Sunday, December 30, 2018

React.js and Front-End Development

With more than 1,300 developers and over 94,000 sites utilizing React.js, it wouldn't be an overstatement to call React the future of front-end development. After all, Fortune 500 companies like Facebook, PayPal, Uber, Instagram, and Airbnb utilize this JavaScript-based UI library for a major part of their applications’ front-end development for web as well as mobile.

Before React Arrived

When React came around, Angular was the only major contender in the JS framework space. While Angular was a very complete framework (it still is), it was a nightmare for developers. They had to do a lot of coding, and with a steep learning curve even for seasoned JavaScript developers, AngularJS was never the most desirable way to build JS applications. It has more functionalities than most developers need.

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