Monday, June 1, 2020

Don’t Mix Your Waterfalls – Scrum Is Better at Flying Solo

Water-Scrum-Fall: difficult to say, but not difficult to fall into. It’s a software delivery system that places Scrum methodology in between the design phase and an existing legacy deployment system. Many businesses can find themselves in this situation, however, and should be aware that Water-Scrum-Fall can have negative implications. Because it involves multiple approaches to software delivery, there are lots of different patterns of behavior and standard processes. When these clash, the overall benefits of either approach are reduced. Businesses that have ended up in this scenario should assess their current status and then establish where to start to work their way out of it.

Start at the Source

Businesses can find themselves using Water-Scrum-Fall for multiple reasons, and may not even realize this is where they’ve ended up. For some organizations, the results of this method may be satisfactory. Like everything in the agile world, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. Water-Scrum-Fall may be the most effective approach to software development in certain situations. However, agile is about discovering new ways of working, and evolving processes are a part of that experience. Water-Scrum-Fall should just be a temporary step in the evolution of a company’s software organization. 

from Feed

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