Friday, September 30, 2022

node_modules: How one character saved 50 GB of disk space

submitted by /u/feross
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from programming

How can I program the text loading animation that occurs at the end of the mission in metal gear rising revengeance when the game shows you the stats?

Any C,C++ or python program or function for this effect?

submitted by /u/Ahmed_Mohiuddin
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from programming

Speed up your PowerShell oh-my-posh $profile import with an "instant prompt"

submitted by /u/Sidneys1
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from programming

React Hooks - A Short Introduction

In this tutorial, we'll go over how to use and understand React Hooks. This article is an extension of article how-to-manage-state-with-hooks-on-react-components. It has been expanded with other Hooks and logic and Lessons Learned.

Here we create a simple product page with a shopping cart (see image 2). The shopping cart represents the memory (or the 'state') of the product page. The state generally refers to application data that must be tracked.

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The Rust based MQTT broker (Rumqtt) gets new internals

submitted by /u/l1cache
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submitted by /u/fagnerbrack
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Test Automation Strategy

submitted by /u/spruce-bruce
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from programming

Thursday, September 29, 2022

Using Rails Service Objects

If you're developing web apps using Ruby on Rails, you probably already know that Rails is an MVC (Model-View-Controller) framework, which means that you have your Models responsible for data, Views responsible for templates, and Controllers responsible for request handling. But the bigger your app gets, the more features it has - the more business logic you will have. And here comes the question, where do you put your business logic? Obviously, it's not viewed that should handle it. Controllers or Models? That will make them fat and unreadable pretty soon. That's where Service Objects come to the rescue. In this article, we'll find out what are Rails Service Objects and how you can use them to make your app cleaner and keep it maintainable.

Let's say you have a project for handling cab trips; we'll take a look at the particular controller action, which updates trip records. But it should not only update trips based on user input params (e.g., starting address, destination address, riders count, etc.), but it should also calculate some fields based on those params and save them to the database. So, we have a controller action like this:

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Chrome 107 Beta

submitted by /u/myroon5
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from programming

Is it time to retire C and C++ for Rust in new programs?

submitted by /u/CrankyBear
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Chrome 107 beta

submitted by /u/feross
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from programming

Hey guys! wanted to ask if anyone knows how to change up an old garage remote with a wifi chip so i can turn off or disturb for example a Projector? this is actually not a joke and im not trying to sabotage anything from anyone, just wanna get into this stuff :)

like this for example

submitted by /u/deelliotth
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from programming

Interactively Visualize Data with Python and Bokeh | Fast & Powerful Data Viz

submitted by /u/AnalysisParalysis93
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⚔️ CSS Battle #17 | Candle

submitted by /u/ksbisht941
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from programming

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Microsoft’s M12 led $20M investment in web3 platform Space and Time to bring SQL to web3

submitted by /u/No_Excitement_1082
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from programming

Apple AirPods Pro Like Animation | Scrolling Headphone Animation with HTML, CSS & JS

submitted by /u/ksbisht941
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from programming

What Is Web 3.0 and Why It’s Important

Have you noticed how Google Maps predicts the estimated time of your arrival more and more precisely? How has Siri become better and better at understanding your requests? Have you ever bought Cryptocurrency or NFT?  Maybe you know someone who has. All these technologies are a small glimpse of the upcoming Web 3.0 - the newest iteration of the Web based on technologies such as blockchain and machine learning.

The web is standing for "World Wide Web," which is the primary information retrieval mechanism on the internet. Terms the Web and the Internet can often be used interchangeably. In the history of the Internet, we had 2 phases of its evolution. The original Web 1.0. was the very first version of the Internet that lasted from 1991 till 2004. Web 2.0. is the current version of the Web that we all are familiar with. Web 3 or Web 3.0 is the next step in the evolution of the Internet. Let's take a deeper dive into the Web's history to get a better understanding of what's to come next and look at the opportunities and challenges that Web 3.0 creates.

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MNT's Reform is an open source PC that fits in your pocket

submitted by /u/feross
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from programming

Palindrome Program in Java

A Java interview will most likely involve a scenario in which candidates will have to demonstrate their logical and programming skills, as well as their experience, as part of their evaluation of the candidate. Among the most common questions asked in interviews is "Can you write a palindrome program in Java?" This is also one of the most challenging questions to answer. Palindromes are nothing more than numbers or strings that remain unchanged when reversed, while a non-palindrome is the opposite of it. It is obvious that when letters are reversed, they form mirror images of one another. Originally from the Greek language, palindromes are numbers, words, or sets of characters that are spelt the same way forward and backwards. Among the many examples of palindromes are 686, 1401042, 95359, 7007, Malayalam, Radar, MAAM, Radar, Level, etc.  Upon reversing the letters, it is evident that they form mirror images of one another. With the remainder and division operators in Java, we can create a code that checks if a particular number is a palindrome or if it is not.

In this article, we will learn how to check whether the input number is a palindrome or a number that is not a palindrome. Here we will discuss what is palindrome, what is palindrome number, as well as a sample palindrome program in Java. The first step to understanding Java's implementation of palindromes involves understanding the concept of palindromes. 

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Roberto Ierusalimschy's DConf '22 talk on the Lua and Pallene languages

submitted by /u/aldacron
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from programming

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

What is System Design? Types of IP Addresses, OSI models, and TCP/UDP Protocols.

submitted by /u/nandank93
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from programming

8 Stunning Python Dictionary Tricks That Make Your Code Elegant

submitted by /u/yangzhou1993
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from programming

Realtime React Coding in ClojureScript

I love ClojureScript. The language, the look, and the feeling when I type the code to make my React components with it make me stay up all night. It actually did yesterday when I try to pick up on a friend set up and get back to a modern environment to do my coding.

Let’s walk through the first few steps to get to a setup with a React counter in ClojureScript, all this with live code reloading from VSCode.

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⚔️ CSS Battle #17 | Snowman

submitted by /u/ksbisht941
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from programming

Developing RESTful APIs with Python and Flask

submitted by /u/robertinoc
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Pagination With Spring Data Elasticsearch 4.4

Some time ago, I wrote the Introduction to Spring Data Elasticsearch 4.1 article. As I promised, I want to continue with a search feature. More specifically, the topic is its pagination part. Therefore, this article has these goals:

  1. Update my sat-elk project to use Spring Data Elasticsearch 4.4
  2. See several options to paginate results

Note: I recommend reading the previous article in order to understand the City domain which is used below. It's not needed from the technical point of view, but it can help to understand the presented examples more.

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Monday, September 26, 2022

Practical Systems Awareness

submitted by /u/bitter-cognac
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from programming

Use of Transient Variable in JavaScript With Camunda External Task

In this article, let’s see how to use transient variables while using javascript to implement Camunda external task.


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Starting an API-first Company

You’ve developed an amazing API product. Fantastic. But that’s just the beginning of your journey. Starting an API-first company brings with it a whole host of unique challenges for you to face along the way. Based on my own experience of founding an API-first company, I've shared some insights below to help you avoid some of the pitfalls and make the most of the opportunities that lie before you.

API-first” can mean different things to different people. However, for the purposes of this article, we’re referring to companies that publish APIs as their primary product and make money by selling their APIs to other businesses.

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30 PHP best courses 100% off for limited time on Udemy

submitted by /u/kaleem12313
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from programming

Become a Professional Software Developer in 20 Minutes

Becoming a professional software developer typically requires 5 years of learning before you’re even a junior developer. To understand why let’s go through everything you need to learn if you want to become a “full stack”.

  • PHP or some backend programming language
  • SQL to manipulate data in your database
  • HTML
  • JavaScript
  • CSS
  • Basic HTTP
  • Etc …

The above is the minimum knowledge required to learn before you can land a job as a junior software developer. However, I have another path, allowing you to “frog leap” everything from the above list, and become a professional software developer literally in 20 minutes. And it’s arguably summed up in the slogan for Aista.

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JavaScript Course for free 2022 From Zero to Expert

submitted by /u/usemynotes
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from programming

Sunday, September 25, 2022

Which should I learn JAVA or C#?

submitted by /u/Fad3l
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from programming

GNOME Builder 43.0 is out

submitted by /u/CrankyBear
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from programming

OSINT and Top 15 Open-source Intelligence Tools

OSINT is an acronym for open-source intelligence and forms one of the key concepts in building a robust cybersecurity system. OSINT is the practice of collecting information from already published sources or public sources available on the internet. The OSINT operation process performed by IT operatives, malicious actors, or sanctioned intelligence operatives uses advanced search techniques that are publicly available to gather information. Open source in OSINT doesn’t refer to open-source software movement but rather points to the public nature of the data, which is freely available on the internet. Collating data helps in many ways, such as building a robust cybersecurity system by reducing your attack surface and securing information available publicly. It also helps you gain a competitive advantage and get a jump start on your competitors. Simple OSINT examples include:
  • Asking questions on any search engine.
  • Research public forums on the latest mobile technologies.
  • Watch a YouTube video on how to make a certain delicacy.

Watch a YouTube video on how to make a certain delicacy

Importance of OSINT

OSINT, in general, helps an organization keep tabs on public information. It also helps in reducing the potential attack surface and thus prevents breaches and leaks. For example, the following tasks are done with the help of OSINT.

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We don't have the Internet in Iran, and the government is suppressing us on the streets. Dear programmers, help the Anonymous hackers to hack the Iranian government websites. Help us.

submitted by /u/erfaniaa
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from programming

Template-based PDF Document Generation in Java

In my previous article, I wrote about how we can seamlessly generate template-based documents in our javascript application using EDocGen. 

As a Java developer, I have worked on creating backend applications for e-commerce and healthcare enterprises where the requirement for document generation is vast. And they have mostly done in java spring boot application. This made me think, why not write an article on the Template-Based PDF Document Generation in Java? 

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Create and deploy a Discord bot in Rust, in under 20 minutes (for free)

submitted by /u/openquery
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from programming

What does getting to the front of Hacker News look like? | Hulacorn Blog

submitted by /u/podgeypoos
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from programming

Saturday, September 24, 2022

Get in Zoomer, We're Saving React

submitted by /u/zxyzyxz
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from programming

Simulating a CRT TV with C++ and OpenGL

submitted by /u/TheoreticalPerson
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⚔️ CSS Battle #16 | Reflection

submitted by /u/ksbisht941
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from programming

When To Use Request-response With Apache Kafka?

How can I do request-response communication with Apache Kafka? That's one of the most common questions I get regularly. This blog post explores when (not) to use this message exchange pattern, the differences between synchronous and asynchronous communication, the pros and cons compared to CQRS and event sourcing, and how to implement request-response within the data streaming infrastructure.

Message Queue Patterns in Data Streaming With Apache Kafka

Before I go into this post, I want to make you aware that this content is part of a blog series about “JMS, Message Queues, and Apache Kafka”:

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Fools! Stop Mysticizing System Dynamics

submitted by /u/twitchard
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from programming

Turn Your App into a Handy Health Assistant

Personalized health records and visual tools have been a godsend for digital health management, giving users the tools to conveniently track their health on their mobile phones. From diet to weight and fitness and beyond, storing, managing, and sharing health data has never been easier. Users can track their health over a specific period of time, like a week or a month, to identify potential diseases in a timely manner, and to lead a healthy lifestyle. Moreover, with personalized health records in hand, trips to the doctor now lead to quicker and more accurate diagnoses. HMS Core Health Kit takes this new paradigm into overdrive, opening up a wealth of capabilities that can endow your health app with nimble, user-friendly features.
In this article, I will show you how to turn an app into a handy health assistant using Health Kit. The app will be able to obtain users' health data on the cloud from the Huawei Health app, after obtaining users' authorization, and then display the data to users. Hope you will find this helps.



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Why DRY is the most over-rated programming principle

submitted by /u/fagnerbrack
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from programming

Friday, September 23, 2022

Crosspost: How do you ensure that a distributed app is working as expected?

submitted by /u/falsityimpliesall
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from programming

Jit and ZAP: Improving programming security

submitted by /u/CrankyBear
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from programming

[DZone Survey] Calling All SRE and IT Ops Professionals to Take our Performance and Observability Survey!

The concept of observability was introduced a little over 60 years ago as a notion related to control theory, systems theory, and signal processing. Today, modern observability is still very much focused on looking at systems’ outputs to determine their internal states. Sprinkle in site reliability engineering, and there should be little to no performance issues in distributed systems, right? In an ideal world, yes, but in reality, there is still work to be done.

And this is where we could use your insights!

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Introduction to ReactJS

submitted by /u/dcortesnet123
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from programming

Algorithms & data structures implemented in many programming languages

submitted by /u/feross
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from programming

Announcing TypeScript 4.9 Beta

submitted by /u/DanielRosenwasser
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Using Pulumi to deal with growing pains

submitted by /u/mgdo
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submitted by /u/Simulation_ASMR
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from programming

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Strategies for Governing Data Quality, Accuracy, and Consistency

This is an article from DZone's 2022 Database Systems Trend Report.

For more:

Read the Report


In 2006, mathematician and entrepreneur Clive Humby coined the phrase, "Data is the new oil." The primary point of this comparison is to highlight that, while extremely useful, data must be extracted, processed, and refined before its full value can be realized. Now over fifteen years later, it is easier than ever to accumulate data, but many businesses still face challenges ensuring that the data captured is both complete and correct.

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AI Programming - A* Pathfinding Algorithm - Intermediate Course

submitted by /u/AllSortsOfProducts
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from programming

Mobile Database Essentials

Relational, NoSQL, cloud-based, embedded, multi-model — the database options are endless. When selecting the right database, it is important to explore essential components like local data storage, synchronization, security, and more. In this Refcard, assess critical data needs, storage requirements, and more when leveraging databases for cloud and edge applications.

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How to Continuously Locate a Device in the Background

Nowadays, apps use device locations to provide a wide variety of services. You may want to see a user's location to show services around them, learn the habits of users in different areas, or perform location-based actions, like a ride-hailing app calculating travel distance and trip fare.

In order to protect user privacy, however, most apps request device location only when they run in the foreground. Once switched to the background, or even with the device screen turned off, apps are usually not allowed to request device location. As a result, they cannot record the GPS track of a device, which negatively affects the user experience of core functions of many apps, such as ride-hailing, trip-sharing, and exercise, all of which need to track location in real time.

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NATS: you need it now!

submitted by /u/feross
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from programming

Coding Made AI—Now, How Will AI Unmake Coding? | It won’t replace many coding jobs, but many coding jobs will be increasingly AI-dependent

submitted by /u/Tao_Dragon
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from programming

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

A Web Server with io_uring

submitted by /u/eatonphil
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from programming

CockroachDB Multiregion Abstractions for MongoDB Developers With Ferretdb

What started as an experiment turned into a series of articles on FerretDB and CockroachDB. There are a lot of untapped opportunities realized by FerretDB backed by CockroachDB; some of those capabilities are computed columns with secondary indexes, partial indexes, constraints, spatial capabilities, JSONB operators, multi-region abstractions and of course correctness and consistency. Today, we're going to discuss CockroachDB multi-region capabilities and how they can help the MongoDB converts.

High-level Steps

  • Start a 9-node multi-region cluster (CockroachDB Dedicated)
  • Start FerretDB (Docker)
  • Multiregion
    • GLOBAL
    • Follower Reads
  • Considerations
  • Conclusion

Step-by-Step Instructions

Start a 9-Node Multi-region Cluster (Cockroachdb Dedicated)

I am going to use the same CockroachDB Dedicated cluster from the previous article. Please refer to the previous article for the detailed steps. You can get a 30-day trial of CockroachDB Dedicated following this link.

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Create an emoji ball-drop game with Matter.js

submitted by /u/olvrng
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from programming

How to Solo Stake on Ethereum After The Merge

Ethereum’s transition to Proof-of-Stake (dubbed The Merge) is easily the most significant and anticipated improvement of the blockchain network since its genesis in 2015. The Merge has been in the works for as long as Ethereum has been live, and it will occur at Total Terminal Difficulty (TTD) 58750000000000000000000, or somewhere between September 13th and 15th.  

The Ethereum community, whether they are developers, stakers, or end-users, obviously have many questions related to preparing themselves for the Merge, depending on how they interact or build on top of the network. 

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How we Abused Repository Webhooks to Access Internal CI Systems at Scale

submitted by /u/Hefty_Knowledge_7449
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from programming

How To Monitor Your Machine With One Spectacular CLI Tool

submitted by /u/ablx0000
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from programming

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Non-blocking Database Migrations

Database migrations are a common part of any web application. They are used to update the database schema to match the application's code. In a traditional web application, the database migrations are run synchronously, which means that the application is blocked until the migration is complete. This is not ideal, as it means that the application is unavailable to users during the migration. Long past the days when stopping the service for maintenance was acceptable; we need to be able to run migrations without blocking the application.

It's easy to perform database migrations in small databases or if you have no load. But what if you have a large database and a lot of users?

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Pandas, CuDF, Modin, Arrow, Spark and a Billion Taxi Rides

submitted by /u/ashvar
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from programming

Recommendation System Explained- Build an Movie Recommendation App

submitted by /u/trj_flash75
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Short Ruby Newsletter - with curated weekly fresh content about Ruby and Rails

submitted by /u/gls2ro
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What Is Low-code and No-code? And, What’s Their Future?

The need for developers in the market is at an all-time high. However, there is still a lack of talent in the market that can stall business projects for months. To solve it, businesses use low-code/no-code(LCNC) development to create products. It also gives rise to Citizen developers, subject-area specialists participating in the app development process using LCNC platforms. 

Intrigued by the idea of developing an application without writing a single line of code? Then, keep reading as we’ll explore low-code/no-code, learn how it works, and understand its ecosystem. We'll also learn about the difference between low-code and no-code development platforms and also look at low-code/no code's future. Let’s get started.

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Web Scraping with Python (An Ultimate Guide)

submitted by /u/yakult2450
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from programming

Monday, September 19, 2022

Haskell operator Glossary

submitted by /u/pmz
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from programming

Top 7 Observability Tools for a Rapid Digital Transformation

Developers worldwide are adopting a microservices architecture to deploy their applications across distributed environments. The need for a comprehensive observability solution has naturally become more significant with the rise of distributed app architecture. Tracking and troubleshooting the components within the environment is challenging, though. Organizations need visibility into these components to understand their application behavior. 

And that is where observability tools come into action. But before going deeper into observability tools, let’s understand what observability is. It’s a methodology to observe and regulate the systems autonomously. Organizations are gradually opting for polyglot microservices to reduce cloud complexities and enhance the productivity of their developers. 

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How the industry is killing creativity

submitted by /u/aadhav__
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from programming

How I’m a Productive Programmer With a Memory of a Fruit Fly

submitted by /u/speckz
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React JS Roadmap 2022 | React Learning Path From Basic To Pro

submitted by /u/vjtechnowizard
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from programming

Sunday, September 18, 2022

Visualizing how S3 deletes 1 billion objects with Athena and Rust

submitted by /u/Most-Loss5834
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from programming

if Challenge

submitted by /u/academy-award
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from programming

Beginner here. Which programming language to begin with to learn programming? I think of starting with java.

submitted by /u/heLegend_007
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from programming

How To Create a Restful Web Service Using Tibco Business Works 6 (BW6) Or Container Edition (BWCE)

TIBCO Active Matrix Business Works is a middleware product which serves as an integrated foundation for mission-critical IT environments. Powered by a next-generation foundation that includes an Eclipse-based design-time, a powerful process engine and a modular OSGi-based run-time, Business Works 6 enables developers to create new services, orchestrate business processes and integrate applications in the shortest time possible.

In this tutorial, we will see how to create a RESTful Web Service using TIBCO Business Works 6 (BW6) or Container Edition (BWCE). TIBCO Business Works Container Edition allows customers to leverage the power and functionality of TIBCO Active Matrix Business Works in order to build cloud-native applications with an API-first approach and deploy it to container-based PaaS platforms such as Cloud Foundry, Kubernetes and OpenShift or to similar Docker-supported cloud platforms.

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Image processing with Python and Pillow

submitted by /u/bajcmartinez
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from programming

Principles for Building Kubernetes Operators

The automation of data services on Kubernetes is increasing in popularity. And running stateful workloads on K8s means using operators. But engineers are often surprised by the complexity of writing a Kubernetes operator, which impacts end-users. The Data on Kubernetes 2021 Report found that the quality of Kubernetes operators was blocking companies from further expanding their data on Kubernetes footprint. 

Anynines CEO Julian Fischer – who has built automation tools for nearly a decade – knows a lot about dealing with the complexity of doing stateful on cloud-native platforms and distributed infrastructure such as Kubernetes.

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Saturday, September 17, 2022

Programmi di fidelizzazione della clientela: investimenti

submitted by /u/eCommerceVolution
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from programming

The most in-demand specialties in the remote job market 2022

submitted by /u/Erbeh
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Distributed Tracing with Quarkus, Python, Open Telemetry and Jaeger

submitted by /u/bitter-cognac
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from programming

Hello everyone, I wrote information about what is widget in Flutter. I share my experiences with you, I hope it will be useful. waiting for your feedback Note: There will be a continuation of the Flutter article series. :)

submitted by /u/Smtrbci
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from programming

C++ unsigned __int128 Just As Fast As uint64_t On GCC 11

submitted by /u/EducationalCicada
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from programming

uber hack news detailed analysis

submitted by /u/AggressiveSchedule74
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from programming

Friday, September 16, 2022

Fidelizzazione clienti: il mercato del loyalty management

submitted by /u/eCommerceVolution
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from programming

Web Development Hackathon on Replit!

submitted by /u/Hugoonreplit
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from programming

Compliance Automated Standard Solution (COMPASS), Part 2: Trestle SDK

In part 1 of this multi-part blog series on continuous compliance, we detailed the personas and their role in the compliance processes. We concluded that the key to achieving compliance automation and hence continuous compliance is the compliance artifacts programmatic representation, as code, expressed in generic and standard security language terms.

In this blog post, we introduce Trestle, our open-source implementation of the NIST Open Security Control Assessment Language (OSCAL) standard framework adopted as a workflow automation of compliance artifacts managed as compliance as code. Trestle enables those diverse personas to collaboratively author the compliance artifacts and offers a platform and OSCAL SDK for teams to automate their specific native processes and formats. Trestle implicitly provides a core opinionated workflow driven by its pipeline to allow standardized interlocks with other compliance tooling platforms.

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Module system in Node.js (CommonJS)

submitted by /u/dcortesnet123
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from programming

You might be using tutorials wrong, Here's a tutorial on how to use tutorials to learn programming

submitted by /u/xArci
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How to allow clients to host our website

submitted by /u/rushilp2311
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Introducing the Semantic Graph

submitted by /u/davidmezzetti
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from programming

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Gli indicatori per comprendere i programmi di fidelizzazione

submitted by /u/eCommerceVolution
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from programming

How to compute the Betweenness Centrality against open source graph database

submitted by /u/wineandcode
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15 Uses of Cat Commands in Linux

submitted by /u/yangzhou1993
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The Hawai'i #CancerMoonshot - how you can help

submitted by /u/breck
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from programming

Best part of my day is adding an entry to the changelog :)

submitted by /u/mitousa
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from programming

For fans of the Digirule-1970s-blinkenlights-computer-ruler, here comes how to multiply two 24bit numbers in pure machine language:

submitted by /u/NinoIvanov
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from programming

Why Mutability Is Essential for Real-Time Data Analytics

Successful data-driven companies like Uber, Facebook, and Amazon rely on real-time analytics. Personalizing customer experiences for e-commerce, managing fleets and supply chains, and automating internal operations require instant insights into the freshest data.

To deliver real-time analytics, companies need a modern technology infrastructure that includes three things:

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Figma CEO Dylan Field in 2021: "Our goal is to be Figma not Adobe"

submitted by /u/dominik-braun
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from programming

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Someone made Minecraft in Minecraft with a redstone computer (with CPU, GPU and a low-res screen)

submitted by /u/StyMaar
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from programming

TIL "Hyrum's Law" is a based on Hyrum Wirght, a real engineer at Google whose coworkers - after hearing him frequently refer to an already known phenomenon without a name - referred to it as "his law." It's now the accepted name for it across all of engineering.

submitted by /u/thecharmingconflict
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from programming

Discord Talk Sept 22 at 12:30 EDT: Data Labeling and Versioning for Production ML Model Retraining

submitted by /u/modzykirsten
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from programming

Utilizing Google Cloud to Enable the Future of Intelligent Software Testing

A few years ago, our team set out to solve a growing problem for today’s agile development teams: web application testing. We focused on QA automation because it is the most acute pain point for many teams hoping to realize their full DevOps potential. While there are dozens of solutions for testing application quality, most were built for a different era of installed, on-premise software that changed infrequently. In a cloud-native world that expects rapid development cycles, it was clear that a new solution was needed.

Our goal was to create a test automation platform that would fit seamlessly into today’s fast-paced Quality Engineering (QE) landscape  - a concept that urges teams to create a culture of quality where the silos kept QA and DevOps at odds no longer exist. We also wanted to simplify the test automation problem through the use of machine intelligence. We knew that modern QE teams wanted to avoid the burden of installing, configuring, managing, and scaling a testing solution, so we developed our platform to be a cloud-native SaaS. 

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Complete firebase authentication tutorial - Firebase Authentication in A...

submitted by /u/larntech
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from programming

Getting Started With Nose2 in Python

Nose2 is a popular test runner in Python that can detect the unit tests in your project and execute them. If you are familiar with unittest – Python’s standard library and prefer the same over other test automation frameworks in Python – then you should have a brief look at Nose2 Python.

Nose2 Python is based on unittest and adds more value to the framework through its rich plugin ecosystem. In simple terms, Nose2 is an extension of the unittest module. Our earlier blog on Selenium Python Nose tutorial took a deep dive into the older version of Nose (1.3.7). It is still being used by a certain percentage of the development and test fraternity.

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What are data apps?

submitted by /u/igorlukanin
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from programming

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Announcing The Unicode® Standard, Version 15.0

submitted by /u/alexendoo
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Event Sourcing explained

submitted by /u/Happycodeine
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I simulated the propagation of a virus to get an epidemic curve

submitted by /u/lucesh1
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How to Make Data Anomaly Resolution Less Cartoonish

You know that cartoon trope where a leak springs in the dike, and the character quickly plugs it with a finger, only to find another leak has sprung that needs to be plugged, and so on, until there are no more fingers or the entire dam bursts?

Data engineers know that feeling all too well.

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Grandma of computer programming Grace Hopper quotes

submitted by /u/Ok-Building-649
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from programming

Monday, September 12, 2022

cppq - Simple, reliable & efficient distributed task queue for C++17. Backed by Redis.

submitted by /u/jafarlihi
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submitted by /u/bresciapc
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Amazon EMR and Apache Ranger Automated Installation and Integration Solutions (1): OpenLDAP + EMR-Native Ranger

System security usually includes two core topics: Authentication and Authorization. One solves the problem of "Who is s/he?" the other solves the problem of "Does s/he have permission to perform an operation?" In big data area, Apache Ranger is the most popular choice for authorization; it supports all mainstream big data components, including HDFS, Hive, HBase and so on. As Amazon EMR rolls out the native ranger (plugins) feature, users can also manage the authorization of EMRFS(S3) and Spark. For authentication, an organization usually has its own centralized authentication infrastructure, i.e., Windows AD or OpenLDAP; however, for most big data components, Kerberos is only supported authentication mechanism, so users usually need to integrate Windows AD/OpenLDAP and Kerberos together to unify authentication.

This is a series of articles. We will focus on how to implement automated installation and integration for Amazon EMR and Apache Ranger. This series is composed of four articles; each article will introduce a completed solution against different technology stacks.

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WebC is for single file Web Components

submitted by /u/feross
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from programming

How to Get Code Ready for Microservices

Are you thinking about whether to adapt microservices architecture? If you choose to adapt it, do you know how? I strongly recommend refactoring the code base first to make it ready for microservices. Even if you decide not to adapt microservices (for now), it’s good to go through this code evolution anyway. It has many advantages and just a few disadvantages. Let’s see it.

First of all: we use Java 11 and Spring Framework, which is considered an industry standard. Using Spring or, preferably, Spring Boot is highly recommended when you are even considering adapting microservices.

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Spectre Attack Lab

submitted by /u/aclinical
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from programming

Sunday, September 11, 2022

Blitsort: An in-place stable sorting algorithm faster than pdqsort

submitted by /u/MrDum
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from programming

Should you develop your own frontend library? DCL is my attempt at creating a JavaScript SPA framework:

submitted by /u/Danidre
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5 Levels of Using deque in Python — Explaining with Real Interview Questions

submitted by /u/yangzhou1993
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Adding search to an Astro based static site with Preact

submitted by /u/LloydAtkinson
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YouTube meets VSCode

submitted by /u/Infinite-Bird-5386
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Perfecting WebGPU/Dawn native graphics for Zig

submitted by /u/slimsag
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Master the Android Studio and Become a better Android Developer - The An...

submitted by /u/larntech
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Saturday, September 10, 2022

Using HTML 5 & CSS3 For Teachers and Parents

submitted by /u/ezsou
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from programming

Have you ever try to print 0.1*0.1? I was surprised to see that the answer was not 0.01 but something weird instead... But why? Well, I tried to simplify everything as much as possible and this is the answer

submitted by /u/fluttermapp
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from programming

Is it illegal to hack a machine learning model?

submitted by /u/verfahrensweise
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API Key Authentication in ASP.NET Core Web API

submitted by /u/TheDotnetoffice
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NFT Project Landing Page | Flowmorphism Background Animation | Speed Code

submitted by /u/ksbisht941
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Golang to python converter [By Source to Source]

submitted by /u/CPROGRAMMERS
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Friday, September 9, 2022

Quality is systemic

submitted by /u/feross
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Parallel curves of cubic Béziers

submitted by /u/agumonkey
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from programmingéziers/

The Orton Effect - a dreamy photo filter, using CSS

submitted by /u/irreverentmike
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Static site hosting hurdles

submitted by /u/feross
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A web UI for Stable Diffusion

submitted by /u/feross
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Go Language: Vulnerability Management Tools

submitted by /u/Puzzleheaded_Ad4030
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Thursday, September 8, 2022

Observability Maturity Model

Modern systems and applications span numerous architectures and technologies — they are also becoming increasingly more dynamic, distributed, and modular in nature. In order to support the availability and performance of their systems, IT operations and SRE teams need advanced monitoring capabilities. This Refcard reviews the four distinct levels of observability maturity, key functionality at each stage, and next steps organizations should take to enhance their monitoring practices.

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4 ways to stitch, integrate, compose & federate multiple GraphQL APIs

submitted by /u/Savram8
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from programming

Learn Docker - The Easy Way

submitted by /u/percybolmer
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How to Get the Most Out of IIoT Solutions By Maximizing the Potential of Embedded Systems

In the recent ten years, the Internet of Things has shown itself as a breakthrough solution for delivering more informed business strategies, improving customers’ experience, managing assets, automating processes, performing predictive maintenance, and so on. A large role here was played by embedded solutions – hardware and software systems which contribute to the high performance of the whole IoT ecosystem. However, there is no universal method of organizing and deploying the embedded IoT system to guarantee its complete success. On a case-by-case basis, embedded IIoT solutions providers, manufacturers, developers, and business owners have to decide which “things” to equip, how to customize solutions, and how to save without causing harm. However, the future seems to belong to the IoT embedded. 

As McKinsey reports, by 2030, total revenue for 5G IoT embedded modules will increase more than 50 times! This is partly due to deep learning processors and neural processors contributing to exponential growth in performance and energy efficiency of embedded computing systems. However, to make it real, manufacturers of the ready-made solutions have to study deeply the demand to produce off-the-shelf modules for customers’ specific needs. Despite there being an abundance of ready-made embedded systems on the market today, they are not always in strict adherence to customers' business goals. At some point, the question might arise of reducing the cost of a solution in mass production and of a unique form factor or minimizing the dimensions of the devices. All these factors reinforce the need for custom embedded hardware and software development. This article focuses on the main points to consider while designing an embedded system within IIoT solutions to make it capable of improving business.

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Running PostgreSQL Inside Your Browser

submitted by /u/pmz
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Mesh Shading for Vulkan

submitted by /u/Doener23
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Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Building a Discord PR collaboration tool in an hour

submitted by /u/virtuzz
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from programming

Predictions for the Future of DevOps

DevOps is becoming more important than ever as businesses move toward digital transformation. It has become an urgent need for today's IT (Information Technology) companies to bridge the gap between their development and operations departments. DevOps has helped speed up and improve software delivery, improve customer satisfaction, shorten the time it takes to get a product on the market, and much more. Because of this, DevOps practices have become important for most businesses and are becoming more well-known over time. The size of the DevOps market is expected to grow from $2.90 billion in 2017 to $10.31 billion in 2023, according to a report by Markets and Markets. 

DevOps has grown to meet the needs of the changing business world and the fast-paced development of innovative technology. Let us look at a few of the predictions for the Future of DevOps in 2022 that are expected to change the business world shortly. 

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Analyzing Every Clojure Project on Github

submitted by /u/DrinkMoreCodeMore
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from programming

Solving The Pull Request Problem With Continuous Merge

Fact: the state of pull requests is broken and we finally have the data to prove it. In our latest LinearB Labs episode, we reveal the information that has led us to the inevitable conclusion that pull requests have become a massive source of toil, bottlenecks, and a huge barrier to shipping.

Dev interrupted on DZone image
Better yet, two people who have been thinking about how to attack this dev workflow issue, Dan Lines and Ori Keren of LinearB, are ready to actually propose a solution: continuous merge.

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An overview of Node.js: architecture, APIs, event loop, concurrency

submitted by /u/mariuz
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from programming

before starting flutter!!

submitted by /u/darkside2301
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from programming

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

5 Levels of Generating Weighted Random Numbers in Python

submitted by /u/yangzhou1993
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from programming

Logistics Management Software Explained in Plain Language

Have you ever dreamed of making or taking your company to the level of Amazon? Of course, Amazon didn't become one of the most valuable brands in the world. But still, do you think it could get this bigger if Jeff Bezos would not put his maximum effort, take risks, and keep his small book-selling site up-to-date with modern technologies? 

We all know that Amazon does automate not only its operations but also streamlines the business for sellers who use the platform. Unsurprisingly, we all indulge in Amazon's faster delivery, low prices, and simple returns. So, what is the secret behind it? 

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Building WunderGraph Cloud in public

submitted by /u/Savram8
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from programming

Migrating ASP .NET Core 3.1 Web Application to ASP .NET Core 6

.NET 6 unifies the .NET platform for the future. It also introduces plenty of exciting new features along the way. It has achieved the one .NET Vision of Microsoft and also opens up new horizons for existing .NET developers. Improved performance, C# 10 features, and hot-reload are just a few of the reasons you would want to transition to .NET 6 and ASP .NET Core 6.

You can check the official ASP.NET Core 6.0 documentation for more details about what’s new in ASP .NET Core 6.

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Requirements engineering in a highly complex, almost chaotic environment — A case study about the…

submitted by /u/Astramann
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from programming

Monday, September 5, 2022

Archiving Composition Over the Heritage With CDI Decorator and Delegator

Composite over inheritance is an OOP design principle we've followed for several years. Like me, you might have seen it in the Effective Java book, and we have wanted to pursue it since then. 

The inheritance brings several pitfalls, such as maintainability and a clear code. Beyond the semantics, the sample that I love to use is the cake that needs Salt. It does not make sense for a Cake to extend a Sea only because it needs Salt. In this case, it is a much better composition as well. 

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My first video on the philosophy and motivation behind microservices

submitted by /u/devagrawal09
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Bottom Navigation Bar With ONLY HTML + CSS

submitted by /u/Confident-Repeat-963
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Golang Attack Campaign Tracked as GO#WEBBFUSCATOR Applies James Webb Space Telescope Images as Lures to Infect Systems

submitted by /u/alertnoalert
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from programming

How to Design Software Architecture: Top Tips and Best Practices

Good software design is essential to a system's functioning and integrity. It enhances performance, improves quality, increases scalability, and makes the system more manageable and maintainable. A sound business strategy, quality attributes, human dynamics, design, and the IT environment influence software architecture and design. The write-up below solves further queries about the software's architecture and design aspects.

What Is Software Architecture?

Software architecture is how a system is organized. This structure encompasses all elements, their interactions, the setting in which they function, and the design concepts that guide the software. It includes a set of software architecture principles for you to follow. 

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Adrian Sampson: Program Synthesis is Possible

submitted by /u/pmz
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from programming

Saturday, September 3, 2022

Logistics Automation to Strengthen Process Efficiency

The timely and perfect conveyance of resources to people is the cornerstone of logistics systems. Despite technological developments, manufacturers, suppliers, and distributors are continually seeking effective alternatives to get their products to potential clients. Businesses may use logistic automation to obtain a competitive advantage over their competitors in this area.

Logistics is one of the large businesses that continuously supports other critical sectors, and we all rely on it in some manner in our everyday lives. This business is valued at more than 5.7 trillion euros and is regarded to be the bedrock of global commerce, and automation has always been a strong fit for the logistics industry.

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Throw Back to the one of the best Zombie games

submitted by /u/medleykush
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from programming

Recently I found an open-source solution to build my own login and auth to replace AWS Cognito, should I use it in production?

submitted by /u/Party_Refuse8887
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from programming

Introduction to Subversion (SVN) - Version Control for Beginners

submitted by /u/AllSortsOfProducts
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from programming

Row Level Security in Hyperlambda and SQL

We’ve always had row-level security in Hyperlambda. However, as of today, row-level security in Hyperlambda and SQL is a declarative feature when generating your CRUD backend. Look at the below screenshot to understand.

The above is a simple table I added to the Aista CRM plugin using SQL Studio. The idea is to have a single table where each user can store notes for later. The “owner” field is the username of who’s note the particular record belongs to. No users should have access to other users’ notes. This idea is called “row level security”. If you reproduce the above database table in SQL Studio then go to the CRUD Generator, and select your database and table, you’ll see something like this if you expand the “owner” column.

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How to create a Triangular Maze - Kruskal's Algorithm for Spanning Tree

submitted by /u/emadehsan
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Under Discussion: The Performance of Python

submitted by /u/pmz
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from programming

Friday, September 2, 2022

Arti v1.0.0 released, rewrite of Tor client in Rust

submitted by /u/TheRealMasonMac
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10x engineering for the rest of us

submitted by /u/coffee_kazoo
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Thanks everyone for helping me to report 10000 crypto scammers on Twitter using Python

submitted by /u/Skayeth
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Smooth Makefile tutor for the weekend 🌱🧠

submitted by /u/clem9nt
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Database Replication: Open-Source Tools and Options

For the past few years, business systems have been generating large amounts of data and need tools to manage the data. One of the business requirements was to copy the primary data to secondary databases. Several popular tools are available in the market to replicate the data from master DB to secondary DB. This article will discuss various open-source tools for DB replication and stream-based replication for real-time.

Replication is the process of sharing/storing information in multiple places to ensure reliability, fault tolerance, and accessibility. The replication options are described as follows:

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Deepfakes: Uncensored AI art model prompts ethics questions – TechCrunch

submitted by /u/4lgedbeast
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Trying out new format with key takeaways. What do you think?

submitted by /u/vonadz
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from programming

Thursday, September 1, 2022

Default Exports in JavaScript Modules Are Terrible

submitted by /u/LloydAtkinson
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from programming

Default Exports in JavaScript Modules Are Terrible

submitted by /u/LloydAtkinson
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from programming

The Future of Observability: OpenTelemetry Adoption

Chronosphere has its eye on the future of observability, and we are constantly talking to companies and industry experts about the observability challenges ahead. Sharing is caring, so we’ve started a video series talking about hot observability topics, and we’re summarizing those discussions in some quick-read blogs.

We kick things off with the spotlight on Chronosphere co-founder and CEO, Martin Mao, who shares his insights with Chronosphere Technical Writer, Chris Ward, about why 2022 will be a big year for OpenTelemetry adoption. 

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MQTT Essentials

The Internet of Things (IoT) has recently gained massive traction. IoT challenges enterprises, small companies, and developers with new problems to solve. While HTTP is the de facto protocol for the human web, communication between machines at scale requires a paradigm shift — steering away from request/response and leading toward publish/subscribe. This is where the ultra-lightweight, massively scalable, open, and easy-to-implement MQTT protocol enters the picture. In this Refcard, we dive into what MQTT is and how it works, including brokers, client libraries, and more.

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How Do I ? --- C# Reference Videos --- Learn C# Programming

submitted by /u/AllSortsOfProducts
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from programming

Advanced Python Techniques Every Programmer Should Know

Python is a versatile programming language that has seen increasing popularity in recent years. If you're looking to up your game as a programmer, you'll want to be familiar with some of the advanced techniques featured in this article. 

These six Python tips will help you develop more effective and efficient code, from object-oriented programming to data structures. These Python tips will help you develop more effective and efficient code.

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