Saturday, July 31, 2021

Building a Raspberry Pi Robot Arm with .NET 5, Blazor and SignalR

submitted by /u/decaffeinatedcool
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from programming

Plot sine wave in C without using graphics library

submitted by /u/SkillupGenie
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from programming

7 Git Commands with Examples

submitted by /u/pk_kulhari
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Trying to get feedback for my manga reader project

submitted by /u/Significant-League81
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from programming

Enabling CI/CD to Maximize the Potential of DevOps

Enterprises have been moving away from conveyor belt-style project delivery with hardware and software resource planning, ordering, and integration. Instead, they’re taking advantage of increasingly flexible cloud resources combined with DevOps. This methodology provides a way to address the question, "If we can provision resources quickly and easily, how can we complete entire projects with similar responsiveness?" The goal is to make better-quality software quicker and more easily. 

With the DevOps approach, structured communication still takes place, but in an iterative, incremental fashion, much like polishing a jewel. Instead of lofty goals set in the somewhat distant future, practical solutions can be created, deployed, and adjusted. The process gets applications in the hands of end-users far sooner, smooths any rough edges using actual user feedback, and helps organizations not only become more responsive to changing needs but also make much more efficient use of valuable software development and operations resources. 

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Tech spec experts seek allies to tear down ISO standards paywall

submitted by /u/vtable
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How to teach Ports and Adapters

submitted by /u/audionautics
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curl4cpp - single header c++ cURL wrapper around libcURL

submitted by /u/ferhatgec
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Top 15 Tech Leadership Books

The transition to tech leadership is a huge challenge. Technical leadership is different. Leading a technical team demands more than just management skills, but also technical prowess, and the ability to navigate the tech world. Working on a digital product, you need to understand how to lead your technical team, delivering high value for the users, while remaining agile and ready to change direction. This unique mix of senior engineers plus agile managers doesn’t come easy or naturally for anyone. It is not an easy task, but there’s plenty of help out there for you to get started. We’ve collected a few of the best tech leadership books, so you can dive in with the best chance of success. Remember, that learning is key to success in any leadership position. Being a tech leader requires skill, dedication, and knowledge, all of which need to be improved upon with new information. Books offer an amazing opportunity to delve deeply into topics. I hope you find our list of tech leadership books useful:

Top 15 Tech Leadership Books

1. "The Manager's Path: A Guide for Tech Leaders Navigating Growth and Change" by Camille Fournier

Managing people is difficult wherever you work. But in the tech industry, where management is also a technical discipline, the learning curve can be brutal. In this practical guide, author Camille Fournier (tech lead turned CTO) takes you through each stage in the journey from engineer to technical manager. This book is ideal whether you’re a new manager, a mentor, or a more experienced leader looking for fresh advice. Pick up this book and learn how to become a better manager and leader in your organization.

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Rust and the JVM

So far, we have learned the basics of Rust syntax, developed a custom Kubernetes controller, and integrated it with the front-end with Web Assembly.

This is the 7th post in the Start Rust focus series. Other posts include:

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When seekdir() Won’t Seek to the Right Position

submitted by /u/whackri
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from programming

Service Discovery Using Spring Cloud Eureka

Spring Cloud Eureka is a sub-project under the Spring Cloud. This project provides a mechanism for service discovery in a Microservices Architecture.

The Eureka Service Discovery framework was originally built by Netflix. However, it was later added to the Spring Cloud projects. Since then, it is more commonly known as Spring Cloud Eureka or Spring Cloud Netflix Eureka.

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Tracing Logs in Microservices Architecture using Spring Cloud Sleuth

In this post, we look at Tracing Logs using Spring Cloud Sleuth. It belongs to the Spring Cloud family of projects. It is an extremely powerful tool for enhancing logs in any application. However, its use becomes even more pronounced while building microservices using Spring Cloud.

So, let’s start understanding Spring Cloud Sleuth in detail.

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Developing a C Compiler from scratch

submitted by /u/theoriginalnibblebit
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from programming

GitHub - Simon-Re/mut-vacc: Mutations in the SIR Model with Vaccination

submitted by /u/JohnDoe_John
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from programming

How to Color Excel File Using Mulesoft

Use-Case :

1. Payroll System: There are two payroll systems for different regions and I need to aggregate the data in the excel file in the particular folder in the SFTP location.

2. I need to color using MuleSoft there is a scenario in which the excel file should be colored according to some conditions. Suppose, Termination Date and Effective Date in that excel for a particular condition I have to fill the color in Excel file.

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A 2021 Guide To Modernizing Data Integration and Supercharging Digital Transformation

Real Time Change Stream Processing

Over 80% of digital transformation (DT) initiatives fail because of unreliable data integration methods and siloed data. This figure comes as no surprise because companies find it challenging to handle ever-larger volumes, sources, and types of data. As these businesses struggle to bring data to a unified environment, they’re unable to gain critical insights and make informed decisions.

Legacy data integration solutions share part of the blame. They’re poorly equipped to integrate data in a flexible and scalable way. Companies are left with no choice but to modernize their data integration processes to take advantage of data sets and drive digital transformation.

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Functional programming and javascript

submitted by /u/Riday33
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Demystifying 5 Commonly Used Idioms in the Tech Industry

submitted by /u/necroskiss
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Kanye and the ontology of bleached T-shirts. A JavaScript implementation.

submitted by /u/deepCelibateValue
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from programming

can someone explain how reprogramming from earth is even possible?

submitted by /u/artbyash
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7 Levels of Using F-Strings in Python

submitted by /u/yangzhou1993
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from programming

Friday, July 30, 2021

The Unique Reliability Engineering Requirements of Microservices

Most of the reliability engineering concepts that SREs learn can be applied to any type of application architecture or environment. That doesn’t mean, however, that reliability engineering methodologies should be app-agnostic. On the contrary, SREs should tailor their approach to the type of application they are supporting.

To prove the point, let’s discuss how managing reliability for a microservices-based app is different from working with a monolith.

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Processing Time Series Data With Redis and Apache Kafka

RedisTimeSeries is a Redis Module that brings native time series data structure to Redis. Time series solutions, which were built earlier on top of Sorted Sets (or Redis Streams), can benefit from RedisTimeSeries features such as high volume inserts, low latency reads, flexible query language, down-sampling, and much more!

Generally speaking, time series data is (relatively) simple. Having said that, we need to factor in other characteristics as well:

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DevOps and Its Key Principles


Software development includes several processes like defining scopes, requirement specifications, and use cases, designing solution architect, converting use cases to tasks, writing code, testing and validations, managing releases, and deployments, and then maintenance. These tasks are repetitive and can be highly manual processes which can significantly be prone to errors. The software development process comprises different teams from operations, development as well as business. Day by day, these processes are becoming more complex which shows the need for proper tools and practices to handle them. Additionally, technology had drastically changed and evolved in the last decade which again adds complexity to the development process. Because of development, implementation, and operational teams having different skill sets are involved together in the software development process, and they can be out of sync, can lack proper visibility which can delay the overall delivery and result in disappointing the business stakeholders.

To overcome complex situations and manage efficiently, we have DevOps.

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Tesla's Elon Musk backs Epic, calls App Store fees a 'de facto global tax'

submitted by /u/Mcnst
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Hot Reload in Uno and GTK

submitted by /u/MoneyWorthington
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Hey everone, I made a visual example of all logic Gates, with Grasshopper, an architecture software, what do you think?

submitted by /u/IIamII
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Xamarin Forms - Download Files Using DependencyService 💥🔥👍

submitted by /u/DotNet2021
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4 Simple Metasploit Examples

submitted by /u/AxelJuraske
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Kodiak Robotics’ founder says tight focus on autonomous trucks is working

Kodiak Robotics is one of the last private autonomous vehicles companies focused on trucking that is still standing. Nearly all the rest have been wooed by the public marketplace and the capital it can provide. But co-founder and CEO Don Burnette says the three-year-old company’s strategy of staying focused and small(er) is paying off.

It will be able to deploy a commercial-scale operation for about $500 million in funding, he says in the interview below. To put those go-to-market costs in perspective, that’s 10% of what Waymo has raised in external fundraising and less than 25% of newly publicly traded company TuSimple’s total fundraise.

Kodiak’s strategy is to take a specialized, hyperfocused approach to autonomous trucking that outsources a lot of tech, like data labeling, lidar, radar and mapping, to existing companies. Burnette, who was one of four founders of the self-driving truck startup Otto that Uber acquired, thinks this is a faster, cheaper and more efficient path to commercialization versus building out your own systems and teams.

The company is moving freight for commercial customers, dipping its toes in the market by working with technology partners within the existing ecosystem. Burnette says Kodiak’s Driver technology has achieved a level of maturity where it can handle anything the highway throws at it. In December, the startup achieved “disengagement-free deliveries” between Dallas and Houston, meaning the autonomous system didn’t have to be switched off for safety reasons.

The following interview, part of an ongoing series with founders who are building transportation companies, has been edited for length and clarity. 

You previously told me that Kodiak would need about $500 million in total funding to get to commercial driverless. You also said you’ve had some undisclosed funding rounds, but publicly, you’ve only raised $40 million. Can you still execute on your vision this far off?

Absolutely. We are always, as startups are, in fundraising mode. We’re always talking to investors. And there’s a lot of great things happening behind the scenes currently that we haven’t yet announced. We are growing, we’re hiring, if you can look to that as an indicator of the health of a company.

Our tech and our plan is really sound, and we are building up our commercialization efforts in a way that I think is going to be very exciting to the overall industry and to the market. We will need to raise more money, as you pointed out, that’s certainly no secret, but I think that we have multiple options to do that.

“Kodiak is one of the only remaining serious AV trucking companies still in the private sector, and so I think that gives us some advantages in a lot of ways.”

How do you intend to close that gap? Are you looking at venture capital, or maybe going for an IPO or SPAC?

We’re considering all of the above. It’s a constant conversation internally on what is the best path for Kodiak, what is the appetite of the various forms of investors and strategic relationships. Nothing is excluded.

The stock market is obviously very attractive and exciting. I think TuSimple has demonstrated that an IPO with the right set of metrics and the right set of momentum and partners is possible and can be successful. I think there’s also lots of opportunity within the VCs and the private markets. Kodiak is one of the only remaining serious AV trucking companies still in the private sector, and so I think that gives us some advantages in a lot of ways.

What’s your sense of the venture funding environment right now in autonomous? Is it harder now than it was, say, four years ago?

The appetite has changed. In particular, investors are more skeptical of timelines and promises. There is not this sense of Wild West excitement like there was four or five years ago, and that was the Golden Age of raising capital, certainly for earlier stage companies.

Kodiak was at the tail end of that age, and now the goalposts have changed, and the target investors have changed. It’s no longer the early-stage VCs that companies like Kodiak and others are talking to. It’s more of the growth-stage funds, and growth-stage funds look for different types of metrics. They look for commercial traction, product-market fit, users, efficiencies, etc.

from TechCrunch

Growth roundup: Investing in community, targeting developers, new marketer recs

“The best thing a startup can do, and I’m seeing it happen more and more, is investing in community early on,” growth marketing expert Max van den Ingh of Unmuted tells us. “When I was leading growth at MisterGreen, we created a community for the first thousand Tesla Model 3 owners in the Netherlands. Everyone wanted to be a part of this founding tribe, learn from each other, get insights and so on.”

“This group turned out to be our most effective marketing tool,” he explains in an interview we published this week. “Word-of-mouth went through the roof. We had all of these people talking about our community at birthday parties, in their office, you name it. This is a great example of investing in marketing you can’t really measure, but which you do strongly believe in.”

Elsewhere in this week’s growth marketing recap, you’ll find TechCrunch’s coverage of growth marketing, and related topics, from the past week. You’ll also find a few recommendations for growth marketers. If you’d like to recommend a great one you’ve worked with, please fill out our survey.

Marketer: Scott Graham
Recommended by: Heather Larrabee, CMO, FORM
Testimonial: “He was referred to us and blew our socks off from his initial analysis. He’s the rare growth adviser expert at strategy and execution. He’s a servant leader, a systems thinker, integrates with the team with empathy and curiosity like he’s an internal teammate, brings a wealth of cutting-edge knowledge, and a stable of incredible partners and resources. He runs with the best and the brightest, but he’s the first one on and the last one off for the day, putting in the time to make things great. He has an uncanny ability to communicate complex concepts and make them accessible for all audiences, and he’s been a foundational game changer for our business and many others.”

Marketer: Ascendant
Recommended by: Robyn Weatherley, Thirdfort Limited
Testimonial: “Beyond their knowledge and experience (which is in abundance!), they have a deep understanding and appreciation for the unique challenges early-stage businesses have. They are in tune with the particular hurdles at various stages of growth and are able to adapt their working style dependent on those. They haven’t just helped us execute vital growth tactics, but they’ve helped us set up the framework to keep executing on those whether we are 5, 50 or 500 people. This is incredibly important as we scale and to demonstrate to future investors. They are also exceptional mentors and are able to offer real-world advice and work flexibly to suit the ever-changing nature of a high-growth early-stage business.”

Marketer: Ferdinand Goetzen
Recommended by: Willem van Roosmalen, Homerun
Testimonial: “Exceptional skills and experience in B2B SaaS, impressive track record, clear communicator, true leader, makes impact from day one, entrepreneur (actually launched his own start up, Reveall).”

Marketer: Adriana Ivascu, HoneyPot Dgtl
Recommended by: Mihaela Petre, Brussels Beer Project
Testimonial: “Besides her solid experience in growth and digital, Adriana has a genuine interest in growing not only the company but its people. She is hands-on in digital transformation but on top of it, she is a coach who inspires and brings the best in teams. We are very happy to have benefited from a long-term strategic growth path and a skill playbook that we can pass on to our whole organization.”

Marketer: Mariska Vroegindeweij, Growth & confetti
Recommended by: Hugo Pereira, EVBox
Testimonial: “[During our time working together] she was very young and bright. She started the Growth Marketing division on her own, built a team of developers, designers, advertisement specialists, product owners to drive conversion on the whole funnel from MQL to Opportunities. It’s hard to find a marketer that combines leadership skills with hardcore skills to drive growth. She was also very data-driven, challenged me a lot on assumptions and proved me wrong a few times by doing experiments and showcasing better ways to convert. And she was bold enough to start her own agency at a young age and doing well. Plus, she’s tons of fun.”


Help TechCrunch find the best growth marketers for startups.

Provide a recommendation in this quick survey and we’ll share the results with everybody.


The MKT1 interview: Growth marketing in 2021, hiring versus outsourcing and more: We hosted a Twitter Spaces with strategic marketing firm MKT1 recently, following a popular interview we published with them a few weeks ago. “The skill sets of growth marketers are in high demand,” co-founder Kathleen Estreich told host Danny Crichton during the event. “They always have been, but it feels pretty acute right now. Given that a lot of the companies are raising money earlier and starting to try and build that traction faster to grow into the valuations, we’re starting to see a huge need.” If you’re curious to see what skills are needed in growth marketing positions right now, take a look at the job board curated by MKT1. CEO Karl Hughes on the importance of using experts in developer marketing: Anna Heim interviewed Karl Hughes, founder of, which works with a large number of developer tool companies. Hughes’ insights come from personal experience, “I’ve been a software developer, and then most recently was a CTO at a startup in Chicago, so I knew that there were lots of companies trying to reach developers [ … ] and that a lot of them were doing a poor job of it.” In this interview, Hughes addresses the mistakes made when targeting marketing toward developers, the steps that takes to mitigate them and more.

Unmuted founder Max van den Ingh on success beyond the metrics: “At Unmuted, when we start working with a new client, we perform a series of exercises together,” he told us in the interview. “This helps us get a clear picture of where the client is now and where they could be when we’ve optimized marketing. Next, instead of fixed numbers, like a specific amount of new customers in a given period, we focus on growth levers, like month-over-month growth in certain conversion or activation areas. Focusing on growth levers makes our work more actionable.” Read the interview with him for more about Unmuted’s “modern” marketing approach, setting realistic goals and trends seen in growth marketing during the pandemic.

Dan Olsen leads a product-market fit masterclass for the Startup Alley+ cohort: As part of Startup Alley+, TC Disrupt 2021 is offering a VIP experience where Dan Olsen will be holding a product-market fit masterclass. Olsen’s roster of clients includes Google, Facebook and Amazon.

Is there a startup growth marketing expert that you want us to know about? Let us know by filling out our survey.

from TechCrunch

Yat thinks emoji ‘identities’ can be a thing, and it has $20M in sales to back it up

I learned about Yat in April, when a friend sent our group chat a link to a story about how the key emoji sold as an “internet identity” for $425,000. “I hate the universe,” she texted.

Sure, the universe would be better if people with a spare $425,000 spent it on mutual aid or something, but minutes later, we were trying to figure out what this whole Yat thing was all about. And few more minutes later, I spent $5 (in USD, not crypto) to buy ☕👉💩❗, an emoji string that I think tells a moving story about my caffeine dependency and sensitive stomach. I didn’t think I would be writing about this when I made that choice.

Kesha’s Yat URL on Twitter

On the surface, Yat is a platform that lets you buy a URL with emojis in it — even Kesha (🌈🚀👽), Lil Wayne (👽🎵), and Disclosure (😎🎵😎) are using them in their Twitter bios. Like any URL on the internet, Yats can redirect to another website, or they can function like a more eye-catching Linktree. While users could purchase their own domain name that supports emojis and use it instead of a Yat, many people don’t have the technical expertise or time to do so. Instead, they can make one-time purchase from Yat, which owns the domain, and the company will provide your with your own link for you.

This convenience, however, comes at a premium. Yat uses an algorithm to determine your Yat’s “rhythm score,” its metric for determining how to price your emoji combo based on its rarity. Yats with one or two emojis are so expensive that you have to contact the company directly to buy them, but you can easily find a four- or five-emoji identity that’ll only put you out $4.

Beyond that, CEO Naveen Jain — a Y Combinator alumnus, founder of digital marketing company Sparkart, and angel investor — thinks that Yat is ultimately an internet privacy product. Jain wants people to be able to use their Yats in any way they’re able to use an online identity now, whether that’s to make payments, send messages, host a website, or login to a platform.

“Objectively, it’s a strange norm. You go on the internet, you register accounts with ad-supported platforms, and your username isn’t universal. You have many accounts, many usernames,” Jain said. “And you don’t control them. If an account wants to shut you down, they shut you down. How many stories are there of people trying to email some social network, and they don’t respond because they don’t have to?”

Yat doesn’t plan to fuel itself with ad money, since users pay for the product when they purchase their Yat, whether they get it for $4 or $400,000.

In the long run, Yat’s CEO says the company plans to use blockchain technology as a way to become self-sovereign. Yats would become assets issued on decentralized, distributed databases. Today, there are several projects working to create a decentralized alternative to the current domain name system (DNS), which is managed by internet regulatory authority ICANN.  DNS is how you find things on the internet, but uses a centralized, hierarchical system. A blockchain domain name system would have no central authority, and some believe this could be the foundation of a next-gen web, or “Web 3.0.”

Today, words like “blockchain” and “cryptocurrency” don’t appear on the Yat website. Jain doesn’t think that’s compelling to average consumers — he believes in progressive decentralization, which explains why Yats are currently purchased with dollars, not ethereum.

“Something we think is really funny about the cryptocurrency world is that anyone who’s a part of it spends a lot of time talking about databases,” Jain said. “People don’t care about databases. When’s the last time you went to a website and it said ‘powered by MySQL’?”, however, was registered at a traditional internet registrar, not on the blockchain.

“This is laying the foundation — there are certain elements of the vision that are certainly more of a social contract than actual implementation at this point in time,” says Jain. “But this is the vision that we’ve set forth, and we’re working continuously towards that goal.”

Still, until Yat becomes more decentralized, it can’t yet give users the complete control it aspires to. At present, the Terms & Conditions give Yat the authority to terminate or suspend users at its discretion, but the company claims it hasn’t yet booted anyone from the system.

As Yat becomes more decentralized, our terms and conditions won’t be important,” Jain said. “This is the nature of pursuing a progressive decentralization strategy.”

In its “generation zero” phase (an open beta), Yat claims to have sold almost $20 million worth of emoji identities. Now, as the waitlist to get a Yat ends, Yat is posting some rare emoji identities on OpenSea, the NFT marketplace that recently reached a valuation of $1.5 billion.

A still image of a Yat visualizer creation

“For the first time ever, we’re going to be auctioning some Yats on OpenSea, and we’re going to be launching minting of Yats on Ethereum,” Jain said. Before minting Yats as NFTs, users can create a digital art landscape for their Yats through a Visualizer. These features, as well as new emojis in the Yat emoji set, will launch this evening at a virtual event called Yat Horizon.

Yat Creators will now have more rights,” Jain said about the new ability to mint Yats as NFTs. “We are going to continue to pursue progressive decentralization until we achieve our ultimate goal: making Yat the best self-directed, self-sovereign identity system for all.”

Consumers have a demonstrated interest in retaining greater privacy on the internet — data shows that in iOS 14.5, 96% of users opted out of ad tracking. But the decentralization movement hasn’t yet been able to market its privacy advantages to the mainstream. Yat helps solve this problem because even if you don’t understand what blockchain means, you understand that having a personal string of emojis is pretty fun. But, before you spend $425,000 on a single-emoji username, keep in mind that Yat’s vision will only completely materialize with the advent of Web 3.0, and we don’t yet know when or if that will happen.

from TechCrunch

Jenkins Tutorial: Get Started Quickly and Easily With CI


What's the first thing you think of when someone refers to continuous integration (CI)? For many people, it's Jenkins®. Originally developed just for CI, Jenkins manages and controls software delivery processes throughout the entire lifecycle. It's now the most widely used software process automation, continuous integration and continuous delivery tool in the world.

This tutorial focuses on CI. You'll learn how to build a Jenkins server and create a CI job. Then you'll finish up by starting an automatic build as the result of a code change.

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Automate Oracle FLEXCUBE Testing

Banks globally rely on Oracle FLEXCUBE to provide their agile banking infrastructure, and more today are migrating to FLEXCUBE to retain a competitive edge over young and agile Fintech startups.

FLEXCUBE provides the flexibility to progressively transform componentized core banking systems while supporting moves to modern cloud infrastructure. It enables established financial players to innovate rapidly, even against the backdrop of historical infrastructure and complex end-to-end processes.

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Github Copilot Review while building Django REST API

submitted by /u/Gaikanomer9
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from programming

Calendly CEO Tope Awotona is joining us at Disrupt 2021

It all seems so simple. Instead of the dreaded back-and-forth on email, what if there was a solution that helped two parties (or multiple parties) schedule a call or a hangout?

Calendly was born out of that question. Today, the company is worth more than $3 billion, according to reports, and has more than 10 million users. The growth of the product is insane, with more than 1,000% growth from last year.

But that kind of success doesn’t come without hard work and dedication.

To hear more about the journey from bootstrapped to billions, Calendly founder and CEO Tope Awotona will join us at Disrupt this September.

P.S. Early Bird Tickets to Disrupt end today, Friday, July 30. Book your tickets now! 

Awotona put his entire life savings into Calendly and managed to bootstrap it for years before taking a $350 million funding round led by OpenView and Iconiq.

We’ll chat with Awotona about the early days of Calendly, how he navigated the hyper-growth phase, what made him choose to finally take institutional funding, his thoughts on pricing and packaging, and much more.

Awotona joins an incredible roster of speakers, including Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg, Mirror’s Brynn Putnam, Chamath Palihapitiya, Slack CEO Stewart Butterfield and more. Plus, Disrupt features the legendary Startup Battlefield competition, where startups from across the globe compete for $100,000 and eternal glory.

Disrupt’s virtual format provides plenty of opportunity for questions, so come prepared to ask the experts about the issues that keep you up at night.

One post can’t possibly contain all of Disrupt’s events. Don’t miss the epic Startup Battlefield competition, hundreds of early-stage startups exhibiting in the Startup Alley expo area, special breakout sessions — like the Pitch Deck Teardown — and so much more.

TechCrunch Disrupt 2021 offers tons of opportunities. Don’t miss out on the first one — buy your Disrupt pass today, July 30, by 11:59 pm (PT) for less than $100. It’s a sweet deal!

Is your company interested in sponsoring or exhibiting at Disrupt 2021? Contact our sponsorship sales team by filling out this form.

from TechCrunch

The best way to grow your tech career? Treat it like an app

Software developers and engineers have rarely been in higher demand. Organizations’ need for technical talent is skyrocketing, but the supply is quite limited. As a result, software professionals have the luxury of being very choosy about where they work and usually command big salaries.

In 2020, the U.S. had nearly 1.5 million full-time developers, who earned a median salary of around $110,000, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Over the next 10 years, the federal agency estimates, developer jobs will grow by 22% to 316,000.

But what happens after a developer or engineer lands that sweet gig? Are they able to harness their skills and grow in interesting and challenging new directions? Do they understand what it takes to move up the ladder? Are they merely doing a job or cultivating a rewarding professional life?

To put it bluntly, many developers and engineers stink at managing their own careers.

These are the kinds of questions that have gnawed at me throughout my 25 years in the tech industry. I’ve long noticed that, to put it bluntly, many developers and engineers stink at managing their own careers.

It’s simply not a priority for some. By nature, developers delight in solving complex technical challenges and working hard toward their company’s digital objectives. Care for their own careers may feel unattractively self-promotional or political — even though it’s in fact neither. Charting a career path may feel awkward or they just don’t know how to go about it.

Companies owe it to developers and engineers, and to themselves, to give these key people the tools to understand what it takes to be the best they can be. How else can developers and engineers be assured of continually great experiences while constantly expanding their contributions to their organizations?

Developers delight in solving complex challenges and working hard toward their company’s objectives. Care for their own careers may feel unattractively self-promotional or political — even though it’s in fact neither.

Coaching and mentoring can help, but I think a more formal management system is necessary to get the wind behind the sails of a companywide commitment to making developers and engineers believe that, as the late Andy Grove said, “Your career is your business and you are its CEO.”

That’s why I created a career development model for developers and engineers when I was an Intel Fellow at Intel between 2003 and 2013. This framework has since been put into practice at the three subsequent companies I worked at — Google, VMWare, and, now, Juniper Networks — through training sessions and HR processes.

The model is based on a principle that every developer can relate to: Treat career advancement as you would a software project.

That’s right, by thinking of career development in stages like those used in app production, developers and engineers can gain a holistic view of where they are in their professional lives, where they want to go and the gaps they need to fill.

Step 1: Functional specification

In software development, a team can’t get started until it has a functional specification that describes the app’s requirements and how it is supposed to perform and behave.

Why should a career be any different? In my model, folks begin by assessing the “functionality” expected of someone at their next career level and how they’re demonstrating them (or not). Typically, a person gets promoted to a higher level only when they already demonstrate that they are operating at that level.

from TechCrunch

Taking the First Step at Open-Source Contribution


Before I get involved in open source in the past, I thought only code patches existed in open source contributions. Code contribution to a particular field requires a lot of background knowledge, and at that time it was quite scary to me since I was just one of the open-source newbies. It was very difficult to have a lot of knowledge like a maintainer, and it took a long time, so it seemed unrealistic that I can contribute to an open-source.

Despite this situation, with a passion for being a part of the open-source community, I began to look for ways to contribute to the OSS projects. Soon enough, I learned that there are many different ways to contribute such as bug fix, typo correction, documentation, and review, etc. After learning this, it didn't seem that impossible, so I started my first contribution with the goal of fixing the error I was experiencing at that time.

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9 Vital Reasons to Use Docker With ASP.NET

Docker is an open-source, Linux-based containerization platform used by developers to establish, run and package applications for deploying applications using containers. Docker was established initially for Linux but now can run on Windows and macOS as well.

Docker is the tool that revolutionized how developers used to deploy applications and the procedure of distributing them. This technology is in high demand and consideration, which is why the majority of the users already love Docker, and it is one of the excellent skills you should have in your curriculum. A container can be developed with the help of Docker, and it can wrap an entire application. Docker is complex, and it also deals with several complex topics quite easily.

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Industrial Engineer to Software Engineer

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A Tesla Megapack caught fire at the Victorian Big Battery facility in Australia

A 13-tonne Tesla Megapack caught fire on Friday morning at a battery storage facility in south-east Australia. The blaze occurred during testing at between 10 and 10.15am local time, according to Victorian Big Battery. The regional fire service said a specialist fire crew had been dispatched to the site in Geelong, Victoria. Firefighters were using a hazmat appliance designed for hazardous chemical spills and specialist drones to conduct atmospheric monitoring, according to Fire Rescue Victoria.

The site was evacuated and there were no injuries, Victorian Big Battery said in a statement. It added that the site had been disconnected from the power grid and that there will be no impact to the electric supply. French energy company Neoen, which operates the facility, and contractor Tesla are working with emergency services to manage the situation.

As a result of the fire, a warning for toxic smoke has been issued in the nearby Batesford, Bell Post Hill, Lovely Banks and Moorabool areas, reports The Sydney Morning Herald. Residents were warned to move indoors, close windows, vents and fireplace flues and bring their pets inside.

The Victorian Big Battery site, a 300 MW/450 MWh battery storage facility, is viewed as key to the Victorian government’s 50 percent renewable energy target by 2030. It follows the success of Neoen and Tesla’s 100 MW/129 MWh battery farm in Hornsdale in South Australia, which was completed ahead of schedule and has resulted in multi-million dollar savings for market players and consumers. Both sites essentially provide a regional power backup for when renewable energy is not available, effectively filling the gap when the sun isn’t shining and the wind isn’t blowing.

In February, Neoen announced that the Victorian Big Battery would utliize Tesla’s megapacks — utility-sized batteries produced at the company’s Gigafactory — and Autobidder software to sell power to the grid. Victorian Big Battery has a contract with the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO). As part of the pact, the site will provide energy stability by unlocking an additional 250 MW of peak capacity on the existing Victoria to New South Wales Interconnector over the next decade of Australian summers.

Editor’s note: This post originally appeared on Engadget.

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