Friday, January 7, 2022

Debunking Four Metadata Myths

Data is being accumulated at an alarming rate due to the growth of unstructured data. Within that is metadata, which allows us to quickly find data files by identifying certain properties. It wasn’t until recently that developers had to pay closer attention due to the overwhelming effect it was having on our data engines. Metadata used to just be a thing that could be stored in memory behind the scenes without any worry, but its expansion presents the growing concern of where to store it and how to manage it.

Every database system, whether SQL or NoSQL, uses a data engine (aka storage engine), embedded or not, to manage how data is stored. Our ever-growing volume of data has outgrown our data engines’ infrastructures and with that, they are stretched to their limits and forced to make painful trade-offs necessary to support the scale and performance requirements of modern datasets.

from Feed

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