Wednesday, March 3, 2021

The Future of Event-Driven Integration With James Urquhart [Podcast]

In the book, Flow Architectures: The Future of Streaming and Event-Driven Integration, Flow is defined as 'networked software integration that is event-driven, loosely coupled, and highly adaptable and extensible. It is principally defined by standard interfaces and protocols that enable integration with a minimum of conflict and toil.' It aims to reduce the cost of real-time integration, while allowing data streams to be shared in new and innovative ways, giving birth to a World Wide Flow.

In this episode of Cocktails, we talk to James Urquhart, a proponent of Flow Architectures, which he predicts, would be the foundation for linking the world’s activity via a World Wide Flow. We discuss the concept of Flow, the technologies that would need to evolve alongside it, and how businesses and organizations today can prepare for its inevitable emergence.

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