submitted by /u/ZestycloseChocolate
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from programming

Thursday, April 7, 2022

Understanding Spring4Shell RCE from an engineer’s perspective

submitted by /u/Membership-Full
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from programming

Taking a Proactive Approach to Cybersecurity With Laurie Williams [Podcast]

The SolarWinds hack in December of 2020 is considered one of the largest and most sophisticated attacks known to date. The attack, which potentially put 18,000 public and private organizations at risk, was used as a springboard to compromise a raft of U.S. government agencies. SolarWinds later claimed that less than 100 were actually hacked as a result. 

According to experts, this hack could be the catalyst for broad changes in the cybersecurity industry, prompting companies and governments to devise new methods on how to protect themselves and react better to breaches and attacks.

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Palo Alto Networks firewalls, VPNs vulnerable to OpenSSL bug

submitted by /u/IsDaouda_Games
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from programming

Researchers Uncover How Colibri Malware Stays Persistent on Hacked Systems

submitted by /u/IsDaouda_Games
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from programming

VMware Releases Critical Patches for New Vulnerabilities Affecting Multiple Products

submitted by /u/IsDaouda_Games
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Revolutionizing Java with GraalVM Native Image

submitted by /u/IsDaouda_Games
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from programming

Logging Best Practices – MDC, Ingestion, and Scale

I don't care about religious wars over "which logger is the best". They all have their issues. Having said that, the worst logger is probably the one built "in-house"... So yes, they suck, but re-inventing the wheel is probably far worse.

Let's discuss making these loggers suck less with proper usage guidelines that range from the obvious to subtle. Hopefully, you can use this post as the basis of your company's standard for logging best practices.

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ACM@UIUC SIGPLAN - Type Theory - 1 (Lambda Calculus)

submitted by /u/xieyuheng
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from programming

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Alternatives to DTO

submitted by /u/bitter-cognac
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from programming

6 Best Platforms to learn Blockchain in Depth

Hello Devs, if you want to become a Blockchain Developer and are looking for the best resources to learn Blockchains like online platforms, websites, places, books, online courses, and tutorials, you have come to the right place.

Earlier, I have shared the best Blockchain courses, and today, I will share the best places, websites, and online platforms where you can learn Blockchain in-depth by yourself.

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Some tips on how to excel during the coding portion of an interview

submitted by /u/ItsTheWeeBabySeamus
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from programming

Sending Push Notifications To Yourself With cURL

submitted by /u/therealzenzei
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from programming

The core conflict of developer tools: Abstraction vs. complexity

submitted by /u/freeqaz
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from programming

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Announcing Azure Quantum challenge at QCHack 2022

submitted by /u/donutloop
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from programming

Handling Null: Optional and Nullable Types

Java has long been infamous for its NullPointerException. The reason for the NPE is calling a method or accessing an attribute of an object that has not been initialized.

var value = foo.getBar().getBaz().toLowerCase();

Running this snippet may result in something like the following:

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JavaScript Package Manager – Complete Guide to NPM and Yarn

submitted by /u/IsDaouda_Games
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from programming

How to Choose the Best Encryption Methods for Databases


Encryption is the process of encoding messages or information so that only authorized parties can see it. Encryption has been going on for centuries. For example, in World War II Allied forces were sending out encrypted codes using the unwritten Navajo language, which was impossible for the Japanese to decode.

Today encryption is even more important because we live in an era where privacy and security are constantly under attack from hackers who want access into our personal lives. Thanks to modern technology like AES encryption, there's no reason why hackers should read sensitive information.

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The complete guide to identifying fonts

submitted by /u/feross
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from programming

Monday, April 4, 2022

Organizing and Improving Development Teams: The Testing Matrix


The testing matrix is a framework for improvement. It can help plan our testing before we start developing. During development, it can help as a single source of truth for what has been done daily. When development and testing are finished, it may be the big picture of our testing choices and decisions. Did we make the right decisions? Sometimes the answer to this question can only come in the future. But in the future, we must make sure that we can recall our decisions in some detail, otherwise, no lessons will be learned. In retrospect, it may be beneficial if the big picture for our testing activities can be found by looking at a single matrix.

The Matrix

On the vertical axis, we can display the levels that we've tested or that we plan to test. Did we do performance testing at a unit level? What about integration testing and regression tests?

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New to the web platform in March

submitted by /u/feross
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from programming

Creating A Modern Python Development Environment

submitted by /u/bitter-cognac
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from programming

Using Containers to move from local to Remote Development

submitted by /u/dwaxe
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from programming

Address Bar Install for Progressive Web Apps on the Desktop

submitted by /u/feross
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Why you should learn Vim key-bindings even if you don’t use Vim

submitted by /u/Ok_Rub_6741
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from programming

Sunday, April 3, 2022

Oxide on My Wrist: Hubris on PineTime was the best worst idea

submitted by /u/mooreds
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from programming

CI/CD for Cloud-Native Applications

submitted by /u/bitter-cognac
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The Spring4Shell vulnerability: Overview, detection, and remediation

submitted by /u/IsDaouda_Games
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from programming

VMware says 3 Tanzu products impacted by Spring4Shell vulnerability

submitted by /u/IsDaouda_Games
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from programming

GitHub - pqlx/CVE-2022-1015: Local privilege escalation PoC for Linux kernel

submitted by /u/IsDaouda_Games
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Rust GCC Code Generator "rustc_codegen_gcc" Can Now Bootstrap Rustc

submitted by /u/IsDaouda_Games
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Wisdom from 50+ years in software (interview with Brian Kernighan)

submitted by /u/jerodsanto
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from programming

15-Year-Old Bug in PEAR PHP Repository Could've Enabled Supply Chain Attacks

submitted by /u/IsDaouda_Games
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from programming

Shutdown your laptop by using python program

submitted by /u/Prabeen1
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from programming

Saturday, April 2, 2022

How To Enable JetPack In WordPress

submitted by /u/muthuannamalai12
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Yet another abstract virtual machine in C++

submitted by /u/Cultural-Air7737
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Hackers Leak Lichess Source Code

submitted by /u/IsDaouda_Games
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from programming

Are programmers intensive or extensive learners? Do they care more about quantity of knowledge and skills or their quality (Bruce Lee style)?

submitted by /u/Affectionate_Run_799
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from programming

Terry Davis Was Right

submitted by /u/speckz
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from programming

Hello everyone, I along with friends working on a platform to teach. We are open for beta users now. It would be of great help. If you guys checkout the platform

submitted by /u/dev_aman7
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from programming