Monday, March 1, 2021

Building a Microservice in Perl (Part 1): Designing the API

A microservice can be thought of as the distributed computing implementation of the Unix philosophy of "Do one thing and do it well." Usually modeled around specific business domains, a well-designed set of microservices each have their own lifecycle and communicate with each other and with consuming applications via technology-agnostic protocols like HTTP.

Because of this, a microservice may be implemented using whatever is the best programming language, database, or other environment to fit the job. Perl can be an excellent choice for development because of its strengths as a battle-tested, expressive multi-paradigm language with a broad open-source library of modules.

In this series of articles, we'll be using Perl, the Mojolicious web framework, and the OpenAPI (formerly Swagger) specification for describing web services to develop an example microservice that adheres to the REST standard for communication over HTTP. Some knowledge of Perl and web development is assumed, and we'll be linking to supporting documentation and literature as we go.

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