Thursday, August 27, 2020

How Graph Analytics Can Transform Your Business


Your business is operating in an ever more connected world where the understanding of complex relationships and interdependencies between different data points is crucial to many decision-making processes. This is the main reason why graph databases have gained a lot of interest in the past few years and have become that fastest-growing database category. They offer powerful data modeling and analysis capabilities your business can use to easily model real-world complex systems and answer challenging questions previously hard to address.

What Is a Graph Database?

You might not be aware of it, but many of the services you use on a daily basis are powered by a graph database. Such examples include Google’s search engine, Linkedin’s connection recommendations, UberEats food recommendations and Gmail’s autocomplete feature. Simply put, a graph database is a data management system specifically engineered and optimized to store and analyze complex networks of connected data where relationships are equally important to individual data points. As a result, they offer a highly efficient, flexible, and overall elegant way to discover connections and patterns within your data that are otherwise very hard to see.

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