Monday, August 23, 2021

Technological Regulation From a Software Product Point of View

The Regulation Landscape With Techplomacy

Until recently, regulation and diplomacy were usually the jobs of governments and non-profit organizations. In 2017, technological diplomacy (techplomacy) was augmented as a cross-cutting foreign and security policy priority [1], [2]. There exist governments employing new roles such as technological ambassadors. Such people’s main duty is to liaise and connect governments to tech companies around the world. Countries are affected by certain companies as much as they are affected by other countries. These kinds of companies have become like a new type of nation, a fact that needs to be accounted for. Realizing the important role that they play in shaping our lives today and in the future, identifying the transformative and pervasive nature of a number of technological fields [3] such as artificial intelligence and social media, companies now play their part in shaping the regulation landscape. 

Products, Then and Now

When streets and houses were first wired, electricity was only used for lighting. Electricity's ability to change people's lives was not immediately apparent. When the infrastructure was in place, though, products like the TV, radio, and telephone emerged. 

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