Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Web Components in QCObjects (LIVE retransmission)

submitted by /u/jeanmachuca
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Automate Data Transformation Using IBM App Connect

IBM App Connect has introduced a new Artificial Intelligence (AI) feature that is capable of auto-generating data transformation expressions, and that helps accelerate your integration flow-building experience.

Data Mapping remains a fundamental part of integration development, but it takes time. An increasing number of applications, lack of naming standards, and nested field structures further compound the complexity for the integration developers. Once the mapping is done, data transformation is the next challenge for the users since each application expects data to be in a certain format.  Also, while building integration flow, developers need to understand the format of the source and target data field and come up with transformation expressions that can change data from source to target format. This exercise is done manually and it takes a lot of time and skills to build such transformation expression.

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Cordova: Communicating Between JavaScript and Java


Cordova is an open-source cross-platform development framework that allows you to use HTML and JavaScript to develop apps across multiple platforms, such as Android and iOS. So how exactly does Cordova enable apps to run on different platforms and implement the functions? The abundant plugins in Cordova are the main reason, and free you to focus solely on app functions, without having to interact with the APIs at the OS level. 


Here, I'll use the Cordova plugin in HUAWEI Push Kit as an example to demonstrate how to call Java APIs in JavaScript through JavaScript-Java messaging. The following implementation principles can be applied to all other kits, except for Map Kit and Ads Kit (which will be detailed later), and help you master troubleshooting solutions.

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Vicious (Test) Mockery of a Perl Modulino

Over the past two years, I've gotten back into playing Dungeons & Dragons, the famous tabletop fantasy role-playing game. As a software developer and musician, one of my favorite character classes to play is the bard, a magical and inspiring performer or wordsmith. The list of basic bardic spells includes Vicious Mockery, enchanting verbal barbs that have the power to psychically damage and disadvantage an opponent even if they don't understand the words. (Can you see why this is so appealing to a coder?)

Mocking has a role to play in software testing as well, in the form of mock objects that simulate parts of a system that are too brittle, too slow, too complicated, or otherwise too finicky to use in reality. They enable discrete unit testing without relying on dependencies external to the code being tested. Mocks are great for databases, web services, or other network resources where the goal is to test what you wrote, not what's out in "the cloud" somewhere.

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Most Advance Python Course For Professional [2021] - over 8 hours

submitted by /u/Just4curiosity82
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2 Ways to Make a UUID Generator for Postgres

Postgres performs better than some other databases because it supports concurrent write operations without the need of read/write locks. Because it is completely ACID-compliant and provides transaction isolation and snapshots, many applications are using Postgres these days. Unfortunately, while PostgreSQL is great for storing and comparing UUID data, it lacks capabilities for creating UUID values in its core. Instead, it relies on third-party modules to create UUIDs using specified techniques. In this article, you'll learn about the PostgreSQL UUID data type and how to generate UUID values with examples utilizing various functions and modules.

What Is a UUID?

UUID stands for Universal Unique Identifier, defined by RFC 4122 and other related standards. A UUID is a series of lower-case hexadecimal digits separated by hyphens. UUIDs are a combination of 36-character sequences of numbers, letters, and dashes that are intended to be globally unique.

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Beginning Arduino Uno Programming in C++

submitted by /u/theoriginalnibblebit
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Lazygit - A simple terminal UI for git commands, written in Go with the gocui library

submitted by /u/binaryfor
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OdinCodeBrowser: Navigate Code Like in Your IDE but on a Static Webpage

submitted by /u/binaryfor
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The Hacker Zephyr - Open source 3,502 mile long hackathon on a train

submitted by /u/zlatta
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The one-more-re-nightmare regular expression compiler

submitted by /u/theangeryemacsshibe
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[x-post][joindevember] #devember 2020 has started - Let's say goodbye to this strange year with some fun coding ;

submitted by /u/kongwashere_
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Early Gameplay Footage of a Cyberpunk 2077 Fan Made Game

submitted by /u/PowerForce2021
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NesHacker -- videos that teach 8-bit hardware and software hacking by way of the original Nintendo Entertainment System

submitted by /u/r_retrohacking_mod2
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Artificial Intelligence Vs Software Engineering: What Is the Difference?

Artificial Intelligence vs. Software Engineering

While Artificial intelligence (AI) and Software Engineering are two major branches of computer sciences, experts and professionals have consistently acknowledged their differences and the roles they both play in the advancements of computer efficiency generally. However, while there are differences between the two fields, people have difficulty telling where they differ. Therefore, this blog will outline the differences between AI and Software Engineering to help you know the varying metrics. 

Difference Between Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence

Definitions and Expected Outcomes

The biggest difference between software engineering and Artificial intelligence is their outcomes and the tasks they set out to achieve.

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Data Governance and Data Management


Enterprises that dont embrace data or are late to the party face serious consequences compared to early adopters. As to talking about good data practices, most people associate the word with only a few of the multitude of practices that constitute a successfully run, data-driven enterprise.   

Besides data analysis, data management is what readily comes to mind. Though equally universal — and perhaps are even more critical — data practice is the practice of data governance.   

from DZone.com Feed https://ift.tt/3o9dwDP

How to Use Amazon SQS in a Spring Boot App

In this blog, you will learn how to use Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) in a Spring Boot App. You will use the AWS SDK for Java for this purpose. Most of the SQS features, which can also be executed manually via the AWS console, will be covered within this blog.

1. Introduction

Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) is a fully managed message queuing service that enables you to decouple and scale your applications. It is a fully managed service, so you will not have to take care of managing the service yourself. You can create queues, send and receive messages, send messages to a Dead Letter Queue when they could not be processed successfully, etc.

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Wikipedia as the data source: taming the irregular, pt.1

submitted by /u/zverok_kha
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WatchVideoByLink is a web-app that allows you to watch, download and organize public video URLs.

submitted by /u/pakonsy
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Can You Refactor JavaScript Safely Without Test Coverage?


The conventional wisdom is that you should have good test coverage before refactoring your code. Making mistakes during refactoring will introduce defects in the software if they are not caught during testing. Such regression defects can annoy users, break the software, and even lead to customers abandoning the product.

The need for automated testing is especially high for JavaScript. In a dynamic language with functional constructs like JavaScript, it is harder to detect breakages statically. Additionally, JavaScript has many language details and quirks that are not well known or easy to remember.

from DZone.com Feed https://ift.tt/31dlWBi

Generics in Go: Viva La Revolution!

submitted by /u/ompluscator
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AWS Private 5G - Easily deploy, manage, scale a private cellular network

submitted by /u/donutloop
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Bug Bounty Radar // The latest bug bounty programs for December 2021

submitted by /u/feross
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Monday, November 29, 2021

A code example of how to break the Read You Write consistency in Mongo. Followed by a review of “majority” reads and writes. This will move the discussion towards Causally Consistent Sessions that I’ll cover next.

submitted by /u/Vasilkosturski
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from programming https://ift.tt/3rjN9Nt

Build Your IoT Application in a Day

IoT Application development is required today at all levels. But for people with very low coding knowledge, it is not easy to build/develop what is needed for them. With MQTTRoute, an IoT application framework with an inbuilt MQTT Broker, any early adopters or budding developers can develop, host and manage their application easily. This just leaves their development challenge for their IoT Server application. MQTT Broker comes with a default user interface, however, visualization needs to be built specific for each distinct vertical. We recently run an internal hackathon at Bevywise to build applications over our framework. Interestingly, we were able to build an IoT application in a day. The application built was an Industrial Furnace Monitoring. This blog portrays the hacks used to build the application.

IoT Application for Industrial Temperature Monitoring

Monitoring and control of the temperature of the furnaces is crucial with respect to its usage in the industries as it directly affects the quality of the product that is being created. We have created a simulated device using IoT Simulator similar to a monitoring edge device that pushes data to the MQTT Broker. The goals set for the application were:

from DZone.com Feed https://ift.tt/31ctbJR

Improving Your Communication Skills as a Developer

Communication with other people is an important part of a software developer’s career. As a software developer, you will often communicate with other developers on your team, non-technical people on your team, stakeholders, and users of your software.

Having good communication skills will help you work well with your team and others by communicating your messages effectively.

from DZone.com Feed https://ift.tt/3pcqfF5

What Are the Five Steps of Ethical Hacking?

As technology continues to become more relevant for businesses worldwide, the importance of securing business-critical applications and their underlying tech stack continues to gain prominence. With the changing threat landscape, it is often impractical to identify vulnerabilities in real-time by simply leveraging automated tools. To help with this, ethical hacking has been steadily gaining popularity on account of its effectiveness in simulating real-world attacks and identifying gaps. 

This article explores what ethical hacking is, the five stages of the ethical hacking process and addresses commonly asked questions.

from DZone.com Feed https://ift.tt/3lfYme4

Integrating SCTL Into DistSQL's RAL

In the previous article “An Introduction to DistSQL” written by Haoran Meng, the Apache ShardingSphere Committer shared the motivating reasons behind the design of DistSQL, explained its syntax system, and impressively showcased how you can use one SQL to create a sharding table.

Recently, the ShardingSphere community has redesigned the SCTL grammar and the execution engine, integrating SCTL into the DistSQL syntax system. Now RAL contains the old SCTL function, making ShardingSphere’s command language even more convenient for database management. Today, our community author would like to introduce the changes and elaborate on how you can use the new RAL command lines. We always pursue a better user experience, and the upgrade we developed this time is just another typical example.

from DZone.com Feed https://ift.tt/3p6dDPQ

What Is LoRa IoT?

There are many technical solutions for the endpoint Netcom transmission technology of the internet of things (IoT). The more famous technical solutions include NB-IoT, Lora, WiFi, Bluetooth, ZigBee, dustl, and sub GHz. 

Different communication technologies have different characteristics and have their own application scenarios. Among them, Lora and Nb-IoT are the most used and most concerned in the Internet of things application scenarios. Lora IoT technology can meet long-distance and low-power data transmission. This application scenario can not be fully met by other IoT communication technologies, which is also the original intention of Lora IoT technology. 

from DZone.com Feed https://ift.tt/3pdfPoM

Writing a simple filesystem in Java with Fuse and project Panama

submitted by /u/TostiToucher
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Authentication/Authorization in a Remote LDAP Server

There are plenty of articles, videos, and courses around about this topic, but nearly all of them use embedded LDAP as a source for user information. In this article, we will develop a Spring Boot project and integrate to remote LDAP through Spring Security. In addition, we will perform authentication (auth) and authorization (autz) operations over JWT (JSON Web Token) for the APIs we will open. 

In a business scenario, our application serves as a user portal service that authenticates and authorizes users against specific APIs with their LDAP authorities. First, let's talk about the terms we will use.

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Boost Your Efficiency: Top 5 Productivity Plugins For Dev Teams

Is your team as productive as can be? We tend to be most productive while using tools we know and like best; that's why in the majority of dev teams, you're free to code with your weapon of choice (aka IDE). So no matter if you're utterly loyal to VS Code or you're a die-hard-JetBrains fan: these 5 cross-IDE tools are definitely worth checking out!


(for VS Code and JetBrains.)

from DZone.com Feed https://ift.tt/3rliv6g

How To Onboard New Team Members To Be Productive In Existing Projects

submitted by /u/xDevLife
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from programming https://ift.tt/3rlCAJB

Android: RecyclerView, SearchView with Retrofit 2 – LarnTech

submitted by /u/larntech
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from programming https://ift.tt/3xyHHrf

Developers That Embrace Security Add Personal, Organizational Value

While the relationship between software development and security hasn't always been harmonious, recent research suggests the two are becoming much more aligned. In one study, almost half of developers said they had prioritized learning or improving AppSec/secure programming since the pandemic began. In another study, 79 percent said the importance of secure code is increasing in prominence.

This long-awaited meeting of the minds is being driven in large part by astronomical increases in cyberattacks, which are happening on average every 39 seconds. Meanwhile, 60 percent of developers are releasing code two times faster than before. So, while developers are primarily motivated by creating great software, increasingly they are making efforts to ensure that development is complementary to security. The alternative — creating insecure code that puts attackers in the headlines — makes it imperative for developers to incorporate security wherever possible.

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Some Crazy Coding Nightmares

submitted by /u/M_A_G_I_C
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Deploying Next Gen Serverless Functions with WebAssembly and Module Federation

submitted by /u/congolomera
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From React to Svelte

submitted by /u/kokizzu2
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from programming https://ift.tt/3xAaD1W

How To Make Your Own Discord Bot

submitted by /u/banginpadr
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Integrating App Linking in a Xamarin App for Android

Xamarin is a popular cross-platform framework to build mobile applications using .NET.

A number of AppGallery Connect services support many cross-platform frameworks including Xamarin. Today we are going to take a look at how you can use one of these services, App Linking within your Xamarin project.

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Scaling With Presto on Spark

This blog was co-written with Shradha Ambekar, Staff Software Engineer at Intuit and Ariel Weisberg, Software Engineer at Facebook.


Presto was originally designed to run interactive queries against data warehouses, but now it has evolved into a unified SQL engine on top of open data lake analytics for both interactive and batch workloads. Popular workloads on data lakes include:

from DZone.com Feed https://ift.tt/3I4CxIb

The Anatomy of an IoT Solution

Artificial intelligence relies on data. One of the leading ways to collect data these days is by using the Internet of Things. IoT connectivity is often used in devices containing sensors of some sort, allowing us to automatically collect information that either was not collectible before or which needed a human to collect it. Let’s go on a crash course on how you build an IoT platform or IoT device architecture, and which layers work together to make up such a solution. For this example, our IoT connectivity will center around cellular and the use of IoT SIM cards. 

To begin with, it’s important to realize that there are four individual layers involved in building an IoT solution. Starting from the bottom — with individual frontline devices containing IoT SIM cards on-board — and working upwards to the networks over which your data is transmitted, and the IT applications that let you manage and control your entire fleet of IoT SIM cards. The layer hierarchy is arranged as follows.

from DZone.com Feed https://ift.tt/3o5Z3IY

How to Evaluate MLOps Platforms

Companies that have pioneered the application of AI at scale did so using their own in-house ML platforms (uber, LinkedIn, Facebook, Airbnb). Many vendors are now making these capabilities available to purchase as off-the-shelf products. There's also a range of open-source tools addressing MLOps. The rush to the space has created a new problem — too much choice. There are now hundreds of tools and at least 40 platforms available:

(Timeline image from Thoughtworks Guide to Evaluating MLOps Platforms.)

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Some thoughts on Microservices

submitted by /u/klomparce
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from programming https://ift.tt/3rfeU9Y

Is it worth the money? When to buy products for your job

submitted by /u/itamarst
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I have programmed a lot of interactive simulations and visualizations on my website. Please check it out

submitted by /u/HalfForeign6735
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from programming https://ift.tt/3lm8LoJ

Sunday, November 28, 2021

15 Frameworks for Web App Development in 2022

submitted by /u/cosmicwatch
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from programming https://ift.tt/3E44w8A

short video guide for managing multiple git repos with the tool gita

submitted by /u/nosarthur
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Periodica : A beautiful Periodic Table , Use vercel app from link in github, Please star the repo 😉

submitted by /u/BeetranD
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7 Bad Coding Habits You Should Leave Right Now

submitted by /u/SmallLion__Unity
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Rust vs Swift

submitted by /u/Matlabguru
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Python Vs Matlab

submitted by /u/Matlabguru
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Python Vs SQL

submitted by /u/Matlabguru
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I have no idea what I’m doing

submitted by /u/azhenley
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Nuclear Fusion, Explained. The Race To Create A Star On Earth

submitted by /u/MileJonesJr
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A Go package for building ISO images

submitted by /u/binaryfor
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Resume Tips for Entry/Mid Level Engineers from a Senior QA/Technical Interviewer

submitted by /u/NickGilbertSQE
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I too made my personal site into a DE, but I think my age might be starting to show. ;.

submitted by /u/Fragrant_Suspect_890
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Log-structured Protocols in Delos, a platform for control plane databases

submitted by /u/micahville
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The History of Command Palettes: How Typing Commands Became The Norm Again

submitted by /u/wagslane
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submitted by /u/LGS_YT
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Tips For Avoiding Burnout as a Software Engineer

submitted by /u/CartographerTotal158
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Build Your Own AI Text Summarizer in Python

submitted by /u/help-me-grow
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I've often been bothered by the keyboard of iOS and Android, hence I build my own. Here's an early taste of my alpha. It's a note taking app for a start. Can be downloaded as a Progressive Web App as needed.

submitted by /u/AudaciousSam
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from programming https://ift.tt/3lj2wSm

What is Liquibase? How to Automate Your Database Script Deployment

Many organizations have implemented DevOps in their applications, that’s true. But, at the same time, their database change process hasn’t realized any of these benefits and is still left in the dark ages. But what if you could automate that too? Yeah, you guessed right — it can be done using Liquibase. And here’s a Liquibase tutorial to show you how to do that.

Is This Liquibase Tutorial for You?

Are you manually executing scripts to your database? Or maybe you're wasting time validating database scripts received from your team?

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Fine Control Over SpringBoot's Properties And Profiles

submitted by /u/bitter-cognac
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from programming https://ift.tt/3D0QRxI

VisuAlgo - visualising data structures and algorithms through animation.

submitted by /u/kongwashere_
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Test Plan vs. Test Strategy: What's the Difference?

In the process of testing a software application, test plans and test strategies are quite crucial. A strong test plan and strategy will always prevent errors in the application.

As software testers, we should be aware of these 2 phrases, as they are critical in testing software applications. We will learn about Test Plans and Test Strategies in this article.

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Floating Point Visually Explained

submitted by /u/donutloop
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Doom Eternal is one of the most optimized games to ever release... played this on my RTX 2060 with ray tracing on at ultra settings and im getting 120fps plus most of the time!

submitted by /u/PowerForce2021
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SQLite Release 3.37.0 On 2021-11-27

submitted by /u/donutloop
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How to be a Great Technical Interviewer

submitted by /u/skwee357
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Saturday, November 27, 2021

Tone policing of Microsoft

submitted by /u/falsandtru
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(book) Scientific Visualization: Python + Matplotlib by Nicolas P. Rougier

submitted by /u/indraniel
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from programming https://ift.tt/3rfu8eV

If anyone's browsing this subreddit and wanting to learn programming, I'm starting a series where I teach C++. First lesson's uploaded!

submitted by /u/IM_Pengu
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Search Python Packages REST API

submitted by /u/nunum
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Zelda 64 has been fully decompiled, potentially opening the door for mods and ports

submitted by /u/r_retrohacking_mod2
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Ring programming language version 1.16 is released!

submitted by /u/mrpro1a1
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Dug (dns propagation tool) now has a 'watch' flag so you can see your dns changes propagate in realtime(ish)

submitted by /u/mattinternet
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from programming https://ift.tt/3I1UCXi

Web Clipper: save anything on the web to anywhere

submitted by /u/binaryfor
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Created my first ever Go package!!

submitted by /u/IamAggressiveNapkin
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All of Github is down and unresponsive since 5PM EST.

submitted by /u/codeninja
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Cython Tutorial: Fast & Efficient Python

submitted by /u/OguzKayra
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Interactive Volumetric Fog With Fluid Dynamics and Arbitrary Boundaries

submitted by /u/atomlib_com
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Resistance calculator program in C++ - Please contribute if you find this challenging!

submitted by /u/-normal_guy-
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Sound the alarm! Github's down :/

submitted by /u/dogs_like_me
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Performance Capabilities for Cloud Data Warehouses

submitted by /u/bitter-cognac
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Developing a C Compiler from scratch streaming live

submitted by /u/theoriginalnibblebit
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I just put my entire Fall 2021: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence course on YouTube for anyone to watch for free

submitted by /u/serendib
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I Programmed The Most Ragiest Multiplayer Game

submitted by /u/ViggeYT
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C# Errors by Example: Checking the DotNetNuke CMS

Today, we discuss C# code quality and a variety of errors by the example of CMS DotNetNuke. We're going to dig into its source code. You're going to need a cup of coffee...


DotNetNuke is an open-source content management system (CMS) written mainly in C#. The source code is available on GitHub. The project is part of the .NET Foundation.

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Finding a needle in a haystack by running git bisect on synthetic commits

submitted by /u/dds
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Friday, November 26, 2021

Very Fast Non-Cryptographic Hash Function (competitor to wyhash, xxhash), C

submitted by /u/avaneev
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PHP RFC: Pure intersection types

submitted by /u/azhenley
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Python Array

submitted by /u/Matlabguru
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from programming https://ift.tt/2ZrOyWG

NFTs are sucking the air out of everything

submitted by /u/earthboundkid
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Analyze log files with SQL using Superintendent.app

submitted by /u/tanin47
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6 Steps SREs Should Take to Prepare for Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2021

Being an SRE is a tough (if rewarding) job on any day of the year. But it's especially challenging on Black Friday and Cyber Monday, the post-Thanksgiving event that has become the biggest online shopping day of the year. We'll focus on calling it Cyber Monday throughout this guide.

And for 2021, Cyber Monday promises to include not just the standard challenges associated with massive spikes in traffic but also a spike in cybersecurity attacks, which the FBI expects to surge in frequency this holiday season. And although security may not be SREs' main job, they'll be expected to assist security and DevSecOps teams in confronting the reliability threats that hackers pose.

from DZone.com Feed https://ift.tt/2Zt9g8L

Building a Unicorn Engineering Org at GRIN

How do you build an engineering organization that can drive your company to a billion-dollar valuation and unicorn status?

And how do you do it in an emerging and highly-competitive product category like influencer/creator management? Brent Bartlett, VP of Engineering at GRIN, joins the podcast this week to share his blueprint for success and his path to leadership.

from DZone.com Feed https://ift.tt/3HVNFag

What Does It Take To Port 16-Bit Windows 1.0 Applications Into Native Windows 11 Programs?

submitted by /u/lzgr
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How to become a software engineer, even without a CS degree

submitted by /u/bajcmartinez
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Know These Risks Before You Dive Into WebRTC

WebRTC is changing the way we live by establishing new norms in communication. WebRTC makes this possible by supporting real-time browser-to-browser communication without additional plugins. It provides peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing and streaming of P2P audio and video calls. And all these are done by incorporating real-time communication directly in the end user’s browser. 

Security Measures Implemented by WebRTC

So, now that this technology is selling like hotcakes, you might be tempted to dig into it. However, it would be advisable to first understand the risks and threats that come with it. The good news is that most of these risks could be mitigated, and this article helps you with it.

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Network Admission Control

The NAC solution implements security control over access users to provide end-to-end security.  

What Are the Capabilities of NAC?

NAC provides the following capabilities:

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Leaked secrets and API keys inside Docker images

submitted by /u/Advocatemack
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The 10 Commandments for Performing a Data Science Project

In designing a data science project, establishing what we, or the users we are building models for, want to achieve is vital, but this understanding only provides a blueprint for success. To truly deliver against a well-established brief, data science teams must follow best practices in executing the project. To help establish what that might mean, I have come up with ten points to provide a framework that can be applied to any data science project.

1. Understand the Problem 

The most fundamental part of solving any problem is knowing exactly what problem you are solving. Make sure that you understand what you are trying to predict, any constraints, and what the ultimate purpose for this project will be. Ask questions early on and validate your understanding with peers, domain experts, and end-users. If you find that answers are aligning with your understanding, you know that you are on the right path. 

from DZone.com Feed https://ift.tt/3lcfC3O

How to Use Minimal Hybrid to Quickly Migrate Exchange Mailboxes to Office 365

With the increasing popularity of cloud-based services, more and more organizations and businesses are shifting their on-premises Exchange to Office 365 or Microsoft 365. If you are planning to migrate your Exchange on-premises Server to Microsoft 365 or Office 365, you have several options, such as 

  • Cutover Migration
  • Staged Migration
  • Hybrid Migration
  • IMAP-Based
  • Office 365 Import Service
  • Third-Party Software 

You can choose the Office 365 migration option based on the on-premises Exchange Server version your organization is running on. 

from DZone.com Feed https://ift.tt/3nT0Wsf

How (and Why) to Move from Spark on YARN to Kubernetes

Apache Spark is among the most usable open-source distributed computing frameworks because it allows data engineers to parallelize the processing of large amounts of data across a cluster of machines.

When it comes to data operations, Spark provides a tremendous advantage as a resource for data operations because it aligns with the things that make data ops valuable. It is optimized for machine learning and AI, which are used for batch processing (in real-time and at scale), and it is adept at operating within different types of environments.

from DZone.com Feed https://ift.tt/3xzYyKg

How to Build a 3D Product Model In Just 5 Minutes

Displaying products with 3D models is something too great to ignore for an e-commerce app. Using those fancy gadgets, such an app can leave users with the first impression upon products in a fresh way!

The 3D model plays an important role in boosting user conversion. It allows users to carefully view a product from every angle before they make a purchase. Together with the AR technology, which gives users an insight into how the product will look in reality, the 3D model brings a fresher online shopping experience that can rival offline shopping. 

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OpenJDK proposals would bring universal generics to Java

submitted by /u/d_a_n_d_r_e_i
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Video on Demand (VOD) Processing Using AWS

The demand for video is growing, and even more, businesses find infinite possibilities in this sector. We’re not just referring to entertainment or instructional materials here. Content providers, small businesses, and corporate brands are all benefiting from video on demand. Brands can build stronger relationships with their customers by offering them access to the information they want, whenever and however they want it. Thus, such visualization became the most convenient way to share data with software users.

VOD (video on demand) refers to any content delivery method that allows users to select when, where, and how they interact with media integration. This can be accomplished by either simultaneous broadcasting from an internet source or by the user downloading the video to a personal device for subsequent viewing. This is in contrast to traditional streaming, when the viewer may only see their film on a gadget with a satellite or cable connection at a certain period.

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The Internet is Held Together With Spit & Baling Wire

submitted by /u/feross
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ThreadPoolExecutor vs. ProcessPoolExecutor in Python

submitted by /u/jasonb
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Some Cool Dynamic Badges for GitHub

submitted by /u/Beginning-Safe4282
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Programmer Needed please check comments thanks.

submitted by /u/frank5549
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I decided to convert SHA-256 into an audio form. (This is the first video I’ve made in this style so please go easy. :) )

submitted by /u/StevenLightning
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Thursday, November 25, 2021

Dirty Game Development Tricks (2013)

submitted by /u/pdp10
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Advantages Of Python

submitted by /u/Matlabguru
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Web Design Trends for 2022

submitted by /u/cosmicwatch
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Grocery Bag using Django (Part-2) - Fixing Templates and Static Files

submitted by /u/ashutoshkrris
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Linus Torvalds on why desktop Linux sucks

submitted by /u/markehammons
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Why isnt this code running? PS under csteutils and Myro code lines it says it cant be resolved

submitted by /u/ImABigFatRat21
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PHP 8.1 was released

submitted by /u/IluTov
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Released new video on how I programmed an Algorithmic Trading bot in Python! Check it out:

submitted by /u/sam_hastings
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Easy Modular Monolith — JWT Authentication/Authorization

submitted by /u/bitter-cognac
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The tale of a single register value

submitted by /u/eberkut
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Software Development Value Traps

submitted by /u/DynamicsHosk
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Transformers from Scratch

submitted by /u/donutloop
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Play with the 'Minimal CPU System' Emulator - Simplest Usable PC #9

submitted by /u/Hea_009
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I made a working Gameboy CSS art: try it out 🕹

submitted by /u/ultra_mind
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Detect Pressed Key using HTML, CSS and JavaScript

submitted by /u/Lushac
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Need help with viewing site stats?? Want to see the results of a poll but can’t seem to figure it out. Please help!!

submitted by /u/pucknet
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ElectroDB: I couldn't find a simple DynamoDB javascript library that stressed hierarchical keys, easier sort key querying, and easier filtering so I started working on one.

submitted by /u/binaryfor
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Fast C-like programming language with advanced features

submitted by /u/binaryfor
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Python script to extract news from RSS feeds and save it as json.

submitted by /u/binaryfor
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Writing a Linux-compatible kernel in Rust

submitted by /u/alexeyr
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PHP 8.1.0 Released!

submitted by /u/LovecraftsDeath
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Building a Serverless Go App in 5 Minutes with Serverless Stack

submitted by /u/elliotforbes
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Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Solving the change-making problem at compile time using C++20

submitted by /u/cateanddogew
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8 Best Practices to Secure Your AWS Cloud

Amazon Web Services or AWS cloud is ruling the market trends of 2021. With the pool of benefits arises the responsibility to secure the user’s data on the cloud. In the past few years, more and more businesses have migrated to AWS cloud, thus making AWS cloud security a crucial affair in the cybersecurity environment. AWS cloud security is a collective responsibility of both users and AWS. 

Let’s take a glance at the eight best practices to secure AWS Cloud and get a thorough understanding of the implementation of each. 

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Three Things I Try To Keep In Mind When Reviewing Code

submitted by /u/CartographerTotal158
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Decrypting diversity: One in five UK infosec professionals say they’ve

submitted by /u/feross
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93% of Paint Splatters are Valid Perl Programs

submitted by /u/mooreds
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Real-time controlled CGI puppets in Unreal Engine 5 . "the most realistic next-gen real-time face"...

submitted by /u/X_Wolverine_
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Will Low-Code Development Tools Unleash an Army of Junior Developers Into the World

submitted by /u/DynamicsHosk
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A CRDT for Rich-Text Collaboration

submitted by /u/beckenrandposer
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Agility != Speed

submitted by /u/beckenrandposer
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Scroll down to "Subject: Offensive mailing labels" "Date: 10 Feb 89" -- ". . . While providing design and programming assistance to the Alumni Records department, we ran into an interesting problem. . . ."

submitted by /u/trot-trot
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Using WebAssembly (created in Rust) for Fast React Components

submitted by /u/joshfinnie
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How To Run the Spring Boot Application as a Stand-Alone Java Application

In the video below, we take a closer look at how to run the Spring Boot application as a stand-alone Java application and RESTful Web Services. Let's get started!

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Configuring CockroachDB With Active Directory

Today, I'm going to cover CockroachDB Active Directory integration. Under the covers, Cockroach utilizes GSSAPI. Today, Cockroach only supports user mapping. It does not support user sync between AD OU to a Cockroach role.

My lab environment consists of an AD controller running Windows Server 2016 as a VirtualBox VM and a Vagrant VM with CentOS 7 hosting CockroachDB. The VMs share a host-only network.  This was critical in my setup so that my Cockroach node could interact with AD on port 88.

from DZone.com Feed https://ift.tt/30Wljvq

JWT: Ultimate How-To Guide With Best Practices In JavaScript. Did I miss anything in the guide? Do you agree with the recommendations?

submitted by /u/ragnarecek
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from programming https://ift.tt/3I1q20a

What do you think of my side project codeguppy.com - a coding platform / playground based on p5.js. I appreciate your constructive feedback and suggestions.

submitted by /u/codeobserver
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Free Mock Coding Interviews!

submitted by /u/ItsTheWeeBabySeamus
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C++ Program Memory Layout

submitted by /u/w0wyxD
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GitHub - woltapp/wolt-python-package-cookiecutter: Cookiecutter for rapidly creating modern & high-quality Python packages

submitted by /u/pmz
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How To Create A Website Using HTML And CSS | Explore Nature Website Design With Background Video.

submitted by /u/ksbisht941
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Greek myths of programming — How to find a mythological god of programming during your leisure time?

submitted by /u/mchl-reddit
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Neural edit-tree lemmatization for spaCy

submitted by /u/syllogism_
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GC progress from JDK 8 to JDK 17

submitted by /u/based2
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Lossless Image Compression in O(n) Time

submitted by /u/based2
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Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Prevent Data Loss

submitted by /u/Matlabguru
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C# vs Python

submitted by /u/Matlabguru
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C# vs Python

submitted by /u/Matlabguru
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Linked List in Python

submitted by /u/Matlabguru
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How Technical Operations Can Build on the Success of Data Science Notebooks

Data science notebooks, a popular document format used for publishing code, results, and explanations in readable and executable form, broke new ground by combining an ongoing narrative with interactive elements and displays. The result was a new way to capture and transfer knowledge about the process of discovering insights. By studying why data science notebooks have worked so well, we can understand more about related areas with similar characteristics, such as Technology Operations (TechOps). 

At first glance, many of the attributes of data science notebooks also apply to TechOps. However, the data scientist and TechOps cohort have different objectives. A data scientist is interested in variable results based on changing elements within queries. A TechOps team responsible for complex operational systems looks for variables and patterns, seeks to understand the root cause, and takes corrective action. Data science notebooks are conducive to instruction and are easy to change. However, in a production operations setting, things need to be repeatable rather than variable. To align with the different user needs in TechOps, the notebook concept evolved into runbooks. 

from DZone.com Feed https://ift.tt/3r3BlyJ

How to Make Google's Data Grid Scroll Faster

Google Search Console can be used to check indexing status and optimize the visibility of websites. You can also check which external websites link to your page, and as I was browsing the "Top linking sites" page I noticed a major scroll lag. This happens when choosing to display a larger dataset (500 rows) instead of the default 10 results. 

As someone interested in frontend performance, I could not resist diving in to see if I could figure out why. After all, Google is pushing hard on web performance so one would expect them to set a good baseline in their own public-facing apps. 

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Pallet Town: SQLAlchemy Performance Intro

submitted by /u/dominucco
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from programming https://ift.tt/3nMdpxH

What's the industry average number of: how many times each line-of-code is rewritten/modified in the lifetime of an average software dvelopment project? I assumed it would be a trivial metric to look up, but I have tried dozens of wordings in Google Search (to no avail.)

submitted by /u/Disastrous-Nebula463
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Developing a C Compiler streaming live!

submitted by /u/theoriginalnibblebit
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Spring Boot: User Form Submission Example With Spring Boot and FreeMarker

In the Spring Boot video tutorial below, we take a closer look at the user form submission example with Spring Boot and FreeMarker. Let's get started!

from DZone.com Feed https://ift.tt/3r0E4cg

Walkthrough of how the internals of the keras.Model class work

submitted by /u/puppet_pals
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Codeless contributions with a GitHub Issue Form

submitted by /u/feross
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(DConf Online) The How and Why of Profiling D Code

submitted by /u/maxhaton
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3 Ways to Simply Describe Complex Technical Topics

To be a skilled programmer, you need great coding skills. To be a great programmer, you need more than technical skills. You need to be able to work well with other teams and that requires clear communication.

But it is hard to communicate clearly when you are working on complex technical topics. How do you describe the incredibly complex problems you work on to people outside your team? 

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Writing clean code: Naming

submitted by /u/GeneralMutakwa
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Creating Game Engine

I have created the Tyracorn engine in Java pretty much from scratch, only using a small number of basic libraries. If you are considering doing the same then continue reading.


If your goal is to publish the games quickly, then just use Unity, Unreal Engine, or another great product available. However, if you have different expectations, and time for that, then go ahead. Here are mine.

from DZone.com Feed https://ift.tt/3nI8eyY

CI/CD Security Management: Best Practices

CI/CD is the cornerstone of DevOps. Continuous integration/continuous development (or deployment) brings value to software production by introducing automation and monitoring throughout the development lifecycle. The CI/CD pipeline defines a series of steps software engineers take to work on smaller chunks of code, increasing overall productivity and efficiency.

The fast-paced, automated, technology-ridden conditions quickly turn into a security-forsaken environment. Security administrators juggle between shielding the pipeline and allowing agility. The ideal solution is to build security directly into the development lifecycle to avoid potential data breaches.

from DZone.com Feed https://ift.tt/30MnCRP

Java 17 Features and Migration Considerations

A few months from now in March 2022, Java 8 will lose its Oracle Premier Support. It doesn’t mean that it won’t receive any new updates, but Oracle’s effort put into maintaining it will likely be significantly smaller than it is right now.

That means there’ll be a good reason to make the move to a new version, especially since on September 14th, 2021, Java 17 was released. This is the new Long Term Support version, with Oracle Premier Support to last until September 2026 (at least). What does Java 17 bring? How difficult will the migration be? Is it worth it? I’ll try to answer those questions in this article.

from DZone.com Feed https://ift.tt/3CSfmxa

Peritext: A CRDT for Rich-Text Collaboration

submitted by /u/marianoguerra
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from programming https://ift.tt/3l2zNkT

A tale of Java Hash Tables

submitted by /u/nomemory
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Medium’s Engineering Values

submitted by /u/Pattadampa
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CodeGenX, an open-source alternative to GitHub Copilot

submitted by /u/Matthias1590
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GraalVM 21.3 Released

submitted by /u/pmz
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Monday, November 22, 2021

Remix – A framework focused on web fundamentals and modern UX

submitted by /u/zxyzyxz
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from programming https://ift.tt/3qXGZ5v

txtai 3.7 released - streaming and parallel machine learning workflows

submitted by /u/davidmezzetti
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Python String Compare

submitted by /u/Matlabguru
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from programming https://ift.tt/3DJaBap

API Security Issue 157

This week, we have details of a potential vulnerability in existing Prometheus installations with no endpoint security enabled, details of a new tool to assist organizations to map their API attack surface, a report on the analysis of publicly available OpenAPI definition files in the public domain, and news on upcoming API security awareness and training from We Hack Purple.

Vulnerability: Unsafe Defaults in Prometheus Expose Secrets

JFrog recently published a report on a potential vulnerability in Prometheus, a popular open-source event monitoring and alerting solution. Attackers could parse unsecured endpoints to retrieve sensitive data.

from DZone.com Feed https://ift.tt/3DKtHgi

API Security Issue 156

This week, we have a vulnerability report from Alissa Knight on Fast Healthcare Interoperability and Resources (FHIR) APIs being potentially vulnerable to abuse, and more details on how the breach at MakerBot’s Thingiverse 3D printing repository website could lead to hijacking users’ 3D printers.

In addition, there’s an article summing up the increasing numbers of API attacks and breaches, and an upcoming Kuppinger Cole webinar on continuous API security.

from DZone.com Feed https://ift.tt/30Lb25P

Principles of software evangelism

submitted by /u/azhenley
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from programming https://ift.tt/3FJlKsl

PHP creator: functions were named to fall into length buckets because function hash algo was 'strlen'

submitted by /u/yawaramin
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from programming https://ift.tt/3nHOdso

User Form Validation and Data Binding Example With Spring Boot and FreeMarker [Video]

In the video below, we take a closer look at User Form Validation and Data Binding Example with Spring Boot and FreeMarker | Spring Boot Tutorial. Let's get started!

from DZone.com Feed https://ift.tt/3HO6jAI

Arrest in ‘Ransom Your Employer’ Email Scheme

submitted by /u/feross
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Common misconceptions about differential privacy

submitted by /u/Repeat-or
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Writing code for your future self

submitted by /u/bitter-cognac
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Top Ten Vue Templates to Choose in 2021 | FrontEnd Matters!

submitted by /u/ZestycloseChocolate
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Chris Birchall: Re-Engineering Legacy Software | Maintainable Podcast

submitted by /u/robbyrussell
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How to Publish a Bio-page(resume) to Github pages (with sample resume)

submitted by /u/ImaginationPlastic84
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Developing a C Compiler from scratch watch live!

submitted by /u/theoriginalnibblebit
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from programming https://ift.tt/3cDhRsw

Wind turbine giant Vestas confirms data breach following ‘cybersecurity

submitted by /u/feross
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Shadesmar: Fast C++ IPC using shared memory

submitted by /u/binaryfor
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An ESLint plugin to detect and stop Trojan Source attacks

submitted by /u/feross
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Spring Boot Exception Handling

1. Overview

Exceptions are undesired behavior of a software application caused by faulty logic. In this article, we're going to be looking at how to handle exceptions in a Spring Boot application.

What we want to achieve is that whenever there's an error in our application, we want to gracefully handle it and return the following response format:

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Denigma is an AI that explains code in understandable english

submitted by /u/bawlerblog
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from programming https://ift.tt/3FABiOY

Cross-fading any two DOM elements is currently impossible—or is it? (It is.)

submitted by /u/earthboundkid
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Practical SOLID in Golang: Dependency Inversion Principle

submitted by /u/ompluscator
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from programming https://ift.tt/3DDAPuK

I made an autoencoder neural network for an RL project and it worked better then I hoped for.

submitted by /u/idan0405
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from programming https://ift.tt/3CEYqd5

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Rules of Program Behavior

submitted by /u/azhenley
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Implementing Dynamic Heat Maps In Angular Applications

In the article, I would like to describe a way to easily implement a simple heat map in an Angular application. For that, I will use two external libraries, which are going to be Leaflet.js and Heatmaps.js. Before the implementation of the heat map, I prefer to begin with a brief introduction to the libraries I mentioned above.


It is one of the most popular JavaScript libraries for interactive maps. It has over 30k stars on GitHub. There is an alternative to it such as OpenLayers. But in my example, I picked a leaflet.

from DZone.com Feed https://ift.tt/3HGz7v8

Learning more Go and some computer science by implementing a language

submitted by /u/mooreds
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from programming https://ift.tt/2Z7RcRc

Dear new developer: Learn caching

submitted by /u/mooreds
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