Monday, September 6, 2021

Path to Continuous Test Automation Using CI/CD Pipeline

Introduction to CI/CD

The continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipeline has become the primary approach in the software development life cycle (SDLC). As a matter of fact, CI/CD pipeline tools have evolved a lot in the past few years. However, developers, QA, and other technical peeps still find challenges in implementing an effective CI/CD pipeline. As the name suggests, it allows developers to deploy code continuously and detect bugs at an early stage and avoid integration issues rising due to frequent source code commits. This article would further highlight the in-depth coverage of the CI/CD pipeline with the introduction to different CI/CD tools available and also few salient points for QA to implement a productive CI/CD pipeline. Before moving forward, let’s clear the basics towards CI/CD pipeline.

What Is Continuous Integration?

When a product is in the developing stage, the technical team frequently code, build, test, and deploy features. Continuous integration has been typically adopted to automate this usual process by developing a script with a motive to detect a change automatically in the shared repository. Changes can be easily detected using periodic monitoring, polling, or by using a push-out mechanism like webhooks

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