Monday, November 29, 2021

Developers That Embrace Security Add Personal, Organizational Value

While the relationship between software development and security hasn't always been harmonious, recent research suggests the two are becoming much more aligned. In one study, almost half of developers said they had prioritized learning or improving AppSec/secure programming since the pandemic began. In another study, 79 percent said the importance of secure code is increasing in prominence.

This long-awaited meeting of the minds is being driven in large part by astronomical increases in cyberattacks, which are happening on average every 39 seconds. Meanwhile, 60 percent of developers are releasing code two times faster than before. So, while developers are primarily motivated by creating great software, increasingly they are making efforts to ensure that development is complementary to security. The alternative — creating insecure code that puts attackers in the headlines — makes it imperative for developers to incorporate security wherever possible.

from Feed

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